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Rated: GC · Fiction · Gothic · #1185331
A Tale of Vampires. Not done I'd like some comments so I can improve as I write.
"Jainie...Jainie..." Her voice echoed in my ears, "Jainie..." She laughed,teasing me, tempting me, calling my name.
She wanted me to follow?Then I would follow, I lifted myself from the cold stone floor, an was overcome by dizziness.I did not care and followed the sound of her voice...
"Jainie...Jainie..." Her voice was intoxicating, beautiful, deadly...
I caught a glimpse of her ebony hair as it wafted around a corner, just out of reach.
"Jainie...Hurry up Jainie...I don't have all night..."
Ebony hair, Porcelain skin...She was just out of reach...
I followed her wispy presence through corridor after bloody corridor, through doors and archways and eventually into the night...
It was only then that I saw her for what she truly was...A Vampiress, and yet, I was not afraid in the slightest...
"Jainie..."She whispered turning to me, fangs gleaming,"Oh Jainie...Why are you here?"
"I'm here because you willed me to be here."I replied, mesmerized my the green silk folds of her long evening dress.
"Why are you here?"She asked again.I felt sleepy, so sleepy...
"For you my Love, for you..."
"What do you want?"She laughed, mocking me, toying with me like a cat.
"To be with you forever."

I awoke from my dream in a strange room.Groggily I looked around, wondering where I was and how I had got here, then I remembered my dream...
How strange it was, how strange I felt as it drifted back to me.I wondered why I had felt such Love and adoration for a woman, a Vamperic whore of a woman.
I glanced around the room, it was richly furnished, much better than at home, I must have drank to much and finally done what my cousins had been telling me to for years...Virtue was for people who wanted to stay poor, all the smart girls did this.
Four-poster, red velvet, I really had done well for myself hadn't I?
Then I saw her, peering around the the oak door frame.How could she be there?She was just a dream figure, not part of this reality.I must still be sleeping.
"No you aren't" she whispered, "you are awake my dear."
"No." I knew it was real but wanted to believe it was not, I ran my hand down my neck and found the two tell-tale signs...I was one of them.
She took off in a run, I did not feel for her as I had the night before, but still I ran.Almost echoing what I had thought of as a dream I chased her through the corridors of the building and into a room.
I thought I had her cornered, nowhere else to run, yet she was not visibly in the room, unless she was in the pool of red water in it's centre.
Wait, red water, I was still thinking like a human, but it's smell, so...Metallic, so beautiful, I could not stop myself, I cupped my hands and drank from the pool.
It reminded me of when my eldest cousin brought Whiskey back from Scotland, the way it trickled down my thought, burning at first but filling me with warmth, that twisted and turned inside of me like tendrils of a vine plant.
I felt disgusted with myself when I had finished, I had just drank blood for the first time you see, everyone feels like this the first time, except for the truly evil ones.
I looked up, and there at the other side of the pool was an almost fully submerged man, staring at me.
I jumped and crawled backwards towards the doorway.He blinked and pushed his long, blood drenched hair out of his eyes and began to slowly rise from the crimson depths, of what was literally the pool of blood.
He was naked, and until that moment I had never seen a man naked before, I had always expected them to be like breast less woman and had been to shy to ask un-virtues cousins.I blushed.
Also from the pool, came the now naked woman who had bitten me, and two tall blonde woman, who all stared at me as he had.I felt fear, intense fear.
"Introduce me to our guest Márie,"He demanded, powerfully.
"I found her wandering the village m'Lord, half starved of blood, delusional Lord and unable to hunt."Lied the Vamperess who had brought me here.
I don't know where I summoned the strength to speak from, as I felt weaker than I ever had before, but I just managed to whisper,
"She lies..."Before passing out.

I found myself in that room again, the room with the red velvet.Only this time, He was there, sitting in a chair next the bed in which I lay.I trembled, suddenly filled with fear again.
"Do not fear me child,"He laughed, but it was not a happy laugh, it is hard to describe, I suppose it was a dead laugh really.
He was dressed now, obviously a rich man to, what was I thinking, man he was no man, he was dead, but then so was I.
"Why did you call Márie a liar?"He coaxed.I hesitated,"I find it insulting that you do not answer me..."
"She did not find me wandering Demon," I answered defiantly,"She bit me."
"I apologize for her behavior m'lady,"He whispered hypnotically,"She is still young, and she lost a child fifty years ago, the day before she died.Never-the-less, she must learn."
How dare he brush off her changeing me as though it were nothing?
With that he left me, and I drifted into dream.It was a dream of solitude, in which I walked a garden dressed in black satin, the garden got darker and more tangled with weeds as walked.I began to hear screaming.
"You stupid child!"He screamed, as I ran though the wild garden, "What were you thinking? We only just trained you child, we do not have room for another!"
"I'm sorry master, I thought-"It sounded like Márie was crying, I passed an over grown angel tombstone, it to burst into black-blood tears,"I thought, maybe, maybe I could raise her-"
"You could not have raised a child when you were alive had the nuns left it with you, you infected whore, Lucifer help any child you try to raise in Death."
There was a sound of flesh slapping flesh,and a wail from Márie, before he appeared beside me.
"Sleep child..Day is upon us,"He whispered softly in my ear,"Day is upon us, and tomorrow you must feed."

The scent of fresh blood filled my nostrils, and I rose from my bed.I was drawn to it's intoxicating smell, like a moth to a flame I went.
"I brought you a present youngling."He spoke more calmy than the night before, and he was carrying a freshly killed peasent man the neck of his tunic.
"Thankyou,"I paused, still unaware of his name,
"Caumlo." He answered, alowing a flicker of a smile, to cross his thin mouth.
He dropped the corpse at my feet, and walked away.
I couldn't, could I?
I feIt so weak, weak from hunger.
When a person is starving, they'll eat or drink anything, so against my will that is what I did.I crouched down and drank.
It was strange, although I was dead, I had never felt so alive.I cleaned the blood from my mouth and headed down the marble staircase.
This all still felt like a dream, a horrorfying dream, from which I could not wake.I suddenly felt disgusted at myself,
I am dead...I thought, stomache lurching, I felt like vomiting, in fact no, it was more than a feeling.
I ran as fast as my legs would carry me out of the building and into the grounds, before the blood meal finnaly came back up.
"I did the same the first time I drank blood..."Sighed Caumlo from behind me,"You lasted much longer than I, I drank and then promptly vomited over my Lady's shoes."
I know it sounds strange given my situation, but I couldn't help it, I smiled.
"I am now the living Dead, and I'm smileing about it...I should be Dead and rotting."I cried, turning from laughter to tears.
"Yes," He laughed,swinging around in a circle, "But Undead is so much more fun, no longer bound by ettiquete or pomp and pagentry."
"I liked ettiqute."I wept.
"Really?"He asked me looking at me seriously,"I'm sure you didn't."
© Copyright 2006 Laura Angelblade (rabbit777 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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