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Comedy: September 28, 2016 Issue [#7885]

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 This week: Boy Bands and Teen Girls
  Edited by: Marci Missing Everyone
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hey y'all! Marci Missing Everyone here, and I'm ready to share some more funny family stories with you. I'm not normally a comedy writer, but no matter what genre we write in, we need to learn how to put in a little comedy. So I'm here to show you how we can take elements of everyday life and turn them into funny little inserts into your story!

"My hat was pulled down and this girl said 'Are you really him?' I whispered 'Yeah, I'm really him.' She screamed, 'Mom! Dad! It's Heath Ledger!" ~ Josh Barlett *Laugh*

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Boy bands and teen girls!

Last night, my husband and kids went to a Christian block party/festival with some friends of ours. They have a boy and girl that are the same ages as ours. The block party featured a Contemporary Christian boy band called OBB, BMX trick riders, and all kind fun vendors and games. So, our friends were going to meet at our house where everyone would ride together. I wasn't able to go, but that's not the important part.

My daughter is at that age where she likes to push the envelope a little with her "fashion" sense and even makeup if she can get away with it. We live by the rule of modesty around here, and what she tried to wear was not within the realm of modesty. *RollEyes* She had on her tightest blue jean shorts and a form fitting shirt. The shirt would have been fine with something else, but with these shorts... not so much. So I told her to either change the shorts or put on a bigger shirt with the shorts. Well, apparently, between her three dressers and closet, there is absolutely nothing else to wear! We need to take her clothes shopping... in her bedroom. *RollEyes* So after some threats of not going and what have you, she finally found something a little more appropriate, and they went.

Both of my kids got hats with the band’s logo, and all the members of the band signed them. The kids and adults all had an amazing time, so when the kids got home, they talked ninety miles a minute telling me all about it.

The boys had a great time taking it all in. And if you remember my last newsletter, you can probably guess what my son talked about the most. (hint: girls, BMX, and more girls) Apparently, all the girls at the block party stared at these two boys most of the night. *Rolleyes* I mean, they are both handsome boys, but really? *Laugh*

So while all the girls, except their sisters, checked out Trae and his friend, the highlight of the night for my daughter was getting her picture taken with the band. I’ve never heard of them before, but according to my daughter, they are new and not on the charts yet. But they will be. Because they are good… and cute! While I can’t get her to open up about boys as much as my son does about girls, she had a smile pasted on her face the rest of the night.

Before she got her picture taken with the band, the battery in my husband’s phone went dead, so our friend took the picture of Abby with the band. It was the only one that he took and he promised he would send it. Abby could not wait. As soon as she got home from church today, she started in. “Dad, did you text Mr. Chris? Did you ask for that picture? Are they out of church? Will he be able to send it today?” She could not wait to get that picture on her Dad’s phone. Once my husband got it, she brought it over to me. She had the biggest grin on her face in the picture. And I have to admit, those boys were pretty cute… I mean from a girl’s perspective I could definitely see it. And they even put their arms around her. I bet she doesn’t forget that for a long time.

Then this afternoon, she was trying to play it cool, but that smile was still pasted on. She looked up the band's website which then took her to youtube... and then she had to watch the videos, of course. I think she's hooked, even if she won't admit it. After all, at eleven years old, these really are the important things, right?

Until next time... live, laugh, and write!

For those who might be interested, here is the newest single from OBB!

Editor's Picks

Earworms  (13+)
Someone can’t get a tune out of their head.
#2027445 by Vanishing Vapor

My future husband really "lived" his movie-watching dates. He had tried to warn me.
#2031844 by SandraLynn

 Joy To The Girls!  (13+)
An alternate version of a Christmas Carol with added spam - written for "Wreck The Halls"
#2068675 by Spookifish 👻

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2072889 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2085184 by Not Available.

 The Animals' First Band  (E)
I wrote something like this when I was a kid. Based on episode Buster and the Wolverine.
#2073672 by Sara

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2096112 by Not Available.

  Despicable Rake Of Sun Valley Acres  (E)
a bickering family is still a family
#2096715 by JOHN

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer


Hey! Getting girls is more important than mere math or literature or any of those things. And the only reason to study geography is so that he doesn't get lost when he takes a girl out while driving the car! *Wink* Really enjoyed your NL, thank you!!

My son thoroughly agrees with you! *Laugh* Thanks for the nice comment!

From: papadoc1

Marci -

STAND BACK! THIS COULD GET AWESOME!! Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!! *Rolling*

The MORE I read your NLs, the MORE I find myself liking them! Trust me when I tell you that Comedy isn't possibly the most difficult genre to consistently write each month...it is that most difficult genre to consistently write at any time or place!

You've done a good job here, and I thank you for including that remembrance of those days when we, young whippersnappers all, had this same "awesome"-ness for the world to see. *Smile*

Papa Doc #1

Well, Papa Doc, I'm so glad you enjoyed hearing about my son. He keeps me and my hubby on our toes... that's for sure. I hope you enjoy the newsletter about my daughter just as much! And thanks for the compliment on enjoying my NLs. It is tough to write comedy, especially when you aren't in a very comedic mood, but somehow God always gives me something fun... as He has done this weekend.

From Quick-Quill about the Aug 31, 2016 Newsletter.

"I love Jim G in the car commercials. I'd never heard of him before. Now I see him popping up on a lot of things. The STOOP lady asked him about his Clean routines. The fact that he let out a bunch of bleeped words. wrecked my good thoughts about him."

I didn't know that. Both stand-up routines that I've seen were not too bad. I wouldn't let young kids watch, but they were fairly clean.

If you have any fun stories about teenagers, boy bands, or whatever, please submit below!!!

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