Greetings and welcome to! Good grief, what a tale! I was at the edge of my seat, wondering what absurdity would ensue in such an inherently absurd situation. You write clearly and engagingly, and I don’t need to paste this into the QuillBot AI detector to see it is a fully human story. You have a voice which comes through well enough to make us wonder if this is in some part autobiographical. One of my mentors always suggests giving the first person character a name somehow as quickly as possible within the story, but I was so caught up in the humble adventure I didn’t think about names or genders at all. Perhaps at the end you could throw in the name as they gaze happily at their license, but it’s not something important. I loved all the specific details, such as the names and locations, car models, and the way the driving test went. There are a few random typos, such as quotation marks in the wrong place, but they didn’t interrupt the reading experience. I do recommend using Size 4 Verdana font to create a more open and accessible reading experience. Also including a word count is a good idea, because then you can enter this into some of the contests around here, such as "SENIOR CENTER FORUM" or "Fox's Socks Newbie Short Story Contest" . Take care, thanks for sharing and keep writing My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .