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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1144992
Continuation of part 1.
.....................................................Part 2............................................................

Behind Enemy Lines

“Who?” I said.
“The man from the night at the palace.” she responded.
“How do you know?”
“Because I can’t get premonitions of when he comes.” This explained why she was so terrified that night. Before I knew it the room was raided by the same black creatures that shot at us. I began to fight them all. In less than a few seconds they were all down. Just as I grabbed Julia’s hand and ran for the door the same man from the night at the palace entered with a gun to my face.
“You are very good, young man.” he said. “What’s your name?”
“None of your damn business!” I said.
“Right. Ah-Julia come, lets not take unnecessary lives.”
“She’s not going anywhere with out me understood?”
“Very well, take them both.” Guards came in and handcuffed both Julia and myself. I looked at her. She was terrified. God damn it I couldn’t do a thing! We were then taken to the deck. Then we were loaded onto a smaller boat which carried us to shore. My men were also taken as hostages. From shore we were put onto a red truck and taken deep within enemy lines. We were dropped off at a base. From there they put blind folds on all of us. I could feel that we descended several flights of stairs. I began to use my wolf instincts and smelled the air each time we turned. Then the blind folds were removed and we were put into individual cells. I could see Julia. She was in the cell right across from mine. For several hours I kept telling her to be strong and not to tell them anything no matter what.
Then as I sensed the moon rise the man walked into Julia’s cell. He began to beat on her. I grew enraged and began kicking the cell bars. The man turned to me.
“Vergil stop!” Julia screamed. The man turned around to her. He lifted her off the ground.
“Vergil?! Why the hell are you doing this?” I demaded.
“Because she must die! If she lives I lose! Besides she got all the brains. Me I got the brauns.” he said.
“What the hell are you talking about?! Hey I’m talking to you!” Vergil began to drag Julia out of the cell. “Hey! No Damn it, if you hurt her I’ll cut off your God damn hands!”
Vergil walked to the front of my cell. “Promise.” he said then walked away.
For several hours I prayed that Julia was alive. Finally a guard had dragged her back. He threw her body into the cell. I could smell her blood. Then the guard left. I knew I had to get her and my men out of this hell whole.
“Vincent you there?” I whispered.
“Yes sir.” he answered.
“Vincent call the guard and tell him you saw me run out. Okay?”
“Yes sir. Guard, guard the guy next to me escaped look inside his cell!”
I quickly transformed into my wolf state and hid under my bed. The guard ran to my cell and opened it. I jumped out from under the bed and wrapped my powerful jaws around his neck and just snapped it. I retransformed and removed all of his clothes; I put them on and gave him mine. I took his keys and let my men out. Then I ran over to Julia’s cell and opened it. I rushed inside and lifted her up. I checked if she was breathing. She was! I picked her up and dashed down the hall. I began to smell the air to determine my path. My men followed. I found the stairwell. I counted all the flights of stairs and found the exit. We ran outside. We all just kept running. I ran to the sound of water. We all made camp.
I began to clean up the gashes left by Vergil. My men and I began to decide what to do next.
“Listen up men. I am going to continue forward and take the Princess to Treim. I am giving you permission to take leave now if desired. You will not be considered a coward if you take leave. What say you all?” I said. I truly cared for the well being of my men.
“I’m with you commander.” Vincent said. “For better or worse.”
“Me two. I won’t let you take all the credit, sir.” Nemik said.
“With you all the way, sir.” said Rao.
“Yeah, m-me two, s-sir.” Mayhue said.
“Me go, too. Me go wit sir.” Gorge said.
“Good we leave at dawn. Vincent take first watch. Everyone else rest your eyes. Dismissed.” I ordered. I walked over to Julia. I watched for any signs of movement. Her eyes began to open. She looked at me. I smiled at her. She sat up and looked around.
“How?” she said.
“I got you out. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I-I’m sorry.” I said.
“Don’t be its not your fault.”
“I swear to you, you will not get hurt again.”
“Just promise to get me home, Marcus.”
“I promise Julia, I promise I’ll get you home.” I said. And I meant it with all sincerity. She leanded over to me. I could feel her breathing. Her soft lips pressed against mine. She quickly moved back.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean, too. It will not happen again.” she said. She looked at me and her eyes dropped to the ground. I reached for her face. I felt her soft skin. Her eyes met mine. I saw a twinkle in her eyes. It was as if she was waiting for me, waiting until I could love her. And I did. I loved her; something I once thought was something I couldn’t do. I moved closer to her.
“Julia,” I said, “I-I love you. And nothing will ever make me stop.” She just smiled. And then we kissed passionately under the stars. For several hours we looked up at the stars in each others arms. Vincent ran back and saw us, together.
“Excuse me sir” Vincent said. I looked at him and rose. He smiled at me.
“Yes Vincent?” I said.
“We have to leave now! There at the most a quarter of a mile from our camp.”
“Wake the men up. We’re moving out.” I said. I walked over to Julia. “Can you walk?” I asked.
“Yeah. Just help me up.” she said. I lifted her off the ground and placed her on her feet. She pressed against me. I looked deep into her eyes. We kissed. Then began our run.
