You decided not to leave Barney for a second, as the squirell might escape. You really do hate Barney, but if his parents find out he's been taken by a squirell, they'll freak. You follow the squirrel into another yard and watch it climb up the nearest tree. It puts down Barney on one of the branches, and leaves. It must have discovered he's not a nut after all...
Barney just stands on the branch, yelling at you. You walk over to it, only to find that it is out of your reach.
"Just jump down, I'll catch you!" You said to him, holding your hands out. He just kept yelling at you. The only way to retrieve him is the climb the tree. Barney wasn't very high up, but it was an inconvenience. Once you reach his branch, he is quickly intimidated by your size. Thankfully, he is still an inch tall, and has not shrunken any more.
"Climb on" you tell him, holding your hand out to him. Cautiously, he obeys. You carefully climb down the tree to the ground.
For a few seconds, you just stood there, looking at your shrunken cousin. Here is the kid that has been bullying you all this time, a mere 1 inch tall. It was surely amusing.
Quickly, you return back to the house looking for the cake. Thankfully, Dora went back to watching TV, and didn't go finding your purple peanut butter anywhere. Once you found the cake, you took a small crumb of the chocolate icing and held it out to Barney. He ate it.
At first, nothing happened. But then, you noticed that Barney was growing, but very slowly. Within a few minutes he was back to 6 inches tall.
"Wow, that stuff is great!" you hear Barney say as he was reaching a foot in height, "I want more!"
Before you can avoid it, he jumped up and snatched a small handful of cake from your hand, and shoved it into his mouth. This was bad.