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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1244139
Sadness, Emotions, Feelings, Senses
What do I see when I look around?
What do I hear when I listen?
What do I feel when I am open?
What do I think when I am alone?

I will tell you. I will tell you all of these things, if you feel like staying a while and reading...

I see people getting cheated out of jobs, skin color discrimination and age discrimination. Also sex discrimination, someone would rather hire a fox than an oaf.

I see sexual harrasment being taken to a new level. The disgrace of being put down in the most disgusting ways. Being talked about like some kind of meat.

I see people seeking justice but justice isn't always in favor of the innocent.

I see children, women, mentally disabled and elderly people being abused because they are at a disadvantage to defend themselves.

I see people being robbed of everything they have, even what makes them whole as a human being.

I see people who were raped, raped multiple ways by attackers, the system, the law, and the government.

I see people being taken advantage of by big business but they have nothing else to do, it's their only means of income.

I see hopes held high only to come crashing back down on the heads of the hopefuls.

I see people taking care of children that they think is theirs, they do not realize that they were cheated on.

I see people stealing not only from stores, but homes, businesses, cars, identity, and much more.

I see people on drugs who are no longer themselves, but a more volatile former version of themselves.

I see people drinking themselves to near death because of problems they can no longer face in reality. They are more than willing to drive themselves.

I see people getting beat for the thrill of it, literally pounded on for no apparent reason by others who depend on survival in numbers.

I see people who's children were abducted and are clueless as to their where-abouts.

I see people searching for love only to drive themselves insane to never find what they hope to look for.

I see men and women in abusive relationships who refuse to leave because they think that is what love is.

I see the rainforests being cut down so they have room to build another mall or KFC.

I smell the toxicity of the the cities filth and waste flowing through the only clean and well preserved areas left on God's green earth.

I hear the cries of people who call out for help but never seem to get it....it was all in vain.

I hear the cry of the ocean in whispers as it tries continuously to cleanse itself from the man made filth thrown into it.

I hear the roar of grinding steel, the voice of big businesses and what you get thrown into if you dare oppose them.

I hear tainted gossip, lies, stereotypes, curses, and threats being exchanged by mad lions about to murder eachother.

I feel mankind loosing it's hope in the power of God and the power of unity.

I feel the grainy air which was once pure and clean cloud over my body each day.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1244139-Sadness-through-senses