Charlie has spent her days as princess of hell.
Seemingly hell's good girl, but she has 1 large secret, she has a condition that make her grow when aroused. This secret is especially hard becuase she was born with both pleasure organs.
This has put a wall between her and Vaggie, becuase they can't get physical without risking Charlie destroying the hotel. However, it's Valentines day and Vaggie wants to suprise Charlie.
So she came up with a plan, before Charlie awoke she sent the whole hotel crew away for a few days and said the place needed to be fumigated.
She then hung tarps over all lobby and an official looking sign to better sell the scheme.
Then she hid all the princess's clothes (knowing that she slept in the nude)and hid them in the empty room next door.
Then she stripped and began preparing a breakfast fit for a princess.
Around that time Charlie woke up to a lovely smell of pancakes, bacon and the works.
She woke up assuming it Vaggie making her Valentines day breakfast, becuase she wasn't in their bed. So, she woke up, stretched and looked out her window at her kingdom. She then gathered the energy to get up and half awake walked into her large closet.
It was at that moment she discovered her clothes were gone. She frantically searched the room, only to find nothing.
"What the actual fuck. Who did this?".
She then realized with Vaggie already awake she must have done this or atleast know something. She stealthly walked down stairs covering her cock, balls and vagina with one arm and breasts with the other.
Assuming the hotel was still filled with her friends.
She went down to the lobby which had a table covered in Valentines day decor and a large spread of sunny side up eggs, bacon, fruit and an orange juice pitcher.
She did notice 2 odd things though, the 2 chairs were on one of the long sides of the table side by side and the largest serving plate was empty.
At that moment a nude, not worried Vaggie walked out with a very large stack of pancakes. "Oh", she exclaimed, "your awake".
"And you are up to no good", Charlie retorted, "Give me my clothes before someone sees us". "Don't worry about that, they are gone for atleast the next 3 days", Vaggie said as she stacked the pancakes on the serving plate.
Charlie relaxed her arms, but was still tense, so Vaggie pointed to the covered windows and the doors with chairs preventing them from being opened even with a key.
This made Charlie relax further.
She then sat down in a chair Vaggie pulled out for her.
Then Vaggie sat down next to her.
Charlie and Vaggie then made a plate for themselves and made flirty small talk which caused Charlie's 7 inch cock to stick it's head above the table erect and for Charlie herself to grow a full foot leaving her at 7 foot.
After the meal Charlie finally asked, "What is your plan here, we can't do anything, my growth could break any room".
Vaggie made a cheeky smile and said, "That's why I cleared the hotel and covered the windows, my queen".
She then reached considerably high up and turned Charlie's head toward her, Charlie then leaned down a bit to kiss her, "I love you".
"I love you too", Vaggie responded blushing more red than a clown nose.