As we ran the enemy gained on us. I grabbed Julia and placed her on my back. I then ran up a stern tree and placed her there. “Where are you going?” she asked.
“I need to get my men.I swear I’ll be back.” I said and dropped. I saw Vincent and he climbed up a tree across from Julia. I saw Rao and Nemik being chased. I transformed and attacked their pursuers. Both Rao and Nemik climbed the trees and hid. I ripped the enemy to limbs. I cared not for the lives of my enemies, especially since they hurt Julia. I saw Mayhue. He climbed the tree. I saw Gorge. He ran and stopped in front of the small cluster of trees my men were in. I stayed by his side. We killed many of the creatures that Vergil sent. Then Vergil appeared. I transformed back to my human state. Both Gorge and I began to engage with Vergil. He was fast. I couldn’t catch him. He caught Gorge. Poor Gorge.Vergil reached his hand into Gorge’s chest and pulled the life out of him. Gorge dropped lifeless on the ground. Vergil came towards me. I stood stationed. Just before he reached me, Julia pulled me up. She used some type of light arts spell that lifted me safely onto the tree. Vergil looked up.
“Oh- sister why? Why did you strip me of my fun? Its okay if I can’t get him I’ll get you.” he said.
“I’ll be damned before you lay another finger on her!” I said.
“Then welcome to damnation, wolf-boy. I’ll be back and you will not know when. Have a good time falling asleep.” Vergil said then waved at us and left.
We all looked at Julia. “I know.” she said.
“You know what?” I said.
“I should’ve told you, all of you.”
“You’re damn right!” Nemik said. “I’m out. There is no way I’m siding with the enemy.”
“She’s not the enemy! She’s on the Council remember.” I said.
“Yeah and what makes you think she not just helping her brother out. You know telling him all the little secrets of the council.”
“No. I am for the republic; I am not on Vergil’s side. “Julia said. This is when everything started falling apart.
“You mean YOUR BROTHER!” Nemik yelled.
“Stop it! I am for the republic. I have proven that time and time again.”
“W-wait maybe that’s h-how Vergil got into h-her r-r-room that n-night.” Mayhue said.
“No! I did not let him into my room, and I am not siding with my brother. How would you handle supporting the republic while a relative makes war against it? Huh? Damn it you all have mouths; now use them!” Julia said.
“So tell us Julia,” Vincent began, “Why do you have to go to Treim? What business do you have there?”
“I-I’m not permited to say.”
“Then how exactly are we to trust you?”
“It’s punishable by death if I say anything.”
“Your brother wants you dead and just about everyone here wants you dead, too. Death is no longer an option.”
“Marcus…please you have to believe me.” she said. She wasn’t lying. She was more afraid than anything else.
“Soldiers our mision was to get her to Treim no matter what. If you’re not coming fine. But it doesn’t give you the right take information from a council member. Julia lets go.” I said.
“Captain,” Vincent began, “is she telling the truth?”
“Yes. Though she made the choice of not informing us, because we didn’t need to know, it doesn’t change the fact that she is still with the republic. If you go back out there you’re on your own. If not shut the hell up and get back in line. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir” Vincent said.
“R-roger.” Mayhue said.
“Hmph” Rao muttered.
“If I die it’s your fault commander.” Nemik said. We all jumped down and began walking. Several hours of walking I noticed how tired they all were.
“Rao how long to Treim?” I asked.
“About two days.” he replied.
“Let’s make camp.” I said. So camp was made. Everyone sat around the fire except Julia. She sat several feet away. I got up and walked over to her. I sat next to her. “Hey. What’s wrong?” I asked.
“This always happens.” she said and huged her knees. Her eyes began to water. She refused to cry though.
“Just do it.”
“Cry. It might help.” I said.
“No. I don’t want to put out the fire.”
“Never mind its not importa…” she said and began to cry. Rain began to pour out of the clouds. To see her cry tore at my soul. I grabbed her hand and led her away from the men. I wrapped my arms around her. She just cried. I held her real tight. She then looked up at me. “I’m sorry. I-I…I’m just so sorry.” she said.
“Everyone is sorry for something and these are one of the things you shouldn’t be sorry for. It was about your family and I’m sure you would’ve eventaully told me anyway.”
“Why are you so understanding?”
“I know a lot about screwing-up. And I hate to see you like this.” I said and kissed her forehead. The rain came to a stop. We walked back to camp and no one was there.
I heard loud screaming. Then gunshots. I looked at Julia. “Did you hear that?” I asked. She nodded her head yes. I smelled the air and found Vergil’s scent. I followed it and find him standing over Nemik’s body. He had a blade in his hand covered in blood. I stood wide-eyed. Vincent was on the ground with Rao and Mayhue. Vergil fled and I ran toward Nemik.
I lifted his head. He was bearly alive. He lost too much blood and was a goner for sure. “Nemik can you hear me?” I said.
“Cap-captain, I’m-I never should’ve doubted you. He wants her dead. Get her to Treim, and tell her I’m sorry.” he said.
