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A new generation adventure begins for the star fox crew. |
(Work in progress) Introduction: To start, welcome to the imagined story of Fox McClouds future. This future is taking bits and pieces of the endings in star fox command, and organizing them into reasonable tangits and logical experiences that will surely be of the sort to organize itself into proper logic. Now that was a bit long winded, but what I really had in mind to explain was alot longer. But for starters, all characters of the star fox series, including the son of slippy and amelia and granddaughter of peppy, are copywrited and owned by Nintendo corperation. What I hope to have happen is also ask that you, the fans, help in the logical distribution and current events of Our new Star Fox main character, Marcus McCloud. So sit back, imagine, and enjoy his beginning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prolog: The probable end. With the many perils and adventures that had been experienced within the crew of the star fox team, it is the decided outcome that Fox McCloud has chosen the final fate of his life. As he lays there in bed, staring at the metalic ceiling of his quarters pondering some sort of oddity in mind, he also wonders about the days of being in such a life he lives. Surely he wouldn't want to quit, but to be with the cornarian forces was another thing he wasn't up for agreeing with. He rocks in his bunker bed a bit, stiff and aching from the thoughts in mind. "...Gah..." He moans, giving a big long sigh with the thoughts stirring in mind. There was the fact of something more bothering him, something unbelievably hard to decide upon as a man. Though it would make him feel likely he would rather face andross 10 times more before embarking on this life altering situation. "...Why did I have to go and get myself into this?" He seats himself upright, rubbing a hand to his forehead as he looks out the porthole to the endless black of star lit void. Then he looks onward at the wall as he starts to talk to himself. "I mean...sure I been through tougher stuff..." Then he starts to hold his paw up to count his digits. "Taking out motherships..." pushing down 1 finger. "...beating oikanny...2 times..." then pushes down 2 more fingers. "...beating andross..." Then he ponders that as well. "...3 times including that bioweapon..." Pushing 2 more fingers down, he realises that he ran out of fingers to count with on that hand. Then he just does the logical thing and switches to his other hand in a bit of worry as he flexes his thumb down. "Beating an angler armada-" balling his 7th finger, "Saving general pepper-" 8th finger, "Saving dinosaur planet-" 9th finger, "-And rescuing krystal..." and 10th finger. when finishing at his pinky on his remaining hand, that was where he ends up having 2 fists in his possessions. He looks at both of his hands balled up into fists before he groans and slaps them over his face. "I'm gonna need more fingers for this latest adventure."He groans in his balled up hands, rocking a bit on his bed as his tail wags in irritation. A beep noise sounds in his room, as the speaker echoes gently in his quarters. The voice coming in through the comm was Krystals herself. "Fox, I managed to use a bit of the supplies, and ROB's help, to make some dinner for now." "That's great Krystal," He calls back at the comm, still rubbing his temples and eybrows in frustration, "I'll be up there in a minute." he responded. His lith and fit form pushes up off of the bed, his ears flick a bit at the ponderance of his future. The ship was rather empty without its crew, wholesomely because of the futures that have now taken hold of each member. As Fox takes his stroll through the halls of his ship, he looks out each port window at the stars that be before him. His eyes drifting from one star to another in continual fashion. Then his eyes lay sight at saurius, the planet they would be landing on soon enough. The greenery and life there was all the more enjoyable from this high top view from space. "Wonder how Trickie is doing taking over his dads guardian status?" he pondered, a flashback of memory to how long ago that was for himself. He comes to a stop though, finding the door to the dinning hall before him and letting the entry slide open to view. The hall was a splendid sight to behold for something so ordinary. The metal table well bolted down and in wonderous design of the green dim glow that came from the table top. The rims of the table were fashioned with titanium painted black along with its base. What once were a set of 5 chairs have now dwindled down to 2 for