Time Travel. [E] About a person who travels back in time to 2012, only to be disgusted by what he sees. |
Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" ! Note To The Author: Reviews are limited by at least two things: The reviewer's knowledge/background and the author's temperament. Sometimes the reviewer's understanding and interpretation of a piece misses the mark. When the author believes this is the case, he can become hurt or angered. Please don't be. This review is neither a condemnation of your work, nor an extolment. It's just my opinion, nothing more. Every age has its downside, and those who feel it’s fatally flawed. Every generation makes this same claim, and yet somehow we keep progressing. I’m no different. I see like today, compare it to when I was a child and I swear life is going to pot. But so did my parents, and their parents before them, in part it is an inability to accept change, and it’s also true that every age has it’s issues to overcome. I dare say if we stepped into a time machine and traveled to say, 2050 we’d be both excited and repulsed by the changes we’d see. The technology might overwhelm us, as well as certain philosophies which we now consider taboo, may be widely accepted. But we also might be surprised to see how far we’ve come with gay rights and racism. I’ve seem positive changes even in my day and have faith that in 38 years hence, there will be significant progress. There are some interesting questions too. Will be solve some of the issues haunting us? Like Global Warming, Aids and that age old issue, poverty? I’d love to be able to look ahead and see. Your poem is a solid one for it points to the failures of today. It never hurts to show passion and not to be pleased with the status quo. Strive to be better, strive to fix those wrongs we see. I admire you for addressing those issues. Ultimately it is an optimistic poem. Though it points out the horror that he sees, the speaker also understands that there is hope, that he/she sees all the goodness and potential of the world, and hopes that those in the future will see a better world than the one we’ve awakened to live in. Imagine traveling back in time to say, the 1950’s. We have so many more personal liberties now, and far less hang-ups. It’s not perfect, but we’d find it hard to deal with the repressive nature back then. Not to mention, that we’d miss all the technology advances. Go back another 50 years and you’d think you were on another planet maybe, lol. I certainly do hope that a traveler through time would see our time as a primitive one, that would mean that we’ve made significant strides in the future! It’s an intriguing poem that reminds us of our failings, but also of our potential. It’s a serious, well-intentioned poem. Review from "Let's help each other grow- Closed"