The CSI Tinies A is for Autopsy, to find cause of death, B is for Balloons, used to sell Meth. C is for Crime Scene, the source of the mystery, D is for dead body, of course that's the key. E is for Eads, George, such a hottie, F is for forensics, used to process the body. G is for GSR, that's "gun shot residue," H is for handcuffs that are shiny steel blue. I is for investigation, finding evidence that's sound, J is for Jackpot, and the head that dog found. K is for killer, who leaves behind remains, L is for Lady Heather, who is Mistress of her Domain. M is for Murder, when a dead body is found, N is for Nesting Dolls, two girls in the ground. O is for O'Riley, a sergeant we've seen, P is for Phenothalene, who the heck can spell "phenothalene?" Q is for Q-tip, Griss swabbed on Greg's feet, R is for residue, found on a sheet. S is for spiders, that Grissom feeds, T is for Tahoe, that the whole team needs. U is for uniforms, who guard the scenes, V is for Vegas, home to all sorts of fiends. W is for Warrick, a jazz-playing honey, X is for Xanex, on which Tina spends all her money. Y is for Y-Chromosome, that makes guys a guy, Z is for zingers, that Grissom lets fly. |