just himself and Krystal, side by side as always. The view they would have of the port window in the room was as grand as ever though. The stars and consolations, along with other known planets and galaxies, shown brighter than ever. The sky they would see for all time in their days would always be as splendid as this. Not even the silence that bore between the hums of machinery and sounds of technology could be put out of the question of how wonderous the view can be. Fox gave a smile to Krystal, dressed in a maternaty purple gown down to her ankles, draping loosely around her mid section. The reason being that krystals middle has grown out quite a bit as the rest of her remained rather fit and well toned. He approaches her slowly, his arms wrapping around under hers and giving a genlte peck kiss muzzle. "Hey honey." He murrs, whispering gently as he held her ever so gently in arms. His eyes locking with hers with the sparking of the stars. "Hello darling." She replied, tail wagging as a hand held onto her middle and another on his side. Fox gives a glance down at her bulge of a belly and just gave a gentle warm look to it. "Seems like the baby's coming along huh?" He asked, his hand gently caressing down to her bulge, feeling a heart beat from within. She could only give a gentle cooing as his hand rubs her middle ever so gently. "Oh yes Fox. I'm hoping that the baby comes soon. I'm just so curious as to how he'll grow up to be." Fox stops a moment hearing that, then looks back into Krystals eyes in confusion. "He?" He asked puzzlingly confused. His hand scratching the side of his ear a bit. "I would think women would second guess it was a girl rather than a guy." "Then you don't know women so well then do you?" She playfully mocked, smooching his cheek as she leans forward so as her belly wouldn't get in the way. Then she and Fox just take their seats at the dining table, Him helping her into her seat first, and they both just gaze a bit at the stars for quite some time. Fox took a deep sigh, then looks down to his dinner with a bit of a sudden surprise of distaste. There on the plate was a small portion of a steak like slab of meat with some sort of side dish that resembled mash potatoes. He looks back at Krystal in a bit of confusion. "Eh, this is dinner?" "Oh Fox, of course it is. Cemulian steak with a side of mashed topatos." She did nothing but just give a gentle giggle under her breath as fox looks worrysomely at his meal. "I don't get why they decided to genetically splice tomates and potatoes together really...just makes for a messy combination of bad ketchup and lumpy fries..." he muttered, picking up his spoon as he pokes at it. Krystal just pats his shoulder. "Now don't make me treat you like a child and spoon feed you." "Well the practice would be nice for ya.." He muttered with a smirk. Krystal gave a soft laugh at what Fox meant. Her hand returning to her middle as she looks at her dinner before taking up her silverware and politely starting her meal. While the two vulpes sat together and enjoyed their dinner, Krystal just gives a gentle sigh as she dabs her lips with her napkin gently. "Fox," She asks, "Did you hear anything from Slippy and amanda lately?" Fox was chewing on a bit of his steak before looking back at Krystal with a rather puzzled look. He swallowed first, rubbing his arm over his muzzle to get any excess food off his face. Krystal rolled her eyes a bit at his table manners while he ponders the thought of Slippy. "Yea.." He replied, scratching at his chin a bit, "Said he was swamped with a lot of kids. Though he told me he's doing ok I guess." "Well," Krystal said, "I just heard from Amanda yesterday that Falco is doing well on the planet venom after it got terraformed into a better place to live, being that he's leading that new team of his hired to defend that end of the system. Though the name Star Falco is a bit over done if you were to ask me Fox." "I wasn't" He replied with a bit of a disgruntled tone, "When do I ever wanna hear about that bird brain after the time he left to start that team?" "It would be nice to at least be able to hear from him again. You and Falco would always brag about your flying capabilities once and also make sport about that race everyone is talking so much about. What was it again?" Fox just chuckled a bit while pondering that himself. Then he leans back, sighing in relief while looking up at the ceiling. "G-Zero. It's like normal racing but with little gravity and you're grounded to a set obstacle course track that goes in a circle. It's less tougher than dog fighting in an Arwing...but the speeds you can go through..." Then he