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Rated: E · Folder · Family · #1186169
A family dealing with the needs of a neighbor.
A Snowflake Seed of Love
It started snowing early in the morning. One perfect flake after another floating down landing on the window pane; staying only for a moment before it melted into a rain drop running down the window pane out of sight. I sat watching the snow listening to Mommy and Daddy in the kitchen getting ready for the day. Daddy was going to work until noon then he would have the rest of the day free to be home with us. Grampa, Gramma, and Uncle Brian were coming over for dinner. It would be a terrific day.
I quietly got out of bed carefully so I would not wake my little sister, Tinie. Her name is really Christina, but everyone calls her Tinie because she was so small when she was born. We could almost put baby doll clothes on her. Right now, she looks so nice sleeping there cuddling her doll.
I did not feel the same way last night when she came in my room while I was sleeping. There I was in a nice dream about riding the new bike I was going to buy when all a sudden, music started playing; here am I, a roily poly teddy bear. Here am I, where are you? Be with me under the tree.
I cringed, Oh no, it can’t be. Maybe if I pretend I am still asleep the nightmare will go away, I thought keeping my eyes shut.
The music kept repeating itself. I opened one eye and there staring back at me were two little blue ones. Yuck. It was Tinie standing there at the side of my bed standing on one foot then the other keeping those oversize brown and white fuzzy teddy bear house slippers playing that horrible song.
“Tinie go back to bed. It is the middle of the night. I will play with you in the morning,” I mumbled.
“No, Tinie sweep wif you. Me scare. Me and Tine sweep wif you,” she whispered. She calls all her dolls Tinie. It drives me nuts.
“No, you go back to your little bed. Mommy and Daddy want you to stay in your bed. Now go back to bed,” I begged.
“No, pweeese!” she whimpered with a tear rolling down her cheek. “Pweese wet Tinie sweep wif you. Me wuvs Bubba. Me want to be wif you, Bubba, pweeese!” all the time hopping from one foot to the other to keep that song going.
When Tine starts talking in the third person, I know I am beat. For only being two, once she starts in with the third person, everyone knows they lost the discussion.
I caved in, “Okay, okay, you may sleep with me. But take off those slippers. I don’t want to hear that stupid song all night long.”
“Otay, Tinie wuvs Bubba, help me up.” She chirped slipping off those horrible slippers.
“It is brother, Tinie, not Bubba,” I reminded her.
“Otay, Bubba,” she answered smiling as I lifted her up and over to the back side of the bed so she could not fall out.
I pulled back the covers and she slid in placing her little cold feet against my side as she went. I covered her and her doll up to their chins giving her a kiss goodnight. I turned over snuggling down when I heard “Now I lay me down to sleep” oh no, she had her talking doll with her.
“No Tinie, we already said our prayers with Mommy and Daddy.” I pleaded.
“Tinie needs to say her pwayers to Jesus,” a whimpering reply came.
“Okay, but just one time. Jesus needs His sleep too,” I grumbled.
“Otay,” she said, putting her doll’s hands together starting it up again with Tinie saying the prayer also. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Around my bed the angels creep to keep me safe throughout the night and wake me with the morning light. Amen.”
“Goodnight Tinie.”
“Night Bubba, me wuvs you.”
“Bubba, I mean Brother loves you too. Now go to sleep.”
Watching the snowflakes falling in the morning light, I slid my slippers and robe on tip toeing from my room into the kitchen. The radio was saying there was a snow storm this morning however it would not last too long. There would be plenty of snowfall from it. Mommy looked up from the table seeing me coming into the kitchen.
“Good morning sunshine what are you doing up so early?”
“I had a late night visitor again so I didn’t sleep very well,” I answered.
“Yes, we know about your visitor. Daddy heard her go into your room. He was about to get her when you picked her up placing her in bed with you. We are very proud of you for the way you take care of Tinie,” Mommy informed me, going getting my breakfast.
“Thanks,” I said sadly realizing if I held out for a few more minutes instead of caving in to her demands Daddy would have taken her back to her bed or theirs. I would not have had a pair of cold little feet in my back the rest of the night. When will I learn not to give in to her so quickly?
Daddy got up picking me up giving me one of his big daddy hugs. I tried to give him one back squeezing as hard as I could. Daddy laughed saying, “Is there a gnat trying to be an elephant in my arms?”
