Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1206672-The-Lone-Wolf-ch-2
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1206672
Chapter Two
Lea woke up with a sharp cry. She last remembered the pure agony before blacking out. But there was that white werewolf that was there. At first she thought he was one of those evil werewolves, but when he Changed into a human, he had tried to......help her? No, it wasnt posible, it was a trick.
But as her mind raced, Lea was hit with a wave of intense agony. As the agonizing minutes went by, Lea thought to herself, "What did those brutes do to me?" She looked down at the bite wound that the werewolf had given her the first day she was captured. "No, please no!" she thought suddenly, panic making her shake, "Dont let me be turning into one of.....them!" She shuddered uncontrollably at the thought.
"Ah good, you're awake," a relieved voice said behind her. Lea whipped her head around. Standing behind her was the werewolf from the cave before she had blacked out. "W-who a-are y-you?" she asked tentivtaly. The man's eyes softened, "My name is Corr. May I ask who are you."
Lea, her eyes still holding fear in them, whispered, "Lea."
"Lea, ehh?" Corr said," Well Lea," His tone softened," How did you become a prisoner of those cursed dark werewolves?" Lea's eyes clenched shut and she grit her teeth, trying to hold back the flood of horrible memories that filled her head.
Corr saw this and immeadiatly regreted asking her, he should not ask that now, she was still in shock. "Nevermind," he whispered, "You should get some rest, you need it."
Her eyes snapped open. "Wait a minute," she started suspiciously," How do I know your not evil like those other werewolves?" Corr then pulled out a silver full moon necklace. "Did you see the werewolves wearing something like this?' He asked.
She nodded her head,"Yeah, but the ones they wore were black."
Corr nodded,"Yes, the black full moon means that they are servants of the dread goddess, Salia. The silver full moon means that I am a servant of the moon goddess, Luna."
"How do I know your not lying?" Lea asked suspiciously. She had relaxed a little when he did not hurt or mock her like her captors, but she wanted to be sure she could trust this one before she told him anything.
Corr sighed and took out a pouch and tossed out its contents. A black full moon necklace. "I took this from your captor's bodies," he explained. He tentavially reached down and touched the necklace with his forefinger. There was a sharp sizzling sound and a small tear went down Corr's face as he stoically bore the pain.
Lea was very surprised at this. "He would go through so much pain to prove that he's not evil?" Lea thought, very surprised. "Ok," she told him quietly,"I believe you."
Corr pulled his finger back. It was badly burned.
Lea looked guiltily at it. "Im sorry," she said timidly, "I didn't know you would do that to prove you're good."
Corr looked at her and smiled, "I'll do anything to prove my loyalties to my goddess."
A long silence then ensued, finally being broken by Lea. "So..wear am I?"
"You're in my home, about five miles from the lair of those other werewolves." Lea was about to respond when a wave of agony surged through her.
Corr walked over and kneeled down in front of her. "Don't fight it," he said quietly,"If you fight it, it will only get worse and keep coming back." Lea sobbed quietly and stopped fighting. Sure enough, the agony soon died off, but when she opened her eyes, she was down on all fours. She lifted her hand. It was a paw.
© Copyright 2007 Lonely Wolf (codais at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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