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Action/Adventure: May 27, 2020 Issue [#10194]

 This week: Setting the (Action) Scene
  Edited by: Scaredy Kitti
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

It's the moment you've been waiting for... the big action scene. Where will it take place?

This week's Action/Adventure Newsletter is all about the where and the how.

Scaredy Kitti

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Lately I've been wondering... is there such a thing as a perfect setting? I think we've all seen the action scenes in numerous movies where the characters end up in a factory/industrial unit, huge tubs of bubbling chemicals beneath them which they could easily fall into, many sharp objects around which could cause serious trouble... a good setting for that final battle, but far too predictable.

I think we've also seen the numerous car chases, speedboat chases, vehicles on fire and/or just about to explode (and will they make it out of there in time or not?) - again, good settings but done many times already. As an audience or reader we already know the outcome, though we might appreciate the special effects.

What to do, then, to be original? Some authors create their own worlds. Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are set on a Disc, which rests on the backs of four elephants who stand on the back of a giant space turtle. Though the various continents on the Disc have similarities with the continents of Earth, which makes it easy for us to recognize what he is on about and often makes for an entertaining read, the setting is quite unique. And with a world with a high level of magic, the possibilities for original scenarios are endless.

Creating your own world is not an easy task. People have to be able to visualize the scenery, there have to be aspects to it that they can recognize, yet there must be a difference that makes it intriguing. It takes a lot of hard work and detail – think of J.R.R. Tolkien and you will know what I mean. Characters have to be well-developed within that setting. As a reader we have to be able to relate to them and grow a liking or dislike. If the reader is left not caring about them either way, they will not read on. However, if you have the imagination and creativity and dedication it can be very rewarding.

I think the perfect setting for an action scene could depend on your characters. If the action scene is, for example, between vampires and your vampires are of the more traditional kind then it is not likely that it will take place in a flower shop on a bright summer's day (though that could be interesting, actually). If your story is about a city cop chasing a criminal, the action scene is not likely to be somewhere in the Sahara (though that, too, could be interesting).

If your action scene involves a battle, it may be worth considering the lay of the land, and the strategic angles. Which side has the advantage? You could draw a map and have a look at the options for defense, a surprise attack, surrounding the other party, a trap...

No, no inspiring examples here, sorry. I've reached the conclusion that just about any setting can be made interesting if you use your imagination. Stay clear of clichés. Stay true to your characters. If you do use the industrial setting (to name an example), do something new with it. Take a fresh approach. Your readers will appreciate the effort.

If we've read it all before, a story is easily forgotten. If we are presented with something new and exciting, people will remember. Originality goes a long way.

Scaredy Kitti

Editor's Picks

"The Quills [ASR], 2019 are here! *Delight* Come join us on Saturday, the 30th of May, 4 PM W.Com time at the "2019 PreQuill Ceremony [13+], where we'll find out the finalists in the bigger categories, and the winners of a few of the smaller categories. Then get ready for the main event, which will take place on Saturday, the 6th of June, 4 PM W.Com time. You can join the fun here: "2019 Quill Awards Ceremony [13+].

In the meanwhile, here are some contests and activities to inspire you:

The Prompt Me Contest  (13+)
Weekly winners will have a chance to win the monthly MB give-away!
#2000519 by Cubboo!

Zodiac Contest/CONTEST CLOSED  (18+)
Create a character using personality traits from a Zodiac sign.
#2115893 by Which Witch Is Which?🧹

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#2102427 by Not Available.

Newbie Contest Challenge!!  (13+)
Contest Open To Newbie's Only.
#2219272 by Richard ~ Less Mummy Like!

Of course there's a Veterans Day - EVERY DAY!
#423698 by Averren

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Eyez Aglow

A Contest Inspired by the Old Pulp Fiction Covers of Weird Tales Magazine
#2083492 by Beacon's Pumpkin

The Humorous Poetry Contest  (18+)
The contest where the rating doesn't matter! ~ Next TBA~
#1875093 by Lornda

And don't forget:

Short Shots: Official WDC Contest  (ASR)
Use the photo to inspire your creativity. Write a short story and win big prizes!
#1221635 by Writing.Com Support

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

The Action/Adventure Newsletter Team welcomes any and all questions, suggestions, thoughts and feedback, so please don't hesitate to write in! *Smile*

Wishing you a week filed with inspiration,

The Action/Adventure Newsletter Team

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