gives an even greater sigh of deep thought with a smile on his muzzle. Krystal rubs at her shoulder a bit, rubbing lower and lower down her suit cladded attire to a noticable curve at her mid section. "Fox..." she asks, rubbing her finger over her gentle belly. "Yea?" He asks, unsure of what is to happen. Though he did look over to notice how Krystal was gazing back at him with a soft and silent smile, the look in her eyes rather relaxed and calm. Krystal kept her look while placing both hands on her pregnant middle. "I'm worried that we might not be the kind of parents our newborn would want. In fact, I never had a family of my own for quite some time." "Me neither." Fox replied, holding a hand over to her middle and giving it a gentle rub. "But," he added, "I think we shouldn't worry about what our parents would do, and just think about being the best kind of parents you and I can be for our kid." Krystal smiles gently at the rub, and looks back to Fox in gentle bliss. Her smile grows upon her muzzle at the warm feeling her dearest lover was giving and she reaches a hand over to his cheek. The tuffs of fur upon it bristle against her hand as she gazes deeply into his eyes. Fox just sat there returning the gaze longingly. For a while, they just sat there, looking at one another, enjoyed by the calming peace and tranquility of their warmth and time together even as their dinner grew cold and stale. Krystal gives a bit of a startle as she felt something inside her stomach. Her hand going over her belly and looking rather surprised. "Ooh...I think he kicked." "Really? Lemme have a feel." He asked enjoyably, reaching a hand to where hers was. Both of them felt the bump back from their offspring waiting to be born. She giggles gently at the feeling. "Oh Fox...I think we might have a strong child in the future..." She cooed, stroking her belly softly as Fox scoots over and drapes an arm around her shoulder, his free hand to her stomach and sighing gently while cuddled to her. "I hope so Krystal...I hope so." He murred, kissing her cheek again as the 2 lovers sit together idly. Even as time would pass as fast as the grains of sand would go through a sive, their love together would always be the thing to bring time to a standstill, and leave them together in what can feel like centuries of love for just the 2 of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: A new star is born It's been many a year since that very day. Today, we arrive in the planet of Corneria, where the day of bustling and hustling continues in such a thriving planet of life and prosperity. Lately though, Venom has been growing to something just as equal as Corneria, and things between the 2 planets have made the lylat system become split in economical power. For quite a while, both sides have stayed at peace and prosperity at the moment. It is on Corneria, though, that our story truely begins. At the point of the Corneria academy. In the capitol of the planet, the academy is quite renouned for its growth in cadets and jet pilots ever since the fame of Fox McCloud, a long ago cadet of the academy durring his fathers time. With the flourishing of this fine academy, came great ammounts of cadets by the bundle load. Although, off at the corner of a street were 3 rather non shalaunt looking citizens making their way to the academy. The first figure was rather tall, wearing a trench coat and hat along with a pair of sunglasses. His fur was a gentle orange and white. The next figure was in a more normal female attire, though with a cloth hood tied under her chin and also sunglasses. Her fur was a lovely azure blue and white. Her feet were adorned by some high heels under an ankle bare red skirt. Next to them, was an azure blue and white fox boy with a red and white cap, a rather sporty looking G-Zero fan jacket, and a regular pair of trousers and some leather buckle boots. As the family make their way across slowly, the males eyes skim around in curious wondering of anybody making eye contact with them. Laying low for the time being is a rather tight knit hardship to follow through when you're trying not to make a scene with sending your boy off to his first day at the academy. The reason why? Well you might be surprised what this reason is if you knew already. "Now Marcus," said the female, holding her skirt a bit defensively, "No show boating on your first day, no one wants to find out about-" "Yea yea mom I know." Replied the boy to be marcus, keeping his cap on securely as he looks at the other civilians. "Besides, it'd surprise everyone if they knew who I really am." "Though if someone happens to pick a fight with you on the first