“Oh Daddy, you are silly. What time are you going to be home? Will you be home in time to be here when Grampa, Gramma, and Uncle Brian come? Remember, we promised Uncle Brian we would help him build a snow castle for Tinie today,” I reminded him as he sat me down at the table giving me a kiss on the head.
“The answers are: about noon, I should be, and yes I remember about the snow castle. Remember we have to have the right kind of snow to do it. The snow cannot be too dry or it will not work. Also, Uncle Brian called saying he was working a double shift at the precinct last night so he will not get off until noon. He will be late for dinner. He asked me to tell you make sure you leave him some of Mommy’s delicious beef stew and a few crumbs of corn bread because he knows they are two of your favorite things. I have got to get going if I am going to get back on time. Be a good boy and help Mommy this morning,” Daddy answered grabbed Mommy giving her one of his big hugs and kisses.
Mommy went to the door with Daddy to make sure he had everything he needed to brave the snowstorm. She gave him a hug and kiss before allowing him out the door. I ran over to the window waving good-bye to Daddy. I stayed at the window watching Daddy drive away until he disappeared then I ran back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast.
Mommy came into the kitchen to get the stew started for dinner. It takes all morning for the stew to cook to make it just right so Mommy was starting now in preparing it. I sat there eating my breakfast watching Mommy started her preparation for the stew. I like to watch Mommy while she cooks. Every once in a while she evens lets me help her. It is fun when we make cookies because I am able to have one as soon as they cool and we always make plenty for later.
Mommy had the stew almost ready to put on the stove to simmer when we heard, “Here am I a roily poly teddy bear. Here am I where are you? Be with me under the tree.” A second later, Tinie comes in the kitchen with those slippers on dragging her doll by one hand while wiping the sleep out of her eyes with the other.
“Bubba, you weft me, why did you weave me? Tinie and me miss you Bubba. Pweese pick me up, so me can have bwekfus too,” Tinie started in.
“Here, let Mommy help you so Bubba can finish his breakfast. May I have a good-morning kiss and hug, little one?” Mommy came to my rescue scooping Tinie up in her arms giving her a kiss and hugs placing her in her highchair, pushing her up to the table by me and then went to get Tinie’s breakfast.
Tinie’s highchair is not like regular highchairs with the tray on the front. Daddy and Grampa made it especially for her because even as a baby, she would cry and would not eat if she was not at the table just like the rest of the family. Her highchair could be slid right up to the table like a regular chair.
Tinie was in the middle of a mouthful when she saw the snow coming down. “Bubba, wook! Snew! It is snewing! It is snewing! Ha ha, me castle, me castle, you build me castle today?” Food flew all over the place as she babbled excitedly.
“Ah, Tinie! Now look what you have done! You got food all over the place! Why can’t you be more careful?” I screeched dodging the airborne food.
“Me sorry, me sorry” Tinie whimpered starting to cry big salty tears.
“That is enough, young man. She didn’t mean to make a mess and you are not to speak to her like that. She was just overly excited about the snow. You need to apologize to her for speaking so meanly. You used to make the same kind of messes when you were her age,” Mommy said coming over cleaning up the mess.
“Okay, Tinie, Brother is sorry he was mean to you. Do you forgive me?” I said.
She sniffled, stopped crying holding her little arms up for a hug. I gave her a hug then finished eating and went to put my plate and silverware in the sink when Tinie started in again.
“Bubba, wait for Tinie. Me not done yet. Me want to go wif you. Me want to help build me castle.” Tinie bubbled.
“No, Tinie, you sit there and finish your breakfast,” Mommy said, “Bubba is not going to build your castle right now. You have to wait for Daddy and Uncle Brian to come home and it is snowing too hard for anyone to be out right now. Bubba has to clean his room and get dressed before he can go outside.” Mommy reminded us both.
“Okay, Otay,” we both said at the same time.
I went back to my room taking off my pajamas putting them in the hamper. I chose a sweat suit out of my dresser so I would be warm when I was out in the snow shoveling. I was dressing my feet when I heard Tinie coming to my room.
“Mommy wants Bubba to help me and Tinie get dress and help me clean me room.” Tinie informed me when she appeared in the doorway.
“Okay, anything to get you out of those slippers,” I answered her taking her by the hand leading her to her room.