“Don’t worry it’s not your fault, sir.” Nemik said. He began to cough up blood. The whole night I held him. That night Nemik died in my arms. I closed his eyes and placed his head on the ground. As the sun rose so did I. Julia put her hand on my shoulder. I walked over to the rest of my men. They put their heads down. I walked onwards. Julia followed. And the rest of the men as well.
We kept walking. I never looked back and I never stopped. Vergil was taking my only family. He was taking my brothers. I knew I had to do something. I just didn’t know what. I had a feeling I was going to find out though.
I notice how sluggish Julia was getting. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“A bit tired but I can keep going.” she said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” she said. After hours and hours of walking, I knew we had to stop. I decided to stop at a small pond. Everyone took a nice long drink.
“Julia is there anything we need to know about Treim?” I asked.
“Yes. Violence isn’t looked upon lightly. Redwood Riders believe in a peaceful solution. And they honor the brave.”
“What about the dead? Do they honor them?”
“Yes Marcus. And keep in mind it is a very magical and mysterious place. Things there aren’t done the same way as the rest of Basik. The whole cycle of life revolves around magic. You must respect it.” she said. I looked at Julia. Though this experience showed its effect, she was still beautiful. A very small cut on her face, torn bloody clothes and still she amazed me. If I ever live through this I’m going to marry her. I am going to follow her for the rest of my days. I loved her.
The sun began to fade and darkness crept into the Shady Forrest. We made camp by the pond. Julia laid against me. I watched as Julia drifted off to sleep. I looked at my men. Rao, Mayhue, and Vincent looked at me. They looked at Julia.
“We need to get to Treim.” I said.
“And we will get you there, sir” Vincent said.
“Y-yeah.” Mayhue said.
“I-I…” Rao began.
“Its okay Rao I understand.” I said.
“No no you don’t!” he screamed. Julia woke up and sat up. “Nemik is dead! Gorge is dead! Because of…”
“Rao stop.” I said.
“NO! They’re dead because of that-that whore! If it wasn’t for her they’d still be here!” Rao said. I walked over to him and rammed my fist into his face. Vincent jumped up and held me back. Mayhue grabbed Rao.
“Lie down and shut-up! And if you want to leave, get the hell up and leave but do not stay here and disrespect me by not following my orders!” I screamed.
“Stop it Marcus. Is this how you pull your men together?” Julia asked.
“What?! I’m defending you!”
“No you’re knocking around your comrades.”
“What? He just called you a…”
“I’m very aware what he called me, but I know it’s his only way to coupe with his loss.” Julia said. She stopped. She walked over to Rao. She looked around and stuck out her hand to help him up. Rao looked at her. He rose. Her hand still extended to him. “Come Rao, take my hand.” She said. He just looked at her.
Julia violently grabbed for his hand and tugged him. She raised her hand and this light swirled around her arm. “Reveal yourself.” she ordered. Just behind the trees were Rao sat Vergil appeared. Everyone was shocked. Julia just saved Rao’s life.
“You always used magic when we played.” Vergil said.
“Vergil stop, you don’t have to do this.” Julia said.
“So Julia, when were you going to tell me you were dating wolf-boy? You two do make a cute couple. You both would look cuter dead, though.” Vergil said. He walked out to us. The moonlight laminated the area. I felt so much stronger. Vergil pulled out his blade. It glimmered and exposed his ferocity. I picked up my gun.
Vergil ran with great speed and wrapped his hand around Julia’s hair. Vergil tuggged at her hair and a great rage swept through my body.
“Vergil…ugh, stop please.” Julia said.
“Does it hurt? How about this?” He said. He slowly pushed his blade through her shoulder. Julia screamed in pain as tears began to run down her face. I ran towards Julia. Vergil yanked his blade out and shoved Julia to the floor. He swung down at me with his blade. I took grip of his cold steeled weapon and crumpled it like a piece of paper. Blood streamed from my hand. I grabbed Vergil and began to slam him into every tree near by. Vergil’s hands began to grow a black light around them. He touched a tree. The branch from the tree came down on top of me. I was forced to release him. Vincent took a shot and clipped Vergil’s left hand. Vergil took off.
Rao helped Julia while Mayhue and Vincent helped me out from under the tree branch.
As soon as I was free I ran over to Julia. She was grabbing her shoulder. Her hair was loose and she kept rocking. I lifted her up and walked over to the pond. I sat her down. I slowly moved her hand. It wasn’t bad, but if it wasn’t burned it could get infected. “Julia,” I began “Honey listen to me. I have to burn your wound or its going to get infected okay.” She looked up at me. She was breathing heavily.
“How long will it hurt?” she asked.
“A few seconds.”
“Fine do it.” she said. She looked the other way. I tore at her shirt, revealing her shoulder. I sprinkled some water from the pond on her wound. I shot some rounds from my gun. I then pushed the nozzle of the gun against her wound. Julia let out a long line of elvish curses.
The men and I began to laugh. I tore my sleeve off and used it to bandage the wound. I tore my other sleeve and tied it around her neck so she can rest her arm in it.
For the rest of the night we all stood up teasing Julia.

.................................................End of part 2......................................................

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