This month, I'm featuring work from authors that sent in feedback to my last newsletter and also some that have shown they are working hard on their stories. Also, all of my featured authors have filled out either their bio block or biography page. 
I am the the shine in the ink; the gloss in the paint; I am the glare in your eyes. I am the gift that is prized and adored, and the song of the dancing chimes. I am the gleam on the snow in the calming luster of the morning after the storm. I am a trick of the light through the filter of the sorrowful sky and the first drops of rain on your window. I am the crest of a wave on a moonlit night and the tear in your baby's eye.

Vengeful eyes watch
Laughing, reaping
Taking in deserved and pointed pains
Secret weaknesses gleaned
He turns the knife on her
Tracing old scars and still bleeding wounds
With learned accuracy
Knowing her fears, her pains
He's watched her unravel

I turned around. I should have known better, I shouldn't have turned around. She would have remained a dream, a glimpse of the pale moon amidst the dark cloud. I shouldn't have turned, because how can a person hope to catch the moon.
She looked exactly as I thought she would look, uncomfortable. Another unfortunate soul dragged to this youthful alter to the god of desperation. I could rhapsodize about her beauty, describe her every feature from head to toe in rhyme even, but u wouldn't still understand. It would be like trying to explain the first sip of ice cold cola on a scorching day.

I knew they'd mock me. Anna and her whining sneer, Adam's condescending baby talk. It would all be directed at me. I walked down the brightly lit hall and tried to ignore the stares of my classmates at their lockers. Someone walking by hit me in the back, just enough to make me stumble.
"Hey, crazy. I thought the world was supposed to end today," Adam's voice rang as predicted. Well, it was supposed to end today. I would have welcomed it. I was sick of the world, or at least my world. Could you blame me?

The taxi ride to the hospital was short and uneventful. I left Lucy's flat maybe fifteen minutes ago to come down and see Gary. I need to put my mind at ease; I need to know that this wasn't because of me. I suppose I am hoping that the completely innocent lad is actually a renowned gangster in his spare time and that is why he has ended up like this. Maybe I am hoping for too much. I almost dread seeing him; it won't be a nice picture. Stepping out of the taxi at the main entrance to the hospital I scan the area looking for some kind of direction. I know he is in intensive care but that could be in any one of the many buildings that now surrounds me. I decided to do the not very "guy" thing and ask directions at the reception desk.

"An interesting case, I must admit." Holmes declared, looking at his guest for the first time in five minutes.
"Indeed. So then, you will take my case?" Asked Brian Epstein.
He looked exhausted. A tentative hope played on his face.
"I think I will, yes. I've always been interested in scarabaeus."
Off to the side, leaning fashionably on a Victorian chest, Watson did his level best not to roll his eyes. Poor Sherlock, he saw plausibility in even the most absurd of claims- and still found a way to be pretentious about it.
Sherlock saw the look of incredulity on his old friend's face and felt similarly sorry for Watson- whose lack of imagination had been a millstone around his neck for well over a decade.

Dear Stranger,
To be, or not to be: that is the question.
Hamlet contemplates at the beginning of Act III Scene I of Hamlet, a tragic play written by Shakespeare. I am neither Hamlet nor do I intend to break into a long monologue on life and death. I am just an ordinary person, living across the street, who finds himself in a similar dilemma.
However, the question for me is different.
To write, or not to write to you.

Tattoos seem to have came into the mainstream over the past couple of years. There are still people who feel that they only fit a couple of types of people, but when you look around it seems all types of people have some sort of body art. Then there is the fact that tattoo parlors are popping up everywhere.
My concern is not that people are getting tattoos, but at what age should this actually happen without regret. The legal aspect does not need to be changed and I am not advocating for that. I feel that with maturity there would be less tattoo regret. Unfortunately, not everyone matures at the same rate, some never do. Some people do not understand the concept of permanent art work and the fact that their life may change.
