Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1105657-Yeti
by g00dz
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Animal · #1105657
This was a story for my HS writing class, the topic is a story through an animals eyes.

It was hot. The heat of my surroundings and the pressure I was under, made the sweat pour from my body. Running. I couldn’t stop. They were chasing me with a stick that shoots sleep. The hairless apes relentlessly pursue me. As I ran through the shrubbery and made the fallen branches crack when I stepped, even in the black of night, I gave my position off to the humans. A dart flew past my ear, not even a centimeter away. Why were they trying to capture me? I looked up and the moon resembled the claw of a crawfish; just then, I stepped on something sharp and I tripped. I fell in what only took a millisecond, felt like an hour in my mind. I fall on my abdomen, and two darts strike me, one in the leg, and one in the back. I start to dose, trying to keep awake. They have me now, and I sleep.

I wake up suddenly, in a closed room, in a cage. Where can I be? There are two humans eating a dinner of sweet smelling meat and drinking water. Both are light skinned. One of them, I can smell the evil and hyperactivity on. He has jet-black hair with daring brown eyes, the eyes of a bear before ravaging its prey into pieces. The other human has the scent of a calm, and well-hearted being. The excited and “evil” man says abruptly,

“Harry, we’re gonna make a goddamn fortune!”

“I know.” The more quiet and humble man replies.

“The question is, who can we sell him to?”

They were going to give me to somebody else? I was terrified. I longed to go back to my home under the old tree by the lake. For some reason, I can understand some of their language, but cannot speak it. I feel an eerie connection to these people somehow…

Several days have passed. Many humans have come and peered into the cage to look at me, oohing and aahing at the sight. What was so special about me? The humans did not feed me well, giving me small scraps of something that tasted like rabbit, but had more meat than a rabbit. They didn’t give me much water either, and they used a stick to poke at me violently when I urinated and it got on the ground. I was hungry and thirsty, so I slept most of the day.

The humans used some square object with a light to point at me many times, each time a small square came out of the bottom and the humans grinned with sadistic pleasure. They referred to me as “Bigfoot”

“Hey, Harry, I found a buyer for the Bigfoot we got.” Said the eager man.

“Pete, I told you already, it’s better to keep him and rent him out once in a while.” The more calm man replies.

“You’re a damn fool! We get five million dollars on this deal. FIVE FUCKIN MILLION!!!”

“Look who’s talkin’? We can make more than that in three years, just rentin’ him out,” the calm man countered.

“Harry, we are selling him for the give mill, I need the money right now.”

Pete pulls out an object similar to what was used on me the night I was captured.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill you if I have to, we sellin’ him, got that!?”

“Don’t do anything stupid, you fool, you ain’t gonna shoot me over this.”

“SHUT YOUR DAMN HICK MOUTH!” Pete screams violently.

Harry’s face turned grim, I could smell the fear emitting from his body. Pete points the object right at Harry’s head, and holds it there with one eye closed.

“L-look, m-m-maybe we can w-work somethin’ o-“

The object disrupted Harry’s speech immediately. It seemed to shoot light and a deafening sound into Harry’s forehead. He falls, and shakes for a moment, then stops. He is dead.

“Ha ha ha, cock-sucker, now I get all the money to my lil’ old self.”
Pete was an evil human, no doubt about that, but the object he used, both intrigued, and frightened me. I knew I wouldn’t be harmed, but I wanted to know where I was gong. I tried to reach my hand out to his leg. He slapped my hand away immediately, as if he was expecting it.

“Get your damn dirty hands off me, ape. I got diggin’ to do.

I woke up early the next day to find myself in complete darkness. I was moving. I was repeatedly jerked back and forth in my cage. One big jolt sent me flying to the side. The rupture caused me to hit my head on the metal bars of the cage. I decided I would have to hold on so I wouldn’t get thrown around like that.

After an hour or so of darkness and violent jerking, the movement ceased. A large door opened. The light hurt my eyes at first, but I was glad that it refracted from my pupils. It gave me warmth, and instantly, I felt refreshed. Ah, how I missed the sun.

My cage was put on to a machine and strapped tightly. I began to move towards a giant red tent. The words on the tent said, “Victor’s Freak Shows!” What was a freak show? There were not many humans around, but whoever was, looked at me with astonishment. What was the big deal about me, that everyone has to stand and stare? What was the reason why I was taken from my home, and sold? Suddenly, there was another violent jerking. A man in a suit started screaming

“CONTROL THE MACHINE! You kill that thing n’ I’ll sue yo-“

I hit my head against the bars, again, and fall into a deep sleep. I saw a vision embedded in my unconscious min. I saw my mother. Oh, how I missed her. She took me and put me into the lake, and I cried. But she took me out right away and held me close to her. I still felt fear, yet comfort that my mother had me in her arms. She told me,

“Don’t worry, my child everything is alright, I had to clean you that’s all.”