day-" replied the older male who would be the boys father, before the mother held his muzzle shut a bit. "He will not get into any trouble-" she replied, "-because he shouldn't." Then she lets go of his muzzle, leaving the father to try and readjust his jaw a bit. She gives Marcus a gentle smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek. The boy chuckled a bit, rubbing his face in a bit of a bashful response. "Moooom..." He laughed, scratching the back of his head in a bit of embarrasment. "Now be a good boy and get to your first class. I don't want my son to be late." She remarked, giving him one final hug as he returned the warmth. It was a while that they did this before the father taps her shoulder and notices a few academy students snickering. She lets go soon after, brushing herself off and just waving goodbye to her son as Marcus makes a run to the doors. "You think he'll be alright?" she asks, hands to her chest in a bit of a solemn look. "Course, what could go wrong?" the father replied, giving a smile to the mother as she returned the look.. "I don't know...what did YOU do on your first day long ago?" She remarked with a smirk, turning and then giving a swish of her hips as she walks away. The man stopped a bit, his glasses tilted to reveal Fox McClouds stunned look hearing his wifes remark. Then he readjusts his disguise and chases after her. "Now that's hitting below the belt!" He yelled as he catches up with her, both of them laughing as they make their leave. ***** Inside the great halls of the academy, many cornerian cadets of all jump suit colors and jackets were in the passing from one area of learning to another. A few familiar looking flight simulators in relation to minor old 3D graphic Arwing flight practice systems were at opperation, a couple others set to test against other cadet pilots having attained their flyer permits. They make sport out of it too, seeing who can knock the other down the most number of times or who can take out more enemies than the other. While the many lights and decorative spots of the halls were quite astounding, its cadets were much more of a joyous sight to behold. Some of them were falcons, others were canid in nature, and quite a couple were simian and amphibian in nature. But speaking of Amphibian, one amphibion stood out quite more than the rest. This young one was a bright orange in color, wearing the weirdest hat and matching color jumpsuit ever. Pile after pile of books were in the poor boys scrawny arms as he struggled to carry them all to his next class. Now while that young man was making his way to the next session, Marcus continues to make note of so many of the academies enjoyable views and sights. So much in fact that he was going to find himself colliding with another common astounishment. The astounishment of the every day accidental student crash. Now a maneuver like this is something VERY easy to do if you follow these 3 steps. 1.) Take your eyes away from focusing forward and let your mind drift into la la land. 2.) Have some sort of unsuspecting geek too loaded with material come in from a different direction. 3.) Then pinpoint a proper collision course that would effect the nearest bully. Now that last one was a bit over done but in this scenario it was exactally what happened. When Marcus's mind was a drift with thoughts of the design, and The toad boy was unable to focus with such a heavy load, the 2 made a side to side collision bump to one another, causing all those well stacked books to fly higher in the air than any arwing can reach while grounded on low fuel cells. Now the bully to be effected by this, had his head rained on by a cover by cover reference of many engineering manuals. While Marcus was able to barely keep his balance, the poor frog kid was on his bottom and rubbing at his back a bit. The kid looked like he took a good slam from that impact too. Marcus looked a bit worryingly at the kid, going over to him with his hand outstretching. Meanwhile, the bully, a rather rugged looking grey and white wolf, brought himself back up to notice marcus just picking the kid up with both hands. He gives a bit of a growl, dusting his black jumpsuit off while looking at a bit of his locks. His ravenous hair lengthening down to his back in ravenous white. The one thing he notices is a bit of hair was ruffled out of place sticking out. Without any hesitation, his glare went right at Marcus and the toad boy, his hand balling into a fist. "You ok?" Marcus asked, brushing some dust off the kids shoulder. The poor toad boy just looked to the side a bit shyly "I-I'm s-s-sorry for--bumping into you like uh-that." He replied