Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1100394-Dont-Ya-Miss-It
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1100394
my fellings
dont ya miss it.....dont ya miss havin that special someone around callin u everyday just to hear your voice, to hear u laugh...always wanting to be with u trying their best to spend every moment of time with you...dont ya miss it.....dont ya miss the togetherness when ur with that special someone and u think that this life cant get any better and u think that nothing can go wrong....dont ya miss it....that special someone always walking u to class and someone times missin class just to come and see you in your class...that special someone always telling u how much they love u and the two of you getting into an agrument over who loves who more...dont ya miss...evert christmas and every valintines day they try to get you the best gift ever when they dont even relize that they have allready givin the best gift they can their love...dont ya miss it..everynight when u go to bed u kno in your heart that there is a person out there who loves you with all they have and all they got and would do anything in this world just to see u smile dont ya miss it...i kno i do
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