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Rated: E · Essay · Educational · #1119770
This is an essay on the diversity of language in critical thinking.
The following is a short poem dedicated to my wife Laura for whom I owe all the

success to ensue post education:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own super-hero?

I did until I met my wife whom is my wonder woman.

The incredible ability to bring me from the third dimension of dementia back to the

real world makes her my savior and my super-hero.

When things go awry in my chaotic mind she becomes my leaning post, my crutch

to make it though life’s little roadblocks.

To live with such a super-hero goddess makes life so much easier.

It is also nice to have that little birdie in my ear telling me when something is out of

place and to turn the other way.

If every man were so lucky, the world would be a much more peaceful place.


Language has a place in every setting. All three types of language can

cause or prevent wars. Written, spoken, or physical; language is the basis of our

modern civilization and next to money is the most important. The following

paragraphs will cover the diversity of spoken and written language, how it empowers

the expression of thought, and its role in the critical thinking process.


With billions of people and thousands of languages world wide, diversity

among language is just as common as diversity in ethnicity. The intercontinental

conglomeration of peoples here in America has created the world’s largest

collection of diverse culture, ethnicity and language worldwide. America being a free

nation allows people from all over to express themselves in diverse ways. With the

vast amount of persons within the borders of America, the process of critical

thinking can differ per situation. The language barriers that we all encounter can

cause prejudice among peoples as well as religious background, ethnic

background, color of skin, and even in some cases illness itself can be placement

for prejudice. The critical thinking process will differ as stated above with each

situation the individual will encounter. The circumstances surrounding the reason for

critical thinking, in my own perception, do not change the process of thinking

critically but rather change the outcome of the thought process.

Empowerment and limitations

The person whom is developing the thought that is in need of critical

thought will be empowered to act upon the resolution of the critical thought process

whether or not his or her actions have limitations placed there upon by the

resolution. The limitation or empowerment of the performance of said action or

statement is dependant on the amount of true logic used within the critical thought

process by said individual. To enlighten the subject a little further said person whom

is debating within him or herself whether to go for a drink with that office friend

whom is very interested in more than a drink or to go home to the awaiting goddess

is just one example of the outcome from critical thought. The empowerment of the

action to go to the bar leads to the ultimate destruction of home; however, the

limitation of the loins from the bar keeps the home life safe and stable. The use of

true logic in this process will assist in the establishment of the correct outcome of

the critical thought process.

The roll of critical thinking

The utilization of critical thought in the persuasion of an idea plays a

strong roll in the outcome. If someone were to present the argument that abortion of

an illegitimate child conceived through illegal or unmoral ways was wrong you would

half to think about the circumstances surrounding the abortion, thus resulting in the

enactment or limitation of said procedure. If, after the bar, the two individuals

receded to the others residence, fornicated, and conceived child, the confrontation

will presumably encroach the abortion factor, thus causing one of the perspective

parents to attempt to persuade the other of his or her views, forcing them both to

utilize their own true logic abilities to come to a conclusion. The ability of coming to

a conclusion, in some cases, results in physical communication, which translates

as violence. However, the conclusion also has other factors that will assist in the

determination of result. One of such factors is the cultural diversity and

communication barriers presented therein. Communication barrier have a strong

ability to empower and limit judgment or decision making capability among some



In finalization, the diverse languages around the world not only bring

written and spoken barriers but cultural barriers as well. Without the use of critical

thought, the marvels we all come to know such as eyeglasses, computers, cars,

paper, or even clothes existence is void. If the world lacked the lingual diversity we

have all come to know, yes, communication would be easier but we would not have

all the artistic persons within history such as Edger Allen Poe, William

Shakespeare, or even Socrates.
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