a bit with a studder in his voice and some worry as well. "Hey it's no problem-"Marcus almost finished. "It is to me twerp!" yelled the wolf from beside them, grabbing Marcus by the arm and pulling him close in contact. Marcus gave a bit of a struggle from his arm as the wolf just kept staring at him with a growl and a look of distaste. "Hey let go of me!" Marcus yelled, though the wolf didn't let go even with his plea. He just shook his head slowly and looked back at him. "Newbs...don't know when to watch where they're going do they?" The wolf growled in his breath. "The name's Lance, and I'd like an apology right this instant." "Apology for an accident?!" Marcus replied in a bit of an angered shock, "You're joking!" "Oh I'm not joking." Lance answered, his grip pulled away after pushing marcus back a few feet, which the kitsune stumbled a bit before keeping balance. Marcus brushes his arm and rubs it a bit, the cold feeling of that tight grip that was there still lingering. "Look, I'm sorry that I bumped into the kid and I'm sorry that you had to be there when those books fell. But I'm telling ya it was just an accident." "Accident or not-" Growled lance, "it at least let me find a newb on the block I haven't given a proper welcome yet." some of the academy students were crowding around now. Marcus took a good look around him seeing the students crowding. A few were whispering some sort of bet against him and it sounded like everyone knew the outcome of this. "WELCOME to the academy kid." Yelled Lance with a dark pride, cracking his knuckles as he glares at Marcus. "First rule; I'm in charge of this school, Period." "You?" Marcus asked, rather annoyed that this wolf thinks he's all that. He would have to have half a mind just to knock some sense into this wolf. Then he remembered something that just made him stand there in a bit of worry. "Though if someone happens to pick a fight with you on the first day-" replied the older male who would be the boys father, before the mother held his muzzle shut a bit. "He will not get into any trouble-" she replied, "-because he shouldn't." Marcus just held at the tuft of his chin with his one hand and his eyes focus on Lance staring back at him with a smirk. "I see that you already get the idea." He barked with a laugh, cracking his neck and keeping his glare and sinister smirk at Marcus. Marcus didn't know how to get himself out of it. To think that his first year was going to start out with a black eye on his face for a tatoo. With that, he decided that he would try anything else other than starting with a bruise. "Sorry mom." He mutters silently in his breath. Lance came close to Marcus, his hands in fists and his smirk still upon his muzzle. "Second rule: All newbs that come have to register to me and get a punch out." "If that's suppose to be funny then why not just put up already?" Taunted Marcus, though he was rather unprepared for a person to person fight. Though he was prepared for it he wasn't thinking it would be this soon he would put his work to the test. Lance just smiles at Marcus. "You get what I mean then." His hand raises as it was balled into a fist, then he makes a swift lean forward as his fist soon breaks through the wind, readying to ram into Marcus's face. When the fist was about to make contact, there was a sudden dissapearance of Marcus when he made a quick end crouch and dash around behind lance. He backed up a bit, seeing the wolf stumble before getting back up and growling. "STAND STILL YA PUNK!" He yelled at Marcus, a glare in his eyes that beat with the pure radiation of darkness and anger. Marcus took a glance at that look he was being given and he didn't need another glance of it ruining his focus. His eyes squint gently as his hands were still kept in fists and his stance was loose and free. He wasn't going to let himself get beat so hard like that any sooner than he expected. Lance made a roaring yell before charging, arms to the side with his hands ripping out his claws from each finger. His dashing was getting closer and closer, the look in his eyes getting madder and darker. Then, as both met up close and his monsterous hands were circling around to get his waist in a bear grip, The blue and white fox made a high up jump and leap. His magnificent speed and grace showing off on its own as he forward flips twice over the unsuspecting Lance. The mad wolfs eyes were following the fox after the grip, his boots skidding hot along the pavement of the academy flooring with his mouth agape at the sight of the acrobatic fox. With those flips mesmerizing him, he was in a slow reaction to the feet of the kitsune landing onto his