Suddenly, through the dream and into my conscious thoughts, I remembered this event. I had been but a few months old and I had forgotten this time in my life. But, now I remember. I remember the dialogue, and the soothing voice of my mother. I remember my mother again.

“I am going to get us some food from the humans, child. Right down there.”

She points at a quaint little cabin made of trees, or so it seemed. It was dull in color, and resembled decaying leaves on the ground before the frigid cold season. There was a gray stack with smoke emitting from the top. The smoke smelled like nothing I have ever smelt before. Even in the dream, it was so vivid I couldn’t help but wonder if I really wasn’t dreaming; if my whole nightmare in the cage had been a figment of my wild imagination of humans, and I would wake up momentarily, snug in between the roots of my tree.

“I am too weak to hunt, I have to get food from the humans. Stay right here, I will be back soon,” Mother said.

I see my mother creep slowly and cautiously across the soft fertile land by the lake, to the small smoking cabin. She looked into the window for a second, and then, crept around with grace. She went in, and in about two or so minutes later, I see her running with food in her arms. She runs toward me, with all of her speed, and every ounce of her energy, making thuds on the ground as she ran. All of a sudden, there is a loud sound, and birds from the trees fly away, and my mother falls to the ground. Behind her is a human holding a noise stick. He then runs up, takes the food, and goes back into the cabin. I watch all of this in horror. I run to my mother.

“Mama, Mama,” I nudge her body.

“Mama, wake up, mama!”

I look at her back and see the hole and her blood leaking from the wound. I begin to cry and frantically shake her,

“Mama, WAKE UP!”

She doesn’t respond. Only lies there, lifeless. I start to run the opposite direction of the cabin. I wanted nothing to do with humans. I run in a straight line, as fast as I can, without any second thought of where I was running, I just needed to escape; the pain, too much to bear. I just run, and look at the ground. I ran into a tree. I fall. Then I awake.

I lie awake inside the cage, still. There are many people all around me now. Some, with the same boxes that shoot light. I remembered the agony and pain of my forgotten past. I was infuriated. These humans kill my mother, and take me from my home? NO, I will not allow that! I began to wail and shake the cage violently. I will use everything in my power to make these humans pay for what they have done to me. I begin to shake the cage and scream louder and louder, with more force in my motions. The humans seem to take my actions to their enjoyment. One child shouts,

“Mommy, mommy, Bigfoot is funny!”

Another man yells,

“Hey, the Bigfoot don’t like his cage, ha ha.”

I become even more furious hearing these remarks. Eventually, my ravaging cracks the bars in half on the cage. I am free! I jump out and the crowd bursts into fearful shrieks.

“Aahh! Bigfoot’s come loose!”

Men, women, and children begin to panic at the sight of my freedom. Some of them run some watch. The first thing I do is look around and grab a guard by his throat; sinking my nails deep into his skin. He tries to break free, but his puny strength is no match for that of mine. The blood begins to drip and I throw him into the crowd of people spectating.

Screams grow louder and more desperate. Soon, ten humans try to take me down without help of their weapons. Each one receives a swift punch, kick, or swipe from me, and end up on the ground bleeding, dead or disorientated. Without their weapons they have created, they are nothing. I’ve fought moose’s with more power and endurance than these humans, the strongest of the lot.

One of them jumps on to my back, with hopes of weighing me down, with no luck. I grab him and begin to swing him by his head into the frantic crowd. More waves of humans try to bring me to death, but I bring death to them first. Within five minutes, about thirty to forty humans lie on the stage, either dead or dying. I was giving my own version of a show to these dirty humans, except this time, they did not clap with acceptance, they ran and cried with defeat. I had prevailed. One human shouts,

“I have a pistol, stand back everyone!”

I have seen the wrath of such devises and I knew action had to be taken. He aims the light stick at me, and I jump at him, but he shoots it before I reach him. Twice in my chest, I fall. The pain… With tearful eyes, and painful wounds, I remember the comfort of my mother. Its hard to breathe now, every breath saps a days worth of energy from my body, its easier to cease. I sleep.
© Copyright 2006 g00dz (g00dz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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