The first thing was to get those slippers off her feet setting them up on the dresser as far back as I can reach so she cannot get at them until bedtime. I chose a pink sweat suit with bows on it for her to wear. There are warm fuzzy footies that go with them so she does not have to wear those slippers. I unbuttoned her gown for her. She pulled it off dropping it onto the floor. I made her pick it up placing it in the hamper so I would not have to do it later. I helped her pull the sweatshirt over her head while she was getting her arms in the sleeves I made her toddler bed. She sat down on the floor proceeding to place both her legs in one pants leg. I had to pull them off helping her make sure she did not do it again.
I was trying to get her footies on her when she decided she was a big girl and could do it herself. It took her five minutes to complete the task without having a toe or a heel sticking out somewhere. After I got her dressed, we picked up the toys she pulled out last night before she came to my room. We went to brush our teeth and wash our faces.
Tinie climbed up on her steps Daddy made her so she could reach the bathroom sink, beside me. I pulled out the toothbrushes and toothpaste. I placed a small amount of toothpaste on her toothbrush and told her to brush real well. Even her toothbrush plays music. She cannot do anything without some kind of music or talking going on. We brushed our teeth then washed our faces. I brushed my hair then began to brush Tinie’s hair. What as mistake that was.
She was down the steps out of the door screaming, “No, no, no, me want Mommy to do it,” she objected, with me in hot pursuit brush in one hand and her hair pretties as she calls them in the other.
We were halfway across the living room when we met Mommy, “No running in the house, you two. What is all the commotion about?” Mommy asked, bending down scooping Tinie up.
“Tinie won’t allow me to fix her hair like she is supposed to,” I answered, handing her the brush and hair pretties.
“I see,” Mommy said, sitting down placing Tinie on her lap, “I will do it this time, Tinie, but you allow Bubba to do it when he is told to next time. Have you gotten both bedrooms straightened up yet?”
“Just Tinie’s, I will do mine now,” I said, sitting by Mommy while she fixed Tinie’s hair.
“Take Tinie with you, so I can straighten up Daddy and my room and put in a load of clothes in the washer,” Mommy told me as she put Tinie down, giving me, my morning hug and kiss.
“Ah, Mommy, it will take me twice as long with her helping me. Can’t she help you? I am supposed to clean off Mr. Cleaver’s sidewalk and steps for him then we are going to write Jimmy a letter.” I whined.
“No, I want you to allow her help you because I cannot hold her hand and carry the laundry downstairs at the same time. The quicker we can get our chores done, the quicker we can get back to the kitchen to make some cookies for dessert before we shovel snow,” Mommy answered.
When we heard cookies, we took off like a shot for my bedroom to get it cleaned. It was nine-thirty before we finally had my room cleaned without Tinie undoing what we had done.
We went to the kitchen just as Mommy was coming up from the downstairs with a load of clothes.
“Boy, we timed that just right. Can we make the cookies now? Can we make chocolate no bake cookies? Please?” I asked.
“Pweeese?” Tinie chimed in.
“It is; may we make chocolate no bake cookies, not can we, and yes, you may, if afterwards, you two help me fold these clothes. Okay, go get your cooking aprons on,” Mommy informed us.
We ran over the wall where the aprons were hanging. Each one of us in the family had our own special apron. Gramma made them for Christmas last year. Daddy’s and mines were red and white strips with barbeque grills on the pockets. Mommy’s was blue checkered with a window and flowers on its pockets. Tinie’s was white with different colored butterflies all over it. I put mine on then helped Tinie with hers while Mommy put hers on then started to get the ingredients out for the cookies.
Tinie went to the cabinet pulling the door open peering inside. After a moment, she squealed with delight pulling out Mommy’s largest metal mixing bowl with a great clatter. Mommy and Daddy made sure any cabinet Tinie could reach did not have anything breakable in it. She dragged the bowl over to the table banging in on the tile floor every step of the way. She could not do anything without making some kind of noise. I got out the large mixing spoon, pan, measuring cups and spoons. I took the bowl setting it with the rest of the utensils on the table beside the ingredients Mommy set out.
