Hi Elle , This review is a part of "Game of Thrones" [13+]. Overall Impression: I like this poem, dear Elle. It made me smile. A busy mind... I think many people will be able to relate to that. I know that I can. I try to sleep, but far too many thoughts whizz around in my brain, from stuff I need to do, to things I could have done better, to letters that I will never send, to characters prodding me to tell their story. Stuff. Lots of it. Like you, then, I find that reading helps to call my mind, Just a little time to escape from it all. I loved the added touch of the snores. Yeah, I know that one, too. On the technical side of things, this poem reads well. It has a nice rhythm and flow. The punctuation is really helpful - it aids the overall clarity of the piece. The same goes for your capitalisation, which perfects the overall clarity and reading experience. Suggestions: Have I ever found anything to make suggestions about in your writing? I don't think so, and I can't find anything here, either. I think I just dig your style. My Rating: A lovely poem, that made for an enjoyable read. I didn't have any suggestions, so I will give this item a rating of 5 out of 5. Thank you for sharing your work, and write on! Kit My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .