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Fanfiction for Smallville, Chloe dreams of Krypton |
Prologue On top of a large crystal like building stood a woman with long light brown hair and intense blue eyes holding a clear cup gazing at the three green parellel moons surounded by the misty clouds of pink sky. She took a deep breath a sipped a drink of her sparkling green drink. She sat her drink on the metallic table. Then she held on to her silver charm of two circles of her necklace. Looking inside the building she made sure that know one was there. She sat down still holding on to it, she spoke directly into it. "Claira it's me your best friend. That sounds funny saying that here on this planet and in my fathers palace. My father thinks that our race are too evolved for that. Especially royalty. I am still trying to come with terms with having my whole life set for me. I don't know why my father sent me to such a planet where there is so much more freedom then there is here. At least for me. I was always destined to mary and continue the royal family line. I was destined to mary the ruler of this planet. But having a glimpse of a life so free how could I come back. But here I am. I am greatful for some aspects of my Kryptonian heritage. Like the ability to send this to your home in earth in moments from my home ." Suddenly she saw a hand on her shoulder. She started to flinch as she turned around. "Well, hello Jor-el" she said with disgust. Ch.1 Chloe woke up quickly with sweat dripping on her face. She sat up looking at the shadows in her dark dorm room. She saw Lana lying there sound asleep. Getting up she went to the mirror gazing at her messy blonde hair. She put her clamy hands on her forehead. She was slightly hot. Her eyes wandered down to her steel necklace with a smaller circle inside a slightly larger one. She could not beleive what she just dreamed about. That was Jor-el in her dream Clark's biological father. Then did that make that Laura woman Clarks biological mother. Part of her hoped not. She really did not seem to like him. Clark only spoke of Jor-el with fear and contempt. So it made sense that this Laura didn't like him that much. But why was she dreaming about it. What bothered her the most was that neckelace Laura was talking into. It was identical to the one chloe was wearing. It was her mothers. A logical person would say that she was just piecing things together things that she either heard or saw or heard about. A logical person would just say that she heard Jor-els voice and she seen and touched the neckelace. And she heard about krypton and wondered what it looked like. But Chloe was not entirely logical. To her logical was another word for safe. Refusing to see the amazing truth and shut their eyes when seeing something they don’t understand. She knew there was more to it. She caressed her charm. She has only been wearing it for a few days. Ever since that day she went to see her mother. She finally got the guts to visit her mother at a mental institution. Her mom seemed blank but she still recognized Chloe. At first they talked about little things like the weather and the activities they had going on at this place. Then Chloe told her all about her life at MET U and The Daily Planet. It felt good to Chloe to be talking to her mother like this. She couldn’t believe it. It felt normal. It felt like nothing happened. It was as if her mom was just on a really long vacation and they were catching up. They were even laughing. Then out of nowhere her mother’s face went pale and stiff. She stopped laughing and talking and just stared at nothing. She was suddenly preoccupied with something. Paranoid she searched the room for nurses and orderlies. Since they weren’t near took Chloe’s hand, bent over and whispered in her ear. “Chloe my sweet little girl. You have to listen to me.” “Sure.” “You need to find it.” Chloe’s mom said urgently. “Find what?” “In my things there is a neckelace you need to get it.” “ Oh you want an old neckelace. I’ll see if we’re aloud to bring things to you.” “No. Chloe. It’s for you. Its.. a present. It was susposed to be for your eighteenth birthday. Only then you would truly be ready.” “Ready? Ready for what? Mom your…” “Please Chloe… It’s in my old antique jewlry box. It is hidden on the very bottom. Ok. Make sure noone see’s where you got it. But once you got it. Wear it. Wear it all of the time. Never stop. Never take it off . OK.” “Ok. Of coarse.” Chloe said hesitantly. She went straight home and asked her father if he still had her mom’s old things. It was difficult to ask him. They barely ever talked about her mother. He showed her the one box he kept in the attic. She saw the pain in her father’s eyes. But maybe it was time to confront this. She was worried sense this was the only box he kept that maybe it got lost. She wanted to find it so much. It seemed so important to her mom. And after all of this lost time she would finally have something to connect with her mother and maybe she would stop being afraid. She found the jewelry box at the bottom of the box. Then she found the necklace exactly where her mom told her it would be. After all of these years it was in perfect condition. It wasn’t even dusty. Chloe looked at the mirror as she was remembering all of this. Could that neckelace cause that dream? Could that be what her mother was talking about being ready for? But nothing really happened in that dream. Laura was just talking to her friend name Claira. But that was her mother’s name. And her mother gave her that same neckelace Laura was talking into. Could she really be talking to her mother. Was Laura really Clarks mother? She did not know who Clark’s mother was. For all she knew this could just be her over active imagination. Not every single thing had to do with Clark and the mysteries his ancestors left behind. It could just be a simple dream. But what if it wasn’t? She needed answers. Clark. She could ask him about it. She was sure he would have some insight. She looked at the alarm clock. It was two o’clock in the mourning. It was too late to call him now. She could wait until the next day. She was just realizing how tired she was. Her eyes were heavy. She fell on her bed. She fell asleep. Chloe saw all of these brilliant colors and all of these different symbols. Then it went very dark. She realized where she was at. She was at the caves in Smallville. She heard whimpering sounds. She discovered a woman curled up in a ball in a dark corner. Chloe recognized the woman with blonde hair and blood shot eyes. It was her mother. She was shaking back and forth. Amongst her cries Chloe made out these words, “Laura….Laura…. No…My friend…she’s gone…her people ….they’re all… gone… Her baby…he’s her only hope…my daughter…she must help him…” Chloe woke up screaming, “Kal-el!” |