back. Marcus made a hard kick off of Lances backside, pushing the wolf hard forward as both were lunging in opposite directions, lance by force and Marcus by will. As the wolf had stumbled on his hands and knees from the push, turning around in a quick angry motion, Marcus was already rolling back onto his knee and foot, his hand on his thigh as he was again facing Lance person to person. The 2 were dead lock eye to eye as Marcus was having trouble trying to keep that hunting caniver of a bully off of his back before that bad luck wolf gets the better of him and manages to land a single knock out punch. Just as Lance was making a readied charge at the new cadet, his tail gets yanked at from a rather muscular canid hand. The trapped wolf gave a loud yipe before falling forward and turning his head around to who was yanking his tail. "LET THE HELL GO YOU FU-....uh..." was all he could say as his look of anger turned into an instant look of panic. Right there, holding at his tail, was none other than General Pepper himself. The look in the canines stern yet saggy eyes was enough to somehow tame the beast in Lance and cause him to slowly get up and wait till his tail was let go. There was a strong look of anger in his eyes but he was also trying to force it down so as not to get into anymore trouble than he already is in now. Marcus takes a look at the General and makes a bit of a surprised look in his eyes. He never once got to see a General before in his life of growing up, even if he heard of General Pepper from his old man. Other than that, this is like meeting someone he has never known quite before for the first time. "Mister Lance..." Spoke General Pepper in quite the authoritive manner, "Is there a reason why a fight is being ensued upon in the halls at these hours?" Lance was about to give a rather darkened look, but he couldn't risk having a bad mark on his record in the beginning of the Academy school year. With a low growl and a look away, Lance just gave a mutter in his breath. "No sir..." The General just keeps his eyes focused on the wolf while still holding his tail. His grip keeps tight on the hold before he just slowly lets go of the wolfs tail, whom pulled it away quite fast. Pepper made no remark about the wolfs yanking and just keeps his hand behind his back, his eyes focused and still beaming with authority and displeasure upon the dark figure. The wolf didn't waste no time, and just starts marching his way down the hall. Again, General Pepper said nothing. With all that cleared up, Marcus was about to take his leave too and head to the dormatories. Before he could even take a turning step, The canine General made eye contact on Marcus. "Young lad," He bellowed gently with the same tone of authority, "You seem quite familiar. Tell me, what's your name?" Marcus was suddenly stiff as a statue in suspense and fear. If he gave out his name, then he would be exposed to everyone for the kind of cadet he really is going to be. Though with a gentle pause, he just wipes away a bit of sweat and keeps standing in proper respect. "M-Marcus Sir..." he stuttered, unable to have thought of a disguise name for this situation. His prayer in mind is that he hopes Pepper doesn't really know him. However, General pepper just gives a smile, as his eyes of authority go at ease and beam with a soft form of respect and authoritive compromise. "Well then Mister Marcus...I would suggest you have yourself sign in quickly before the rooms get taken." The kit was almost awash with surprise at how he was just left alone like that so easily. His eyes blink in surprise and watch as the General salutes and takes his leave. The poor kit was taken so much by surprise that he just falls onto his behind in a sigh of relief and wipe a bit of sweat off his brow. "Dang that was so close!" Commented the toad boy while holding his books. The kid looks at marcus while turning to the side for a better look. "By the way, Name's flippy, nice to meet ya Marcus." "Call me Mark for short if ya want." Marcus remarks, bringing himself back up as he looks at the tons of books his new companion has. He gives a bit of an odd look with a bit of curiosity. "And what the heck is with all those books?" Flippy just looks at his books, then chuckle croaks a little before looking back at Marcus. "Well, these are all of the books for my different classes. Engine studdies, Cartography lessons, Even weapons manufacturing!" This was making Marcus sweat a bit uneasily, all those hard classes and he isn't even prepared with a single book. Talk about a bad day at first year. "Aw man..." He groaned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |