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Review #4709646
Viewing a review of:
Wyoming State House Bill 85   [E]
U.S. States Prepare for Collapse of Federal Government
by bob county
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Hello, bob county . This is a review from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* I received "Wyoming State House Bill 85 via the random 'read & review' button. I have the following comments to offer.

*Quill*Reader Experience

Wyoming House Bill 85 from 2012 planned for the breakup of the USA. The anticipated reason for this breakup is the rise of the national debt.


This is my own reading of what you wrote, as it read to me, feel free to disagree with me.

When I read this I wondered if you had made it up so I googled and found plans for Wyoming to buy an aircraft carrier and fighter jets in this planning. This is a real thing!!!

US national debt is bad but historically and globally speaking quite manageable. You have to set debt against assets and the US is rich in those. Japan has a debt ratio of more than twice that of the USA. So I do not believe that will be the reason in the foreseeable future.

A more likely reason for a breakdown in the Federal Government a decade later that this was written would be political partisanship erupting into civil war. Agitators and demagogues like Trump ignoring the results of legitimate elections and supporting insurrectionists does not bode well for the Federal Republic and especially if he is reelected in 2024. There is also the rise of China to consider. China is organizing BRIC countries into a block opposing American hegemony. The collapse of that hegemony would also lead to the loss of the considerable economic and trading advantages it brings the US and major global instability also. Both these threats can be managed but require the American people to show wisdom.

Speaking from Europe it seems to me that the Western alliance has kept the peace for more than 75 years and the breakup of this into national units would usher in an era of instability we have not experienced since WW2.

For an individual state like Wyoming to plan independence seems ludicrous to me given its relative size and economic clout inside the USA. It would be quickly overwhelmed by larger actors in practice.

I found this piece unconvincing for the rationale argued and it lacked anything like an overall political perspective.

*Quill*Mechanical issues

You might want to check out quillbot.com. You have a lot of errors with commas for example.

Thanks for sharing.

2023 Quill Nominee

My Philosophy of Rating and Reviewing  (E)
How do I assess people's work when reviewing?
#2259390 by LightinMind

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 09/02/2023 @ 2:29pm EDT
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4709646