Greetings, lynntarzan, I am reviewing this today as a judge for the "Writing 4 Kids-CLOSED till Spring" . First of all, my reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest. Visually appealing Easy to understand Followed the prompt & rules Yes and no. The rules asked for a story written about the snow globe in the picture prompt, but I still enjoyed your story. I'm also wondering if this was written for another contest, too, which is fine. I just noticed other prompt words that weren't included with the picture prompt. No biggy though! Plot: No plot or conflict. Just a nice story about how a librarian had touched the hearts of children years ago, how they remembered her snow globe, and how it had been her dream to go up in a hot air balloon (which she accomplishes.) Characters: Mrs. Parker, Father Bicker, and the grown-up children who remembered their librarian fondly. Dialogue: Flows nicely! Technicalities: There are some little punctuation typos I stumbled upon--nothing huge. Here are a few to consider... “well for me, --> “Well, for me, important to her”. --> important to her.” I like that” Jimmy finished. --> I like that,” Jimmy finished. Favorites: This grabbed me: This sat on the counter all through the months of November, December and, January. This was a real treat for all of the children who loved looking deep into the watery globe. What was it that was so interesting to them? What did they see? Final thoughts: This is a nice piece, written well, good flow, etc. I used to be a library director at a public library for 12 years and before that, I worked at an elementary library and loved it! Now I wish I would've had a snow globe for the students to enjoy!!! Have you heard of Keys for Kids? It's a monthly children's devotional magazine and I have a feeling you would be good at writing for them! I've published maybe 20 or so stories/devotionals through them years ago. They pay, too! I think they are through Grand Rapids, Michigan, if you're interested. Have a great day and... K e e p on W r i t i n g ! Cubby ")