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Enter the rhyming words. |
Post the rhyming words for the word given to you and enter another word for the next person. For example: rain, pian, gain, stain...........ship The next person will post the rhyming words for ship. You can post as many words as you want. P.S. 'Orange' has no rhyming word. |
Loot lute poot toot.... banana. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Happy pappy sappy nappy......... garage. (Steev the Friction Wizurd hind, blind, kind, lined, mined, dined, find, signed..... purple (Rusty Quill furple, burple, murple, herple ..... magnificent (Steev the Friction Wizurd native......... indian (Steev the Friction Wizurd pure manure ........... shut (Steev the Friction Wizurd rut, hut, strut, but ... hose (Forge feet, fleet, beat, neat, cheat,......water (Pandora bought her, fought her, daughter ... hose (Steev the Friction Wizurd shunt, runt, blunt, stunt, grunt ... court (Forge sport, purport, support, wart......hinge (Petra Pansky fringe, tinge, cringe, singe....fish (Maryann wish, dish... miss (Crimson Goth bliss, dis, hiss, kiss, miss, priss, sis, this...pimple (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! wow (Nani: Overstressed Ow, cow, sow, how, now.....................Yucky (Nani: Overstressed ship....trip rip snitch,hitch,clitch? (*Urban^Legacy* deafen (Ever Menthany Stefan, left hand, lessen, deaf hen, left in, reffin', kraft tin, slept in, ......fossil (Coal collossal, window-sill, big chill....Orange (catty Collossal, windowsill, big chill....Stage *not orange caution (Joan caution....slow (Joan untame, fontain (French for `fountain`), plantain (banana)..............love (pentatonic OT:
![]() daughter (frankie bind/brind, dined, grind, hind, kind, lined, mined/mind, pined, rind, shined/signed, vined, whined/wind....happy (pentatonic daughter, sought her, caught her, bought her ... purple, her pull, burple ... smooth (Steev the Friction Wizurd steven... even...beaver (writing paduwan beaver...cleaver,receiver....watch (writing paduwan mountain, fountain...germane (writing paduwan germane, propane, substain... lady (Chris Haiti, Sadie....sweet (chatabit cents, pence, rents, tens.......five (Emilyisawesomeagain bee-rain, C-train, pee-brain... what rhymes with party? (Steev the Friction Wizurd knight light bright site kite....red (Joan bread,lead,said,head...aid (Joan afraid, maid, made, paid, laid, fade, trade, prayed, stayed, bade, hayed, raid........ people (coolk440 insane, henbane, rent-a-Dane, pin brain... tomato (Steev the Friction Wizurd chip, lip, dip, strip, crypt, slip, pip, clip, drip, sip, tip, nip, tulip,
Next work - Winter (Rune Draegonne winter - splinter, sprinter, printer, tinter - truck (Aimster truck duck cluck muck *uck tuck suck, oh for heaven sakes there is a thousand of them, next word - social (Steev the Friction Wizurd teddy, ready, already, heady, steady, unsteady, ........................... pressure (the last cicada bopped, flopped, topped, cropped, lopped, sopped, bellyflopped...................token (SilverMoon Spoken.... Trick (crystal Soup, coup, loop, stoop, hoop, bloop...........Grind (Omega Nexus (Bugsplat) Dumb, sum, some, come, rum, gum, yum, mum, hum, bum..... Lair (Soh ~ Luminousa Tree, Bee, Tea, Knee, Key, Gee, He, Me, Pea, Wreath, See, We, Ye....Bible (Danza scribal, tribal and, I have to use a dictionary, libel.... explicit. (Zhen implicit, illicit, complicit, biscuit, visit...................... Delegate. (Krone Total Displayed: 50 |