Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1255673-Cellophane
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1255673
A piece touching on the obsessive nature and madness of love.

I first saw her on a Thursday in the canteen. We attended the same university and lunched around the same time. I watched her sit back into the uncomfortable couch against the wall. She bought a muffin. A brown, grainy looking thing and I watched her delicate fingers as she peeled the paper from the food. There was commotion all around me. Other students such as we, fumbling with books at their respective tables. There were folks lunching as her and I had done, yet all my miserable mind could see was her. Her hands were like porcelain. Fingers long and white and nails perfectly manicured, but it was her mouth that infected me. She had lips like plump maraschino cherries, juicy and red. When they parted ever so slightly to take food I could die in that moment. Her hair was curled naturally, dark brown and flowing down the back of her neck. As I watched, I saw her become annoyed with it. She gathered the beautiful locks and bound them with a band on the top of her head. I haven’t told you about her frock. Such a smart thing it was, black and bohemian; a sexy mess. When her strong legs moved, the dress would shift, exposing her milky white skin. My hands would shake when I witnessed this.

It was not until I heard her speak that I became so taken with her. Her voice sounded scratchy and rich, like Christmas pudding. The words that flowed from her plump mouth and the sounds they made were like morning doves. She became mine at that moment. I planned our life together; how we would build a perfect house in a perfect town. How we would raise perfect children; and oh dear reader I have not told you of the making of those children. It was as if the earth opened wide and exploded. The way we would move together was like synchronized fire. I cannot tell you how this woman took over my soul. The words have simply not been given to the human race.

The day she noticed me was like sunshine. Her mouth curled up in a half mooned grin as she nodded her head in my direction. I surely could have fainted, reader. I was a mess completely in love with this creature. I would often wonder what her name was. Could it be Lisa or Anne? Maybe something French like Giselle or Antoinette. When I began thinking of her name that was the point I began to plan our first meeting. I would make my presence felt with this beautiful woman. I would woo her and bring her daisies. I would make her small tarts and package them in red cellophanes tied with pink string and hearts that dangled from them. I would write her poetry and tell her how my lips yearned to taste every part of her body. It was all planned out. She would be mine; there was simply no other way. You see reader, we were meant for each other, I was her king she my queen, there was no other option.

It wasn’t much longer until I put my plan into action. I bought beautiful string and bright red cellophane as I promised myself. I cut out pink and red hearts from construction paper like a child of 5 and I glued fake flowers to the poems I had written, and attached the hearts to the colored string. I tell you reader as surely as I sit in this cell, how perfect my plan was; infallible. She was sure to be taken with me as I was a strapping gent indeed with broad shoulders and a keen look about me. And that night when I followed her home to deliver my treats to her I knew for certain she would fall into my arms and become my wife.

It wasn’t difficult finding her home as I was sneaky as a fox. I wanted to make my entreaties a wonderful surprise, so when I pried the door open she was surely taken back with excitement. How her loose curls fell when I showed her the knife I had brought and how pretty her porcelain skin looked as I bound her hands tightly behind her back. I must tell you reader, she did scream with happiness finally meeting with her beloved and I can only assume those were tears of exquisite joy that fell from her crisp blue eyes. She pleaded with me I can tell you she did play hard to get, but I was able to convince her of my plan. When I placed the beautiful cellophane over her face she knew then how my love did pulse for her. I tied the paper hearts to her ankles which I then tied to her bedposts and then reader, I knew her lust for me matched mine for hers as she began to screech in a ferocious tone. I took that knife that she so loved and cut every bit of her clothing off, can you believe every bit? She was so pleased with what I had done she wept like a child and oh how she trembled for the touch of my hands, nearly shaking her beautiful red, cellophane hood off. What a time we had I can tell you. All of our dreams came true and even after I had sliced her throat she kept her eyes open and fixed upon me.

I cannot describe such love, such an obsessive, wonderful, thrilling, love. How we melted together that night and how she knew that I loved her so. After her blood had begun to flow I collected a bit in a silver cup and toasted her as I drank her in. We were one now, more than any priest could pronounce and our wedding night had been wonderful.

When the police showed up I invited them in for tea and biscuits as I had just put a new pot to boil. They were so excited I tell you they insisted on binding my hands while they had a look about. I can only assume being men of the law, they were checking for poisons I may have put in their tea. The silly men would of course find it was plain earl grey. When I offered then milk and sugar they were so taken back by my hospitality the insisted we leave the flat and that tea and biscuits would be made available at their humble abode. I will say I was rather surprised when they most certainly did not make good on their promise. Instead, I cannot tell you how horribly they treated your humble narrator. Here it was the eve of my matrimony to such a delightful and submissive woman, and the lawmen hand bound my hands and spoken lies. I was quite put off when the sneaky dogs placed me into a stinking pen so ugly and gray, not beautiful like the cellophanes I adorned my dutiful wife with. No indeed there were no paper hearts or colored strings and worst of all not even a photograph of my beloved. I began to weep when I closed my eyes and tasted the remnants of the lovely woman on my lips. The fierce and wretched dealings with these lawmen have brought your humble narrator to the edge. Can you believe not even letting an endearing lover have a picture of his dear girl? Such barbaric men they must be.

I knew that day at the university I would have to prove my love and the terrible men that keep me imprisoned have no understanding or sympathy to my plight. I have begged and pleaded to tell my story, but alas, you dear reader are my only listener. I know your eyes have welled up with salty tears and pity to my situation. You have understood what it is to love so deeply and to be persecuted for a true and manly love. They do not understand the madness of a kind gent in love with a stunner that she was.

This morning the lawmen took me to plead my case. My case I asked? What case? The only case I have is love. When they passed the snapshots of my darling around I was so pleased how at ease she was in front of the camera. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and the beautiful red hood, oh how perfect she’d kept it waiting for me. The lawmen must have told her I was going to see them. Oh a stunner indeed. The magistrate was angry I am sure he too was jealous of the woman I have as most of these men have been. He pounded his hammer over and over as I smiled and explained how sweetly I cut her open and exposed her insides. He claimed he need not hear another word and became quite. I have a feeling he has known love like this before.

They’ve asked me if I’ve any last requests. “Of course” I say “I expect my sweetheart anytime now, please see that she is seen in.” The men shake their heads angrily and spit at my feet. They have all seen her I’m sure, they know the beauty that waits for me. “Lucky Bastard” that’s what they say to themselves, I’m sure of it.

They’ve unlocked my cell now, and grabbed hold of my arms. You’ve finally come for a visit my darling. Even the lawmen can’t contain their happiness for me as they actually smile while they walk me through the doors. I feel the spring breeze on my face as the air rushes over me. A picnic lunch then love? I tell the lawmen “fetch us some tea and biscuits; a little milk and sugar too. They laugh and shake their heads. You must have brought all of our tasty afternoon treats that we loved so well, such a thoughtful girl you are. Ah I love you so, I do.

Up the steps we walk, I simply can’t contain myself where are you darling? What’s this, a black hood over my head? Oh you sneaky foxes, you. A grand surprise you’ve planned haven’t you? You are a darling girl indeed. I can still feel the hands of the lawmen binding my arms and legs. I can only imagine the surprise my darling, oh how my heart beats my love. What’s this rope around my neck I feel? Oh you delicious girl, you’ve gotten me a new tie haven’t you? Kiss me darling…
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