Mommy put Tinie in her highchair as I climbed upon chair beside Mommy. The first thing we put in the bowl was oatmeal. Mommy let me measure out each cup. Then we placed in peanut butter, cocoa, and vanilla. We took turns mixing the cookies until it was all crumbly. Mommy did the next step at the stove while I covered the table with wax paper. We made sure everything was out of Tinie’s reach so there would not be any accidents. Mommy put the pan on the stove, placing sugar, salt, butter, and milk in it, staring the burner, stirring until it came to a rolling boil. I started counting for Mommy. When I reached 60, Mommy shut off the burner carefully pouring the mixture into the oatmeal crumbs. She set the hot pan in the sink putting water in it.
Mommy stirred the cookies quickly so everything was mixed giving me a spoon and we went to work spooning out the cookies on the wax paper making sure not to get any on our hands so we would not get burnt. Soon the whole table top was covered with delicious cookies cooling.
While Mommy washed the utensils, I helped Tinie down putting our apron back on the hooks. We dragged the laundry basket into the living room starting sorting out the clothes. It was Tinie’s job to find the socks and place them in a pile so I could sort them. My job was socks, towels, and washcloths.
I had folded four towels and was on my fifth when Mommy came in asking where Tinie was. I looked up and sure enough she was gone. All I could see was a small pile of socks and the laundry basket full of clothes. Now where did she get to?
Mommy when to her room to look under the bed and in the closet while I looked behind the living room furniture. She wasn’t behind the couch or chair. She wasn’t under the coffee table either. I sat down on the floor thinking hard on where she might be hiding. Hide and seek is one of her favorite games to play. She could hide in the smallest places because she is so small.
The last time we played she hid in my room behind the hamper. I would not have found her if it wasn’t for her giggling. I hopped up going by the laundry basket. Tinie popped up from under the clothes hollering, “Boo!” at me. She had fallen into the basket trying to reach more socks and decided to play hide and seek.
We finally finish folding the clothes before we noticed it had stopped snowing. We peered out the window at the snowy scene. Everything was covered with a thick blanket of glittering snow. Mommy decided we better go shovel before it was time for everyone to arrive home.
While Mommy put the clothes away, I got Tinie’s and my clothes for outside. I tried to put Tinie’s snowsuit on her but each time I had one limb in a sleeve or pants leg she had pulled another one back out. I reminded her if I did not get the sidewalks shoveled there would not be any time for building her snow castle. That got her going. In nothing flat, I had her snowsuit on her and a mitten on each hand.
I was putting on my boots when Mommy came back all dressed ready with our shovels in hand. I tackled the sidewalk while Mommy and Tinie started on the driveway. Mommy was almost finished when the grader came by plowing the end shut on her again.
“It never seems to fail,” Mommy laughed waving at the driver as he went by.
I helped Mommy clean the end of the driveway out again then I went over to our neighbor’s to clean his sidewalk. Mommy took Tinie inside for her nap. Mr. Clever was an elderly gentleman whose children lived out of state. Last summer one of his grandsons named Jimmy came to visit him for a month. We became very good friends. It was very nice to have a friend my age to play with. He did not even mind that we had to play with Tinie once in a while when Mommy had to answer the phone and Tinie wanted to play outside with us.
I started cleaning his steps first so he would be able to get his mail. I had just finished the sidewalk when the letter carrier came by. He smiled at me as he passed going up placing mail in Mr. Clever’s mailbox. I was finishing the other sidewalk when I noticed Mr. Clever getting his mail. He looked at a blue envelope for a moment then tore it open reading the letter.
I started over to tell him Daddy and I would clean his driveway when he suddenly just sat down on the steps covering his face with his hands. I dropped my shovel running as fast as I could to him.
“Mr. Clever, Mr. Clever are you okay? What is the matter? Can I help you, Mr. Clever?” I gasp between gulps of air.
He slowly glanced up and I saw tears streaming down his face, “Hi, little man, I just got some pretty bad news from my daughter. My grandson Jimmy has come down with a serious illness. He needs an operation and his daddy has just started a new job so their insurance has not started yet. The doctors don’t know if he is strong enough to wait until the insurance kicks in. Their church has raised ten thousand dollars toward the expense but they are still short by a long way. Would you ask your parents to pray for Jimmy?” with that he slowly rose.
I told him I would go home right now asking and praying for him also. He thanked me and started to go inside. I turned to leave then turned back waving good-bye. He waved back and went inside.
