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Comedy: October 02, 2013 Issue [#5918]

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 This week: What's With All the Twerking?!
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The word "twerk" has been added to the Oxford Dictionary. It's a verb meaning "to annoy." ~ Warren Holstein

"It was like Miley Cyrus got to the top through her raw talent and hard twerk." ~ Rebel Wilson


Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter. And yup, we are going there - consider this the Twerking Issue of the WDC Comedy Newsletter!

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Letter from the editor

What In The Heck is Twerking?!? And Why Did Someone Invent It?

I realize that with each passing year, I am becoming more and more like my parents. Both of them, in fact. Some of it's the typical stuff, like starting to slow down, needing stronger glasses, and not hearing as well as I used to (actually, I just think the people I engage with are incredible mumblers, and my hearing is just fine)!

For instance, I remember as a child growing up in the 70's, my parents would yell at us kids to turn our music down. They would say, and I quote, "That's not even music - it's just noise!" as they held their hands over their ears. Mind you, they were saying this about The Beatles, The Eagles, Rod Stewart, Linda Ronstadt, and Jackson Browne. We would laugh and tell them it definitely WAS music, and was way better than the old geezer stuff they were listening to. But now, even though I don't have kids of my own, I do live near a university campus. And when the street starts to vibrate and a car pulls up with all the windows down and I hear the most horrible sounds coming out of the car, I think the very same thing my parents said to me over 40 years ago. "THAT'S NOT MUSIC, THAT'S JUST NOISE!" Because, well, it IS just noise. There's not even any melody half the time - it's just a heavy base line and somebody shouting about how much cops suck.

And don't get me started on twerking!?! Who in the heck thought of THAT atrocity? Wikipedia defines it as: "A type of dancing in which the dancer, usually a woman, shakes her hips in an up-and-down bouncing motion, causing the dancer's buttocks to shake, "wobble" and "jiggle." Was it meant to be a joke? Did person 1 say to person 2:

1: Hey, I know, let's make up a new dance where you back up and grind against someone else's crotch, and see if it takes off as a new dance craze!

2: Naw, that would never become popular, it would look too ridiculous.

1: No, no, I bet we could make it so popular that some celebrities would even do it on an award show. Let's try it!

2. Never gonna happen but sure, let's go for it. I'm always up for a good prank!

And voila! Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke twerk it on national television.

Speaking of Miley, the the heck happened to that sweet little Hannah Montana girl who was on the Disney Channel? Was she abducted by aliens who exchanged her personality for that of a 14 year old hormonal boy? And why can't she keep her tongue in her mouth? I don't understand - do people find her attractive and talented? Clearly Liam Hemsworth doesn't, not anymore at least. Lucky guy got away just in the nick of time. Maybe he'll settle down with a nice girl, like his Hunger Games costar what's her name ... Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah, that's it. She seems like a nice girl. That poor Miley tho - and have you seen her new album "Bangerz" cover? Someone really needs to loan her some $$ so she can afford to wear clothes. And get her hair done, yikes, looks like someone ran over her head with a lawnmower!

Oh lord, I was just totally possessed by my mother just then. Did you see that? Yikes. Maybe I should lighten up and go listen to Miley's new album and give twerking a try myself instead of just trashing her/it. Of course, I'd probably throw out a hip ...

That's all for this month ... and oh yeah - get off my lawn! *Bigsmile*

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some recent comedy offerings from around the site. Don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

Thank goodness I only found one item on the site about "tweking," which relieves me incredibly. Apologies in advance. *Wink*
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1949797 by Not Available.

A few from the Cramp:
Folk Ways  (E)
Nearer my parents to me.
#1955541 by Teargen

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1955470 by Not Available.

The Weather Report  (E)
Some conversations are only confusing to those who have them. A Writer's Cramp Entry
#1955149 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

And from around the site:
 Good People (Short Play)  (13+)
Two Progressive Parents discuss their teenage son, politics, and their interior decorator.
#1949894 by Alice Conroy

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1955498 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1955482 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1955370 by Not Available.

The Work Out  (E)
Back to the gym.
#1955062 by Don Two

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Now for some comments about my last newsletter "Comedy Newsletter (September 4, 2013) about the medicinal properties of laughter:

From LJPC - the tortoise
Hi Sophie!
I'm sorry about your hubby's health issues and wish him a speedy recovery. From the FB comment, he sounds almost as funny as you are! *Wink* My hubby loves comedies, too. He'll watch any comedy show (even if it's awful) or repeats of a series, and it doesn't seem to bother him. I'm much more particular. Thanks for the great NL!
~ Laura

He's pretty funny - not as funny as me tho, of course. Glad you enjoyed the newsletter!

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From Quick-Quill
I'm sorry he wasn't that funny to me, Now Gabrial Iglasias is so funny. His earlier stuff is SO FUNNY! We are a little fluffy so we totally understand this humor! and quote it to each other all the time. Daughter and son and me- MARTEEENN!

I agree. Julio Iglasias is hysterical - especially when he tries to sing! <rim shot>

No need to apologize for not thinking Jim Gaffigan is funny. Never heard of Gabrial - how funny can he be? *Wink*

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From Karl
Hope Mr. Sophy is okay... keep him away from the hot pockets!

He's doing much better, thanks, and yes, we just say NO to Hot Pockets in our house!!

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From brom21
Laughter as medicine is not is not just a saying, it’s also a scripture verse; I forget where in the Bible. I’d love to be able to write comedy. It is an entirely different realm with different rules. I can be funny in real life however. Its’ good that you know how to be a goofball, humor is pleasurable and healthy. Kudos!

Kudos backatcha!

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From Ren the Klutz!
I am laughing so hard my facing is melting off (I either thought Jim Gaffigan was hysterical or I ate too many Hot Pockets!)...I'm blaming you either way, SophY! Mr. Boy even laughed at it because he loves Hot Pockets!

So glad you enjoyed it - sorry about your face tho, lol. *Laugh*

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From Jacqueline
Thank you for your newsletter, you and hubby are very funny to read about. I watched the video and I can see why he laughed so much. I don't think we have Hot Pockets here in Australia, so I can't know how they taste

Consider yourself lucky about not having Hot Pockets - Australian mouths can survive that horrific burning we American mouths have to endure! *Bigsmile*

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

From dragonwoman
Sophy, sounds like you aren't the only funny one in your family. Speedy recovery to Mr. Sophy, the spleenless wonder :}

Thanks so much!

*LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafR* *LeafO* *LeafY*

Please keep your comments and suggestions coming! Until next time! Sophyween

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