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a group of friends on a camping trip,have some unexspected vistors |
The sun set apon our lonely world that night.It would be the last sunset I would ever see. It was a stew of pink, orange, and crystal blue.The clouds stood still as if to pay me their respect,on any other day they would have passed by without a glance or forethought. They knew tonight was different , they knew the real reason why I stood on that hill.If it were any other night I would have been inside with my friends, playing a game or chatting it up or maybe even watching t.v.,if there was one.As i stare into the sunset I here the approac of foot steps, I guess it's time to go. "Are you ready?" asked the voice from behind. I nodded yes and rose to my feet. "Is everything in place?" I asked as I turned to face the voice. It was Adam. He was one of the few people I thought I would never be friends with.You see Adam was one of those slacker/athele type's, If he wasn't in the gym , he'd be in class sleeping.But just like the other events in my life, our friendship wasn't foreseen. "Yes, the others are inside.We should head there now, that is if your done admiring the sunset," teased Adam. "Yeah, I'm done.Let's go ,our vistors should be coming soon," I added as I turned my back to the beauty of the sunset and clouds. It was a short walk to the cabin, we came up here for a celebration, we had just graduted high school and all we wanted to do was to celebrate.That cabin has been our last refugee, it's been that way for the last two nights , but of course tonight was different.Our food supply was small and we had to start to boil water from the local stream for fresh drinking water.Tonight there would be more to face besides thurst and hungry,we would have to face stree on both mental and phsyical levels. Mary,the religous one of the group, said it was god testinf our faith.None of us were religous nor were we all of the same faith, but we bowwed our heads and listened to her words.While Mary's mouth begged the lord for protection , Morgan and Tyler foud comfort in each others arms.It would have been a shame if they hadn't found that comfort in one another that first night, I'm sure if they hadn't found it , then they would have never survived that first night. A lot of us found comfort that first night and those who didn't ,they closed their eyes and took a life time long nap.Five of my friends went to sleep that first night and of those , none awoke.Now five headstones stand behind the cabin in memory.I dug each myslef , honoring each as I lowwered them into them ground.But the five headstones wouldn't be alone for long. The second night is when all the comfort was disturbed and the pressures of our fate would become to strong for some.As the sunset that night I let it be known that there were twenty hearts beating ,enough to hold off any threat, I was wrong. Our numbers slowly dwindled to fewer then ten be the time the sun rose.The ones that still stood weeped for the lost ones, our loves ; our friends ; our family. The ones we would never be able to replace. I lost something that night that made my emtions flow freely.I lost the only girl I would love, The only one in this world that I knew that I would have given my life for.But fate plays tricks on the mortals of this world and if you combined that with my luck , then you'll realize what she did for me. As dawn approached I rocked her breatheless body in my arms , afraid if I let her go I would forget my one true love.The rest just stood and watched me rock her and allowed me to remember her for awhile longer before I placed her in her final resting place. I dug her grave myself , just like the others.But instead of placing a wooden cross or a headstone I planted a single red rose.She foud it when we first arrived hidden behind the bushes on the hill.She always loved roses. That was just hours ago, now I stand on the third and final night, ready for whatever comes.The rest of the group gathered in the front room to prepare for the next horrors, for our fate. By that time the sun had said it's good-bye's and set apon our world.The first sign of movement triggered our attention.The strongest of those who remained stood and readyed our weapons for the batlle.The five of us peered through the cracks of the walls for clear shots , but all we found was darkness. Within the darkness, they stirred the winds to their advantage and peered at us from all angles.They would scrap their claws againist the wood to gain their wishes.Wishes of fear and sorrow.They knew we were afraid, weak, and small in numbers, they were here to finish their game. George was the first to grab a sight and unload his gun apon the beasts that toyed with us. Soon we joined him in firing and wounding them, but just like the nights before , the first to tear into the beasts was the first to fall.And so did george , the holes of his bullets in the wall allowed a beast to reach in a slice georges face.The slices grew deeper until all we could hear was the scrap of bone and claw.With his last breath he simply said " I'M SORRY." He quickly dropped to the ground.Mary ran to her brothers side only to find a lifeless body.Her eyes filled with the sorrow we all felt.She tryed to pull him aside, when the beast finished the bloodline, it's penetrated her back.She fell lifeless apon her bother. Morgan began to scream as her eyes met those of the lifeless mary's.She looked into the eyes of the dead and saw her fate.Tyler ran to her side embracing her.Meanwhile , Joesph met the same fate as Mary and George.His body was ravaged by claws of the beasts.All that stood between us and them was two guns, one of which I held. Adam finally began to break as he noticed the lifeless corpses around him.His arms beagn to shake , his legs started to wabble, the fear had finally appeared in his eyes.It appeared just in time to see his blood shed on the ground as a beast burst through the wall.I turned from the beast and Adam's body ,on my left, to see another beast slay Morgan and Tyler.I quickly rose my gun to fire , but as I gripped the trigger I felt the numbness that my friends had felt in their last moments. Few things ran through my mind at that second, but all that remained was the visionof my love basking in the warmth os the sunset on the hill.A place where we once stood. |