Abigail and Rebecca,with absolutely no idea why their asses are stuck together, had to try and cover up somehow, so that they could take the bus to her house. After a while, she thought of a solution. "Abigail, grab your bikini bottom and I'll do the same." When they were both ready, Rebecca said "Now we need to tie our bikini bottoms together, and hopefully not too many people will notice when we get on the bus." "Sounds like it could work."agrees Abigail They found a pair of scissors, cut the waist bands, then put them on and knotted them together. "Except for the different colors, nobody would know the difference." observed Abigail "Maybe if we held hands, our arms would keep the knots hidden." Now that they were both ready, they walked to the bus stop, and waited. When they got on the bus, they went to the back and stood in the aisle. At Rebecca's house, they walked in and Rebecca called "I'm home, mom" "Ok, be there in a few minutes" her mom replied Rebecca led Abigail to the living room and they sat on the coffee table. When her mom came in, she stopped in her tracks and asked "Rebecca, who is this person behind you,and why are you sitting like that?" Rebecca replied "We had a mishap after we showered, while we were getting ready, our asses bumped, and stuck together. Strange thing is we have no idea how it happened." "Show me that you're stuck, and I'll believe you" Rebecca's mom said. Abigail and Rebecca stood, and tried to move away from each other, but their asses wouldn't budge one centimetre. "Ok,you're stuck" replies Rebecca's mom, "now we end to get you into normal clothes, as you can't go to school in your bikinis." Rebecca and Abigail went to her bedroom to study. When they finished studying, they got some pants and panties, and Abigail called her mom to get some clothes sent to Rebecca's house. When they finished altering their pants and panties, they went to bed, and got a good night's sleep. What's next for our classmates?