Batman triangulated the trajectory of a meteorite's crash site through the usage of his WayneTech satellites in orbit. Luckily, the debris was set on a course to land outside the city limits where it wouldn't be a danger to any of the civilians. That was a relief. Attempting to intercept a meteor would be a rather tricky endeavor.
The bat hopped out of his batmobile and approached the crater, his eyes lighting up a shade of white while he scanned the wreckage. To his astonishment, this was no rock from space. The ship was kryptonian in origin. He recognized it from his research he did on Superman before they met for the first time. Back when he didn't know Clark and saw him as more of a threat than anything. He still sort of did, he just respected him a bit better now that he knew he was actually just trying to help people.
Batman analyzed the ship for heat signatures. Perhaps there was another kryptonian inside? Out of all the inhabitable planets supposedly teaming with sentient life in the universe, why did they always choose to send their aliens to Earth?
However, he did not detect a heartbeat or a heat signature. There was no biological life inside of that pod. The detective stepped down towards the alien spacecraft and found the button to open it. Once the latch gave way, he saw what was actually inside. There was a blue top with a red "S" logo just like the one Kal-El wore but it was long sleeved and looked to show off a lot of midriff. Clearly designed to befit a woman. The blue skirt and red boots were dead giveaways as well. Women's fashion appeared to be consistent somehow throughout the universe.
Bruce was just confused as to why someone would send a pod filled with clothes. Why not place an actual person in it if your planet is about to explode?
"If you are receiving this message," a hologram played, showing a kryptonian man.
"Our daughter Kara did not survive the trip to Earth. We sent a second pod set to arrive in the event that she does not make it. It contains everything you will need to continue Krypton's legacy and protect her cousin Kal-El, the future savior of your people. If you are hearing this, you were the first to find this ship and you have been chosen."
A metallic tube erupted from the pod suddenly, its tendril too strong even for the Batman to break. The pointy end slipped right into his neck and started pumping him with some foreign substance. "In order for you to fully embrace your new gifts, you must take the form of our daughter. She will live on through you."
Bruce fought against the pod but it was to no avail. His batsuit started to hang on his body as his muscle mass was depleted, his waist thinning out as his hips popped outward. He couldn't believe this. He always knew Krypton was nothing but trouble. Now this crazy alien ship was trying, no, succeeding from the looks of it, to turn him into a woman. Specifically a cousin of Clark. A female cousin. He wouldn't have minded being gifted kryptonian powers. Protecting Gotham would be a breeze. But as a woman? He wasn't willing to sacrifice a piece of his identity for superpowers. He got along fighting crime just fine without them.
"Release me!"
He felt several other tendrils tear his clothes off. It's not like his batsuit was going to be fitting him anymore anyway.
The liquid had already begun to rearrange his insides. If Bruce had to hazard a guess, it was probably something infused with this girl's DNA. No part of this really made sense. Weren't there other methods of preserving your planet's legacy than forcibly turning aliens on another world into carbon copies of your own people?
Bruce grunted, holding his hands around the tube lodged deep into his neck. His hands shrank, his skin becoming soft and hairless everywhere from the neck down. As his arms lost their bulk, his shoulders become far less broad and more feminine looking by the second. While his hips expanded, his ass seized the opportunity to plump up. His muscle was obfuscated by the sheer amount of fat that was padding out his butt. The result looked like two planets being pushed together. His thighs followed suit, thickening but also shrinking in length making him shorter. His feet daintier and smaller.
Blonde hair fell into his face as his facial features changed to be softer and rounder. Like that of a woman's. He saw in his reflection of the ship's metallic metal plating that he appeared to be a weirdly androgynous man with long blonde hair and a woman's face. He wasn't done yet, though.
Bruce's hands shot to his crotch and he buckled to his knees, squealing as his voice raised in pitch. His body was forced to undergo an extreme amount of pleasure as his genitals converted to that of a female. Again, some things were just weirdly consistent throughout the universe. While he was getting pegged by his own dick, his chest started to blossom. Two lumps budded under his nipples. "Stop this!" Bruce pleaded, banging on the machine but she couldn't help but close her eyes as she writhed in pleasure. The feeling of becoming a full woman rippled through her body in a wave of euphoria unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if the machine was trying to train her subconsciously that being a woman = good.
She'd been with dozens of supermodels as her charismatic playboy billionaire philanthropist persona yet none of them quite measured up to her reflection now. She saw a naked blonde with one hand on her breast and the other in between her legs with some hair covering one eye.
"The transformation is complete," the tube unlatched from her neck. Bruce made a break for it but another coiled around her leg and tripped her up.
"It is time to get dressed, my daughter."
The machine slipped Bruce into some undergarments then the top, skirt, and boots. A matching red cape billowed behind her. She fought as much as she could but again it was no use.
"I..." she looked down, seeing the "S" symbol cradling her new boobs. The feeling of the skirt slightly billowing in the wind and against her exposed thighs was an alien sensation. She was an alien now, wasn't she?
"I... need to find Clark..."
What happens next?