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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #2292635
You are followed by a lovestruck ghost. How will this change your life?

You are followed by a lovestruck ghost. How will this change your life?

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Mike Jones is an average everyday high-school senior. He starts to notice weird stuff happening around him. Things moved out of place or missing, his friends and family acting strange, and he thinks someone was watching him while he took a shower. He doesn't say anything because he didn't want people to think he was crazy. Guess it's time to do the normal thing: Pretend nothing happened and hope it goes away.

This interactive is about a ghost who falls in love with Mike and will do anything to show her love for him. It can be any ghost. Ghost of yore, deceased girlfriend, hell make it the crazy girl next door. Go nuts.

The Only Rule: The ghost must be crazy for Mike. While I am a fan of possession more than anything else, I would rather everyone have fun with this story and add what they want. But personal request: Don't add one-line chapters. That is no fun for anyone.

Mike Jones: 18-year-old male who is a senior at Cass High School. He doesn't stand out too much but that's okay for him. He is content to coast through school with his friends and his girlfriend Katie.

The Ghost: It could be anyone. Literally. Except for Mike. maybe... (How would that work?) Anyways, The ghost has most basic abilities. they can fly and go through walls. They can possess living people or other objects and manipulate them. They can affect dreams as well. Anything else you want to add, just let it make sense.

Sarah Jones: 42-year-old female who is Mike's mother who had a rough childhood. She was the leader of a female gang before she found Mike's father and settled down. She is a kind woman but some traces of her past show up when she gets mad. She cares deeply for her family and will do anything to make sure they don't experience what she had growing up.

Austin Jones: 45-year-old male who is Mikes father. He works at a corporate business to provide for his family. He is a family man who wants to provide the best for his wife and kids. Mike believes his mother forced his father to marry her as Austin often follows what his mother says.

Emily Jones: 21-year-old female who is Mike's older sister. She is in university to get a degree in Law. She can be very strict when it comes to school but outside of that, she is pretty chill. She is mad at Mike because she feels he is wasting his senior year and not setting himself up for the future.

Isabelle Jones: 16-year-old female who is Mike's younger sister. She is outgoing and very popular at school. She is a sophomore at Cass High School. She gets along alright with Mike. She does tease him a bit but it's mostly out of fun.

Katie Summers: 18-year-old female who is Mikes Girlfriend. They both were childhood friends who started dating at the beginning of the school year. She is a quiet and reserved girl who would prefer to be in the library than out partying. She would look stunning if she didn't restrict her outfits.

Melissa Kingsly: 16-year-old female and is Mike's neighbor. She is obsessed with Mike to the point of stalking him everywhere. He is creeped out by her as she seems to show up everywhere he goes. She tries to hide her obsession as she does not want to make him hate her.

Kevin Young: 17-year-old male and Mike's best friend. He is as adventurous as can be and often drags Mike along on whatever he has planned. He can be air headed sometimes but he often has his heart in the right place.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2292635-Lovestruck-Afterlife