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Introduction of my science fiction character. |
=^= Kasaki Mai=^= Three years she had been a resident of the blasted penal colony. Three years….of which she was told that the sentence was light considering what she did. In her opinion, her actions were justified. She honestly thought that the men were responsible for murdering her parents. She still did believe that even though they were found innocent. What a crock! She thought. She should have finished them….she should have made them feel as much pain as she did. The pain never went away, not for a moment. It was constant, a reminder of what was taken from her and she felt no justice had been brought other than the small amount she inflicted before she was caught. Pausing for a moment, her icy gaze was brought up to her arm that held a small scar from where the knife deeply slashed her. At the time of the kidnapping, she was not aware one of the men were armed. Placing her finger on the old injury, she traced it, wondering if those two still had there scars she left them with. You don’t study the minds of criminals without getting a few ideas yourself. That was the whole basis behind her training, not to bring justice to everyone, just to two individuals. Once she heard the light foot steps of the female guard, she instinctively stood up from her bunk. Tugging on the new security uniform, she smoothed over the rest of her appearance the best she could. The containment field lowered. The guard entered. “McAlister, I thought the day would never come.” The guard shoved a small duffle bag of personal effects at Savannah. She welcomed them, the last remnants of what was a normal life up until three years ago. In the bag housed beauty products, an extra set of clothes, and a data padd containing a psychology book on the workings of the criminal mind. The woman sighed outwardly, and for the first time, contentment washed over her in a small amount. “I’ll escort you to the shuttle that will take you to the ship.” The ensign paused. “Well, wait….I’m supposed to be assigned to a StarBase?” O’Hare chuckled and attempted to stifle full laughter. McAlister cocked her head in curiosity. “Uh, yes….if you can call BoB a StarBase.” The look of utter disappointment sank deep into her features. “BoB?” McAlister replied meekly with a nauseating feeling rising up from her midsection. The guard smirked. “McAlister, did you really believe you would be assigned to a real ship or StarBase? With your….history?” “Yeah, guess so.” The nauseated feeling was still present, but was growing larger by the second. “This way.” Savannah said nothing. She was attempting to reason why she would be sent to a base with qualities such as StarBase Bob had been blessed with when she just finished serving her time to erase her debt to society. Then it dawned..... Society is not Star Fleet. A half crooked smile graced her features. She had paid her debt to society, but Star Fleet was still waiting. So, to fufill this requirement, they stick her in the most delinquent place in space. This base was the bottom of the Ferengi barrell so to speak. Well, it will be interesting............. Ensign Savannah McAlister-Security |