Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1216935-Demon-With-In
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1216935
This story is Ivayn and her father. Her father become a victim from a demon.
    She was sitting at the car looking out the window. Both of her hands was on the wheel. She was looking at the rare mirror and looking out at her front window. She was so ready to go home and sit down at a hot tube and feel the bubbles go around her body. She look out the front window again and saw a car going out of control. That car was going right at her she was trying to get out of the way but couldn't. Then the car hit her. She didn't have a chance.

    "That happened five years ago." he said. My father was cooking some breakfast.  I was sitting at the table doing homework I was supposed to do yesturday. My father was a breakfast man you can see. Then my friend came. My friend name was Ben and he wasn't my boyfriend. My father always throught he was my boyfriend. "Well dad see you later" I said. He look at me all sad. I ask him what was wrong? He said "Nothing was wrong". He kiss me on my forehead and turn around still cooking the breakfast. My friend knock the door and went to the door and open it. "Hey! Do you know what time is it?" he said. I look at the mircowave time and said "Holy! Shit! Dad I have to go". He look at me and said "But you didn't eat your lunch". I look at him and said "Dad I got to go sorry". I went out the door and look at him and turn around and started to walk with my friend. He went to the door and look at me and said "Good bye".

    He was getting his stuff for work. He was checking if he miss anything. He got his keys and started to get out the door. When he was getting to the car he could feel like something or someone was behind him. But he think it was all in his mind. When he got the keys in the lock he hear something he never hear before. He turn around and saw this weird light coming up to him. He couldn't move he was frozen with fear. The light was coming more closer to him. He try to get out the way but it was coming closer to him. Then something happened and he pass out.

    After school I was walking home and saw my father pass out right by side his car. "Dad!" I said. Ben look and said "I'm going to get some help" he said. I look at him. I was so worry for him. I told myself if I lost my father I don't what I do. He the only thing I have in the world.

    A few hours later he woke up all days. "What going on where am I" he asked. The doctor came and look at my father and took this mini flashlight out. And ask my father to look in it. So my father look in it and move his eyes where the doctor was asking him to move it. Then the doctor was doing more testes on him see if he was alright. My father didn't like the hosptital that much because what happend to my mother. My mother die in a hospital and he didn't what to have bad memories. The doctor talk to him and said "Your alright nothing is wrong with you". He look at me and smile at me. That the first time I ever saw my father smile. The doctor let get his stuff. He said "Your alright to go home nothing bad is wrong with you". My father was happy to hear that.

    The next day I came downstairs and look in the kitchen but nobody was there. I look around and nobody was around. I yell "Dad! Where are you". Then my he came down stairs and look at me like he never saw a women in years. "Dad are you alright?" I asked. He look at me and smile. He went in the kitchen and just look around like he never saw a kitchen. I asked him " Why! Are you not cooking breakfast". He look at me all weird. Like away could scare me. And then he came close to me and kiss me on the creek and walk away.

    I was walking to school with Ben and he was looking at me. "Are you alright". He asked. I look at him confuse and said "I'm alright". Knowing my dad was acting weird and doing things he would do like making me breakfast he always would do that for me. But today he didn't. Now that was weird.

    I came home after school and saw my dad smoking and drinking. Now I knew something was wrong because he would never drink and smoke. Then his head turn around all the way round my whole world just break down when I saw that. I scream like hell. "Come and talk to me honey" he said. "Hell no" I said. I try to run downstairs but then he was front me. He look down at me and his eyes turn red. Like bloody red. He pick me up with nothing but now this is going to sound crazy but with his mind. He toke me to my room and throw me in my bed. Then he was starting to take my clothes off and kissing me. Then toke my pants off and my underwear off and started to rape me. I told him to stop but he wouldn't stop. Then I pass out.

    Few hours has pass I woke up because what happened to me. I put my clothes on and walk out my door and saw my dad sleeping in his room. I knew something was wrong that wasn't my dad. My dad couldn't move things in his mind, and wouldn't rape me. So I was walking down the stairs quietly not trying to get caught. I got to the door and ran to Ben house.

    I told him everything what happened. He look at me like I was crazy. "Now Ivalyn you said all this happened but you know your dad wouldn't do this and he wouldn't rape you like that and move things with your mind". I knew he wouldn't believe me. So I walk out the room and out the house. Ben was trying to call me back but I wouldn't listern.

    I came back to the house and went straight to the kitchen and took out one the cooking knifes my dad use to cook us supper. Then I went to the stairs and saw him standing there smiling at me. I look at him and said "Your not my dad". He look at me. "Yes! I'm not your dad. I'm a demon from hell and I came here to have fun". he said. I said to myself not anymore. I run to him trying to shrub him right in his crest then he grab my arm and throw me straight to the wall.

    I woke up in the living room. I was started to put my head up and then when I got my head up I saw my father but really the demon. He started to tell me what happened to my father. He told me my father was trying to fight with his life but quit. He told me my father die on that bed and he toke over his body. I put my head down I couldn't believe my father was dead. Then I look up at him that demon look like my father. I told him to come closer. Knowing he was a horny demon. So he came closer to me. Then I look up and then I kick him in the nuts. I got lose and grab the knife. Then when he came close to me and toke the knife and srab him. He look at me and I saw my fathers eyes one more time.
© Copyright 2007 IvalynPeace (ivalyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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