I picked up my shovel starting home when Grampa and Gramma came around the corner in their van. They pulled into the driveway and there was Daddy right behind them. Racing over to them, I nearly knocked Gramma over because I could not stop in time.
“Whoa, hold up there Bubba. What is your hurry?” Daddy asked catching Gramma and me before we fell.
I tried to tell them all about Mr. Clever and Jimmy but I was talking so fast nothing was making any sense.
“Hold on, let’s get inside first so we do not freeze,” Daddy said picking me up throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes heading for the kitchen door with me laughing all the way. He burst through the door. The smell of corn bread was coming from the oven. “Man oh man, it smells great in here. Wow, chocolate no bake cookies!” he put me down popping a whole cookie in his mouth picking up two more.
“Enough of that,” Mommy scolded Daddy playfully taking a swipe at Daddy with her mixing spoon.
Daddy dodged her swipe swinging her around into his arms planting a big chocolate kiss on her cheek. Hanging on to her so she could not wipe off the kiss he asked me what I was talking about outside.
As I hung up my coat pulling off my boots, I relayed Mr. Clever request for prayer for his grandson Jimmy.
Daddy released Mommy saying he and Grampa would go over to Mr. Clever’s and get all the information of what happened and what we might be able to do to help. They left. Gramma and I picked up the cookies placing them in the cookie tub. Then we started setting the table for dinner. Of course Tinie was up by then and had to help. In the end, Gramma had to wash half of the silverware because Tinie kept dropping it.
“It would be certainly easier doing things if we didn’t have to let Tinie help,” I made the mistake say aloud.
Immediately Gramma and Mommy reminded me the more Tinie learnt to do right, the more she would be able to do by herself when she got older. I would not have to help her so much. They also reminded me about the large drawer of silverware I had dumped out when I was four. After that, Daddy and Grampa fixed all the kitchen drawers so they could not be pulled completely out of the cabinets.
It was one o’clock before Daddy and Grampa got back from Mr. Clever’s. We decided we would discuss what the matter was with Jimmy and what God wanted us to do about the situation during dinner. We had just gotten seated at the table and were about to pray when there was a rap on the kitchen door and we heard, “Open up in the name of the law.”
“Uncle Brian!” Tinie and I screeched.
I ran over opening the door leaping into his arms.
“Hi, Buddy, how are you doing? Hey, what is this? You guys eating again? I thought you were going to save me some of your mommy’s good cooking… and here you are eating again and I have not even had firsts yet,” Uncle Brian kidded me coming in shutting the door.
He sat me down taking off his coat hanging it up as I corrected him, “No silly, we just got started. We haven’t even said grace yet because Daddy and Grampa just got back from Mr. Clever’s house. We need to decide what we can do to help his grandson Jimmy.”
“Why don’t we sit down at the table and allow Grampa to say grace then you can tell me all about Jimmy while I eat,” Uncle Brian said.
“That is what we are going to do, silly Uncle Brian,” I told him.
We sat down and Grampa said grace asking for guidance on what God would have us to do in helping Mr. Clever.
After everyone was served, Daddy told us about how Jimmy got sick and the disease had damaged a vital organ. If the doctors don’t operate soon the family had been told Jimmy might die. I asked how much the doctors needed to help Jimmy. Daddy said the operation and hospital stay would cost twenty-five thousand dollars. Their church raised ten thousand which left fifteen thousand dollars to raise somehow.
I thought about how the disciples taught if there was a need and you were able to meet it that was what we were to do. We do what God wants us to do when we show His love to others making Him very happy. I thought about the money I was saving for my bike and Jimmy being so sick. The more I thought about it the more I knew what God wanted me to do.
“May I be excused for a minute, please?” I asked.
“Yes, you may,” Mommy answered.
I ran to my bedroom taking my safe down from my shelf setting it on the bed dialing the combination to open it. I poured the money out gathering it up in a handkerchief carefully so I would not lose even a penny running back to Daddy.
“Yes Bubba, what do you want?” Daddy asked picking me up setting me on his lap.
I poured out the money on the table beside his plate.
“Daddy here is all the money I have. There is sixty-five dollars I earned shoveling snow. I was going to buy a new bike with it but now I would rather you gave it to Mr. Clever for Jimmy. I can have more fun with Jimmy than a bike.” I said looking up into his loving eyes.
