Printed from https://writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1527078-thinking-of-you
Rated: E · User Poll · Drama · #1527078
loving you is like loving the non-exsistant
Poll Question:
Do you think of me the way i think of you? Do you ever dream of me and try not to wake up? Is there ever some part of you that wants to be with me? Do you ever pick up the phone and dial my number just to hang up? Is there ever a part of you that wish's we could still be as close as we were? Do you ever wish you could hold me in your arms the way i wish i could hold you? Is it wrong to think of you and feel you in the back of my mind like an itch i cant scratch? Is it wrong that i think of you and see your face when i look into the eyes of the one im with? Is it wrong that i never forgot your touch and your taste? Should i just forget you? Should i not stress over you anymore and just leave your memory alone? Bury your image, lock it away in a cabinet in my mind? Never let it out for anyone to see, not even you? Just let "him" take you away into my sunset riding on my horse with you? Knowing "he" will wake up next to you and have the security of knowing you will come home to "him" every nite. But you have made it very clear that you have made your descision. That "Us" will never be again that we will be forever known as friends nothing more and can always be thought of as less. Even though i will never forget you, I know that chances are we will never be as close as we once were. I will never again know the joy of holding you, kissing you, tasting you. I will never again be able to smile the way i did with you while holding your hand. I will no longer be able to dream about you and smile the way i did when we were together. But there is always an upside to this: I will never hate you the way i did. I will never again see you and wish i could be with you. Because now i know loving you is like trying to love the nonexistant.
Poll Options:
      the best short story in history
      not the best but better than most
      above average but i read better
      i have read way better
      needs alot of improvement
      i read this because i was bored
      worst story ever
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1527078-thinking-of-you