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Rated: · Chapter · Family · #1094534
This is just my little tester chapter. Im new
Right as I put my head down on to my pillow, it felt as time had flew and just twi seconds later my mom was banging on my door.
"Lela, up! Now! Wedding time!" she sang.
I groaned and rolled over in the bed trapping my leg in the sheets. She acted like I was getting married. I heard Jason complaining about Jasmine being in the bathroom too long. I heard Benny tumble down the stairs. I heard mom on the phone with Venessa and dad burning his hand on the iron. I grunted and sat up in the bed and scooted out. I looked in the mirror and a tired, wild-haired girl stared back. I rubbed my eyes and dragged myself to my bedroom door.
"Lela!" shouted my mom on the other side of the door. I opened it and smiled.
"G'morning mom." she smiled.
"You too Lela, now hurry up and get ready. I just got off the phone with Venessa and she said that the dresses are there, so just wash up and throw something on," I tried to understand what she was saying. Mom was speaking so fast I couldn't really make out anything she was saying. I just nodded and walked to the bathroom just as Jasmine walked out. Jason pushed past me, "You're gonna have to wait," he said, but dad walked up and held his arm out in the way of my older brother.
"Ladies first," he said smiling.
He winked at me as I walked into the bathroom and closed the dor behind me. I heard Jason groan and rumble down the stairs. "I'll get some breakfast," he complained.
After taking a shower, washing my face. brushing my teeth and getting my hair into a decent ponytail, I got dressed and headed down to breakfast. Dad had made pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and grits. He said thatwhe he made a breakfast like this, i meant that he felt a blessing would come. I just thought he was being mushy. Maybe the blessing was that Venessa was getting married to a hot medical student.
Jason stuffed his mouth with more sausage and gulped down some orange juice. Jasmine hit him in the back and giggled. Jason grabbed on of her bacons and chewed it down, then smiled.
"Hurry it up kids," said mom coming from upstairs, "We need to be out of here buy eleven,"
Benny screeched with excitement, blew a spit bubble and giggled madly in his highchair.
"He is so disgusting," Jasmine said then sipped her orange juice.
"He is so one," I mocked.
"Ladies! Less talking more chewing!" said mom pouring syrup over her pancakes.
I looked out the window behind Jasmine's head. I was tired and grouchy. I didn't want to go to a stupid wedding. I was sick of it all. Once Venessa anounced she was getting married the talk for three months was about the wedding. Roses or tulips? Winter or summer? White or off-white? Church or garden? Two hundred and fifty people or three hundred people? Blah or blah? Mom was the most excited to see Venessa get married. Her eldest daughter getting married to a doctor. I congradulated my oldest sister and went about my business as mom, Venessa, Grandma Vi, dad, and Venessa's fiance' Thomas went about theirs. Who is going to marry the two? What is the best date? Who is going to be the best man? The maid of honor? Does Tommy have any brothers? Does he have allergies?
It was three months ago that I made the conclusion to elope.

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