“Well it looks like God has made His wishes known about what He wants us to do by Bubba’s actions here. How much money do we have in the savings account we were saving for that Christmas vacation, honey?” Daddy asked.
Mommy got up going into the den bringing back their saving account book sitting down flipping through the pages to the last entry. “Well, the grand total is five thousand-four hundred dollars.”
Grampa and Gramma looked at each other nodding to each other. Grampa said, “God willing, Gramma and I have five thousand in our savings you may add to the collection. How about you, Brian? How much do you have in your nest egg you were saving for that down payment on a house?”
“Well now let me see, should I keep the money for the down payment which is also slightly over five thousand or stay in my apartment where there is an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, barbeque patio, tennis court and a Very Large playground that a niece and nephew loves to use? Decisions, decisions, so many decisions to make, what do you think Tinie? Should Uncle Brian stay at his apartment?” he asked Tinie, with a twinkle in his eye.
“Swimming pooh, swimming pooh,” Tinie squealed pressing a big kiss on his nose.
“Well, there is your answer, Dad. Uncle Brian stays put for several more years in the apartment which makes the pot fifteen thousand-four hundred plus Bubba’s sixty-five dollars. That should be even enough to send Mr. Clever personally to deliver it. Mom, will you call the airline to see how much it will cost for a ticket on the next plane out?”
Gramma went and called the airline about the ticket. When she came back she smiled from ear to ear. “The ticket cost three hundred and fifty dollars so Mr. Clever can even have a little spending money. I went ahead reserving the ticket for him calling him to tell him the good news. We have to have him at the airport by eight o’clock so we better be moving to get everything done on time. I will stay with the children and you guys go get the money for the operation and ticket.”
“And I will go help Mr. Clever get ready to go. Okay, everybody, what are you waiting for? Let’s get going before the bank closes,” Mommy added.
Daddy, Grampa, and Uncle Brian started to get up to leave when Tine started fussing.
“No, not weady, Tinie wants to help. Tinie wants to help Mr. Cwever. Me can help Mr. Cwever. Let me down pweese.”
Uncle Brian shrugged his shoulders releasing Tinie. When he put her down she dashed into her bedroom. In a moment, we heard a loud crash. We all started for her bedroom on the run when she came out dragging the cover from her bed. On the cover were the remains of her piggy bank contents.
Tinie smiled widely pointing to the change on the cover, “See! Tinie can help Mr. Cwever a lot.”
Grampa picked her up giving her a big kiss and hug while Daddy reached down picking up the change among the remains of the piggy bank. Grampa handed Tinie to Gramma telling her she was indeed a big help to Mr. Clever.
Daddy, Grampa, Uncle Brian, and Mommy went on their task while Gramma, Tinie and I held down the fort at home. The first thing we did was throw away the remains of Tinie’s piggy bank. Then we made a care package of cookies for Mr. Clever to take on the plane trip. We decided to make Jimmy a get well card for Me. Clever to take with him.
Gramma wanted to know what we wanted on the front of the card when Tinie chirped, “Snewflake heart, a snewflake heart, Gramma.”
Gramma glanced over to me for my opinion. I agreed and Gramma cut out a large heart making it look like a snowflake while I picked out the color paper we wanted for the card. I chose a pretty blue so the snowflake would show up nicely on it. We glued the snowflake heart down carefully and Gramma wrote a very nice verse on the inside. We each signed the card with Gramma helping Tinie sign her name.
When everyone came back they finished signing the card. Mommy came in with Mr. Clever. We allowed Tinie to give Mr. Clever the cookies and card. She very carefully carried the cookies with the card on top to Mr. Clever giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek when he bent down to receive them. She said half of the kiss was for him and the other half was for Jimmy.
Mommy and Daddy took Mr. Clever to the airport making sure he made his flight. We watched them leave. Uncle Brian knelt down asking Tinie if she wanted us to start on her snow castle.
She put her arms around his neck giving him a kiss saying, “Not today, today we made snewflake seed of wuv. Tomorrow we can make snew castle. Today, we made God happy.”
“That we did, little one that we did, race you to the cookies!” Uncle Brian laughed at me taking off for the kitchen with Tinie clinging to him.
We raced behind him with Gramma calling out to Tinie, “Make sure you two leave us some.”
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