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its a good story realy read it and tell me what you think
writing prompt date: 01-12-07

last year i had to visit my grandparents they were cool and all but they lived on a farm wich was also kinda cool but got old after a few visits for the summer....school had just ended and im waiting for my parents to pick me up in the pickup lane. at highschool im sitting there with my friend and right behind his parents car are mine. so we both run over to our parents car's and say our goodbyes for the summer then our hello's and goodbye's to eachother's parents.
on the ride there we talked about school....last days were always the best knowing you have the whole summer and in that no school not one bit of school. you could be lazy lay on the couch join a football,baseball, or even soccer team for the summer me i wanted to join the football team im pretty big so i figured id do good on the defencive line infront of the quarterback but then we had talked about my problems in school i had almost failed math and science so they said they might send me to a summer school insted of grandma's and grandpa's farm for the summer and i had promised them i would do better but the drive there from then on was the most quiet ride i had ever taken to my grandparent's we didint have to go home since my parents had packed my things for me when we arived everything was the same as last year my grandpa was in the lake fishing my grandma there to greet me and my parents when we step out of the car
me and my grandma hug eachother she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says its good to see you again why dont you go and let yourself in you know wich room is yours and go ahead and unpack grandpa's at the lake if you want to go fishing when your done if not u can exsplore around a bit
we do have a snake problem and we both know u like snakes we even bought you a glass container incase you catch one so as i go to my room and unpack i notice a hole
in the back of the barn wall so i quickly finish and go to check it out it smells horrible kinda like horse pig and bird surprise's the useual so i walk around alittle and i notice something metal shineing in the light so i clear the hay from around it and its a huge metal rod bolted to the barn floor it looks like those handles leading to a secret lab in the horrer film's so i get curious and pull it i hear a loud annoying noise and as i look at the ground and cover my ears i notice im moveing.....i look alittle to my right and i see the ground is pulling apart.....but dirt is comeing off and it's a huge metal door..... i look around grandma's blasting her country music danceing wile cooking dinner and grandpas about a mile away in a huge lake so i look down the hole and then around again i notice a flashlight handing on the wall next to me so i grab it turn it on and look down the pitch black hole again i see some stairs so i follow them down....when i reach the bottome you can tell this place hasent been opend in a very long time cob web's all over the place huge spiders crawling all around and bugs and snakes all around me going up the stairs....then i think thats the snake problem
i look around and notice that theres another handle typ rod thing again so i pull it and this time the wall opens up and then remembering my granparents last year telling me some very strange people owned this farm before they did very strange the typ you dont want your kids to know they exist
and keep moveing a mile further each year.....so i look into the pitch black hall that the wall opend up..... seems like
a giant labrinth...so i follow this one and i trip alittle not watching were im going
and my hand slams against the wall to catch myself and the part of the wall were my hand is sinks in a little bit then the whole place lights up.....i look around on the floor to see what i stepped on....it was a huge scythe i look all around
and i see a bunch of sluater house equipment....i think if this is a sluater house for cows how did they get the metal to support this underground labrinth.....and why all the secrecy for it....so i figure there may be something to harm me down here
so i grab the scythe and keep walking down the once pitch black scary hall
now a lit up hallway filling me with horrible thoughts about the place wondering what it realy is....wondering if my grandparent knew about this place.....as i follow the hall i notice more and more equipment then i look at the ground and notice some blood i keep following the blood get's thicker and i start to notice it on the walls to just sprays and splatters of blood like there was a huge gun and sword fight down here....or like someone....or something sluaterd alot of people and they tryed to hide it....as soon as i reach the next door way....i hear a horrible loud blood curdling screech typ roar....that alone was enough to leave me with nightmares for the week but me being an idiot and to curious for my own good
i have to find out what made that noise....weather it was trapped on purpose for the good of mankind....or torcherd down here because it was diffrent...or even created down here got loose and killed the all but 1 who made it....and the 1 who survived locked it in here for a good reason to....so as i open the door...the roar's get louder but this place is empty so it echo's and i come to a four way hall and i cant tell wich way the howling roars are comeing from....so i choose my right and the blood gets thicker....and starts to look like its fresh as though someone threw fresh blood all over the place....and you could tell...because the walls and celing were driping and the floor wich was a smooth line of blood became a puddle.....leading down the hall....i hear footsteps comeing twards me they start to get quicker as though a huge dog trying to protect its babies was trying to catch me....to kill me....i start to turn around as something wooshes past me i couldent tell exactly what it was but i knew it was big....realy big.....i look at my arm.....and i see three red lines going on my arm....then the red starts to drip...turns out it iv been cut three times at once and by the looks of it pretty deep...almost like a meat cleaver.....i look and dead ahead of me was this.....thing...i couldent tell what it was but if i had to say what it looked like....it was a disformed minnie king cong mixed with a snake and a lion.......other people probably would have said something diffrent...but this thing the look alone was enough to make you cry...scars all over it ....it looked like it had been burnt nearly to death....stabbed......cut....and shot...alot....but its hands.....its hands had these claws that wernt too long but by the looks of it they were very sharp....enough to cut metal...they werent long but wide...yes........i turn to run and it wooshes past me again and this time i stumble then fall to the ground.....my leg...i couldent move it....i look down at my leg and im bleeding gushing out blood
i quickly rip my shirt and quickly and tightly tie it around the slice this thing had deliverd to me again.....i notice my scythe next to me....as this thing starts to walk very quickly twards me i grab the scythe and start stabbing and cutting it....as fast and as hard as i could...it sumbles back...gives a loud horrendous roar......and turns and runs away.... i limp and hop my way out closeing each door......when i reach the door iv lost all my strength...and alot of blood....and i pass out then and there....
when i wake up im in the hospital police in the room granparents my friend and my parents all in the same room....my grandparents talking to the police....my mom hugging and kissing me so happy im awake...and my dad mumbleing thank you god......my friend aparently asleep in the corner....the police notice im awake and ask me if i have enough strength to tell them what happend......and so i tell them....they find it hard to believe...but my grandparents confirm it...they said they created that they tryed to create something that could help them....they wernt sure how but they would have found away...but one of the people who helped make the thing.....got it angry.....it had made a mistake and that person hit it over the head with a bat....because the person had gotten cut by accedent he picked up his arm and the thing closed its fist wich aparently cut the guys arm majorly....and they exsplained much more...but they said they will conduct a investigation with the help of many police and soldiers....try to take down the thing.....the thing that nearly killed me but my grandparents were arrested and put in jail for two to three years and untill then i wont be able to visit them...turns out the thing was a mix of sevral human beings and a few animals....all connected by surgery....this is another memory i will never forget....also a few scars to remind me of it.....and i can walk fine now....it didint cut anything like a tendant so im all better.....but thats pretty much it for now......

ending dawg

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