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Action/Adventure: July 16, 2008 Issue [#2504]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

All that I see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Edgar Alan Poe


A fantastic adventure today may foretell the norm tomorrow - OR the creative wordsmith's building blocks evoke a future reality.*Thumbsup*

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Greetings! I am honored to be your guest host this week for the WDC Action & Adventure Newsletter. *Smile*


         A couple of months ago, I explored with you how the most mundane and ordinary event, actually a non-event - a routine morning commute to the day job - could become an adventure when seen through a writer’s eye, using the writer's tools (words)..

         Today, I’d like to explore somewhat the opposite - an adventure that relies on believable fantastical vehicles (not necessarily motor-driven*Wink*). Jules Verne, by training a lawyer in 19th century France, is the acknowledged Father of Science Fiction. His stories remain some of the world’s most translated (second only to Agatha Christie). He created believable quests and peopled them with engaging characters (whether likeable or not) who related to their world (the ‘otherworld’ woven by Jules Verne) realistically (adventure), although using vehicles and items ‘fantastic’ in the early 19th century. The adventures he crafted delight readers (and moviegoers) nearly two centuries later. Consider the recent re-release of the film Journey to the Center of the Earth and the posthumous publication of story, Paris in the 20th Century, Jules Verne wrote in 1863 about a man living among glass skyscrapers, gas-powered automobiles, calculators, and a worldwide communications network. In his day, these were adventures purely devised by his imagination as he witnessed and studied his world - the politics, science, social scene.

         Jules Verne, master wordsmith, wrote what he knew, imagined, and dreamed using his craft to devise adventures that pitted man against machine, or nature, with wit and ingenuity to surmount the obstacles (plot) in order to attain a goal or prize that would benefit not only the adventurer, but the greater good. Now, how's that for an adventure with some good action.

         The adventure is in the details, making the story believable to the reader, making the reader empathize with the adventurer, whether it be under the sea, over land, in the air, or along a city street. Jules Verne made the then-fantastic appear believable and, with his attention to the details and research, envisioned worlds and events that became true sometimes centuries later. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Verne).

         Think about it! You’re walking along the sidewalk, rushing back to work from lunch, when you bump into someone you haven’t seen since high-school. He’s twirling something on a keyring and whistling Calypso music, which he interrupts to grab you so you don’t fall from the impact. Anyone would likely say, “Hi, long time no see, you’re looking good.” But you, the writer thinks, “What’s he doing here after all this time, when he swore never to set foot in the city again after his patent was stolen. – and go on from there. What was the patent? What did he invent? Why does he happen to run into you? There really are no coincidences in life, you know.*Wink* What if you had Superman's x-ray vision (like the devices in airports which can detect contraband mineral, metal, or...?)

         Intrigued by the process, I did a little on-line research. I found a site established by the National Security Agency called Domestic Technology Transfer Program which describes available technologies with respect to mathematics, computers, communications, microelectronics and more, and invites submissions. A splendid site for the wordsmith to ply - I found reference to a 'sonobouy' (use of sound waves to warn ships of the proximity of dangerous shoals). Why not then an 'optibuoy' that particlulates sentient beings for the content of gaseous velocified emissions to determine the amount of contraband consumed. OR, a floating scanner that analyzes the content of bodily emissions (a belch, or other gaseous output) to determine if one has eaten something to make the person able to power his moped with more stealth or speed than those of law enforcement. If so, they could breach the walled government fortress to obtain a bit of the stockpiled fuel to allow travel between planets/continents/cities/communities.

         Here's the site, one of several which offer intriguing possibilities for adventures built upon reality + imagination = ingenuity of the wordsmith creative*Thumbsup*



Editor's Picks

I hope you enjoy a few of the adventures seen, imagined, or dreamed up for our reading (and reviewing*Smile* pleasure by members of our Community

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#1093488 by Not Available.

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#1397117 by Not Available.

 Riff Tennyson in Invasion Protocol  (13+)
This is a spy spoof story and is my longest attempt at a comedy/action genre.
#1131994 by Owen Latchkey

There's even a puzzle or two to test your perceptive skills as an 'adventurer'*Wink*

 Invalid Item 
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#1397133 by Not Available.

For some fun ~ How well do you know the adventures of 'James Bond'?

 Invalid Item 
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#1435578 by Not Available.

And how's this for a challenge that incites frequent forays into adventures known, imagined and/or dreamed*Thumbsup*

The Writer's Cramp  (13+)
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
#333655 by Sophyween

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Ask & Answer

I'd like to share a few comments from our readers - and invite you to also visit with them - for adventures to delight and incite the muse creative*Thumbsup*

Submitted By: billwilcox

Heya Kate!
I loved your adventure to get to work, unscathed, and ready for anything. Very creative...great, in fact.

Thanks for writing ~ life is an adventure, and sharing it in prose or poetry is not only fun, but cathartic.

Submitted By: Bluesman

I must say that this was an excellent newsletter! Taking your daily travels and turning it into an adventure was great! I am so glad I am subscribed to this newsletter!

Thank you!
The Gospel BluesMan

I'm glad to see you enjoy our newsletters, and look forward to reading some of your creative adventures.

Submitted By: Sweet Musings

Welcome to the Action/Adventure Newsletter. You have a lot of good information and my current story has several subquests before I get to the big picture quest. I will go through and try to kill the adjectives.

Subquests I think give depth to a story, allowing readers to learn more of the answers as to the why of the adventure and, perhaps, lead to additional adventures for one or more of the characters ~ I look forward to reading yours.*Thumbsup*

Until we next meet,
Keep Writing - you know,
what you 'know, imagine, and dream'

Kate - Writing & Reading

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