Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4595
Comedy: September 07, 2011 Issue [#4595]

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 This week: Happy 11th Birthday WDC!
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter. As I did last year, this week we'll join in the WDC 11th B'day Festivities in this week's newsletter!

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Happy Birthday, Writing.Com Sig

Since the entire site is celebrating WDC's 11th Birthday this week, we'll join the fun for this week's Comedy Newsletter. I did this last year ("Comedy Newsletter (September 8, 2010)) and let me tell you, that newsletter was a BIG HIT! No really, I swear, people are still laughing about it. *Laugh*

Last year I focused on happened in the world on Sept. 1, 2000, the same day WDC was born ... I found many exciting, newsworthy, history making, and very interesting things -- what else would we expect on such a special day, right?! Okay yeah, I didn't find that much. Something about internet fraud was the only thing I could find. So then I went to search for exciting, newsworthy, history making, very interesting things that happened in other years on Sept. 1. Yeah, that crapped out too. All I could find were earthquakes, the German invasion of Poland, and a hurricane. So next I went to find exciting, newsworthy, history making, very interesting things that happened in the year 2000. That was a little better. And by little, I mean barely (CATS the musical ended it's "forever" run, Survivor and Big Brother started on CBS, and Dubya was elected president).

So this year I'm taking a different tact. Instead of focusing on things that happened on Sept. 1, 2000 or Sept. 1, Any-year or during the year 2000, we'll focus on momentous occasions in the life of our favorite web site, Writing Dot Com. What kind of things? Well one momentous occasion was when a certain someone (Sophyween ) joined the site in March, 2002. That was certainly a memorable and worthy-of-note site happening, don't you think? *Wink* Oh, and of course we can't forget when our other two regular editors, the King and Queen of Comedy, joined the site. Spirit HalloWaltz joined the site on Sept. 11, 2004, with Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs gracing us with her presence on July 12, 2007 (such a baby still)!

The first person to join the site (other than The ScaryMaster and The StoryWitchress ) who is still a member is VelvetCat . I don't knew her personally, but I think that's kind of cool! Of the current Sr. Mods, Joy-the Harpy Witch joined the site the earliest of all the other Sr. Mods (notice I did not call her the "oldest" Sr. Mod) *Laugh*, while catwoman joined the site the earliest of all the current Moderators. missbiggs, a former Moderator and current Preferred Author, joined the site the earliest of all the current Preferreds.

Also, did you know that Writing Dot Com used to have another name? Yes it did! When I joined the site in March, 2002, the site was called Stories Dot Com, which was the name given to it on the site birthday, Sept. 2, 2000. Then on New Year's Eve, 2002, as we celebrated the end of a year and the beginning of 2003, The ScaryMaster and The StoryWitchress changed the site to Writing Dot Com because, of course, our beloved site is about a lot more than stories. It's about all kinds of writing, thus they wisely changed the name. Some people were less than happy with the change, and there were mutterings and complaints and whining about the changes, which I found amusing. But here we are, almost 9 years later, and most members don't even know we used to have a different name - and those who were here in the Stories.com days are too old to remember it most likely! *Bigsmile* If you want to reminisce about "the old days," check out this item that helped us make the transition: "Writing.Com: Questions & Answers. And if you have something humorous to share about your time on WDC these past years, please share it with us in the comment section below so I can include it next month.

What else happened of note on WDC for the past 11 years? Ah yes, we were ALL blessed when The ScaryMaster and The StoryWitchress finally graciously gave us two StoryChildren! StoryJack arrived on May 21, 2008, followed by StoryPhoebe on Decemeber 8, 2009. In all it's been a wonderful 11 years, all thanks to our beloved leaders and founders, The ScaryMaster and The StoryWitchress . Their vision and dedication have made this site what it is, one of the longest running, most successful, and BEST writing sites on the Internet. And THAT is no joke! Happy Birthday WDC!


Streamer line

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some comedy offerings from other WDC members entered into WDC B'day contests:

First, a few items written for the official WDC birthday contests:
 Caveat Emptor  (E)
Let the buyer beware! A Limerick for the WDC's Limericks, Limericks, Limericks contest.
#1807999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1807242 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1806912 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808214 by Not Available.

And a handful of entries from "The Writer's Cramp for birthday week:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808542 by Not Available.

 What am I supposed to do?  (ASR)
There's a half-hour to the Cramp deadline!
#1808286 by THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808323 by Not Available.

 Eleventh Annual Writing.com Celebration!  (13+)
The Eleventh Annual Writing.com Celebratory Extravaganza is in full swing, folks!
#1808331 by Than Pence

Birthday Rites  (E)
A birthday party in New York City.
#1808400 by Teargen

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Now for a few comments about my last newsletter about going "back to school" ("Comedy Newsletter (August 10, 2011)):

From Fredmom
Lol! Loved this newsletter! So what if china is smarter than me? I'd rather be awesomely dumb than awesomely smart. Too smart and you'll end up like Jimmy Neutron. XP (I start school next week too... WHERE IS SUMMER?! WHERE'D IT GO?!)

Exactly my point -- good luck in school, and study um, sometimes! *Bigsmile*

*CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP**PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP*

From Katya the Poet
You are hilarious.


*CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP**PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP*

From mike238
That newsletter is totally amazing and awesome. :D I love it!!! ;)

Why thank you!

*CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP**PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP*

From Ms. J
FYI, we teachers really don't get summers off. Many of us spend them going to classes to up our certification, teaching summer school to pay the bills, working on curriculum for the next year.

BUT a BIG THANK YOU for not buying into what Fox News says about us. I'm tired of working my butt off while struggling to pay my bills, and being made the villain of society. It brings me to tears on a regular basis. The fact that you, at least one person doesn't buy into the bull is comforting! *Smile*

Most of my friends are teachers, so I know, believe me, how hard y'all work - glad you got my sarcasm. And yes, I know most do not get summers off, I was just using that to set up my bashing of Fox News, which is quickly becoming a news parody channel instead of a news show.

Thanks for all you do! *Bigsmile*

*CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP**PartyhatB* *CakeP* *PartyhatB* *CakeP*

That's all for this month -- see you next time! And on behalf of the other regular Comedy Newsletter Editors, the King and Queen of Comedy, Spirit HalloWaltz and Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs -- remember to WRITE AND LAUGH ON! *Bigsmile*

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

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