It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Wider sisters wasted no time in adapting to life with a personal robot maid. With a third body in the house taking care of all the cooking and cleaning, there was little else for Brooke and Mikayla to do when they weren’t working other than relax.
“Brooke! I got groceries in the car!” Mikayla staggered through the door with an overloaded plastic bag in each hand. In a moment the solid footsteps of their android assistant were approaching her.
“I can help you with those Mikayla!” Mary beamed down at the curvy blonde, and lifted the heavy bags from her hands before she could accept the offer of help.
“See if Mary will get them from the car!” Brooke’s voice came from the living room, where Mikayla was certain her fatass of a sister had set down roots in her favorite recliner.
“Aren’t you worried someone will se her?” Mikayla shouted across the house.
“It’s not like she’s a secret! Besides they’ll probably just think she’s a roommate or something!” Brooke was curious what the android’s parameters were. Did she have programming preventing her from going outside?
Mikayla shrugged, breasts and tummy fluff jiggling in her Kelly green Bean Machine polo. Mary had deposited the first load of groceries on the counter and was watching Mikayla’s face for permission to proceed.
“Yeah, go ahead.” Mikayla said with a sigh. She wasn’t going to argue a point that required more effort on her part. There was a plate of cookies on the counter waiting for her, so she grabbed it in one hand and crossed into the living room.
“Did that work?” Brooke asked.
“Yeah, she’s outside now.”
Plopping down on the sofa, Mikayla kicked her feet up onto the table and munched half a cookie in one bite.
“Why don’ we jus’ leh –ulp– Mary go shopping for us?”
“Um… I don’t think she can drive, Mikayla.” Brooke said sardonically, although the thought did give her pause.
“Oooh!” Mikayla’s eyes lit up excitedly. “Maybe she can run super fast like the bionic woman!”
“When did you ever see the bionic woman?” Brooke glanced over and swiped one of Mikayla’s cookies.
“I saw it at grandma’s once. Plus they remade it like ten years ago.” Mikayla started on her third cookie.
Brooke rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Even if she can, I’m not going to send a beta-test android – and DC property no less – out into the real world unsupervised. I’d end up losing my job.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s a good point.” Mikayla said, scratching at one love handle through her increasingly undersized work shirt. “It’s just kind of a pain to go grocery shopping all the time.”
The absurdity of Mikayla’s annoyance at having to shop for groceries when the only chores remaining in her life were personal hygiene went unconsidered by either sister.
“If I may, Miss Mikayla, Brooke…” Mary stood in the doorway in a comfortable posture yet still somewhat imposing with her six feet of height.
“You unloaded all those groceries already?” Mikayla asked through a mouthful of chocolate chip.
“As you surmised, I am capable at moving at a somewhat more rapid pace than most humans.”
“Hmm, that’s good to know.” Brooke observed. “Anyway, what is it?”
“You could have groceries delivered.”
“Ugh, isn’t that expensive?” Brooke cringed at the thought of spending more than a penny she didn’t have to.
“I believe it can be optimized Miss Brooke. I can make the arrangements if you like, and it would save you and Miss Mikayla several hours per week.”
“Yeah, go ahead.” Brooke wouldn’t admit it aloud, but she kind of hated grocery shopping too. She wondered what other kind of clerical tasks she could entrust to the android. She’d have to check her work of course, but it would probably give her more notes for the inevitable report she’d have to submit on the device.
“Hey Mary are there more cookies?” Mikayla asked, licking the crumbs off her fingers.
“Just a few more minutes on the next batch, Miss Mikayla.” Mary turned back into the kitchen and resumed sorting the groceries into the pantry and fridge at inhuman speed. Brooke glanced over to the kitchen and saw that the groceries were sorted and stored so efficiently it was like the android was playing 3D Tetris.
“Jesus, did you finish that whole plate?” Brooke asked as she looked disappointedly at the platter of crumbs on the side table.
“Fuck you, I had a shitty day. Mary, can I have a beer!”
Within seconds the android returned with a cold lager, having poured it into a glass. Brooke watched out of the corner of her eye as her sister chugged half the glass in several long throat-pulsing gulps.
“Can I get one of those too?”
“Right away Miss Brooke!”
Removing the regular grocery trips from their schedules freed up Mikayla and Brooke to spend even more time lounging around the house and snacking. To say nothing of Mary’s elaborate and perfectly cooked meals. Having had the android assistant for just under a month, Brooke was already having trouble buttoning her work skirts. Mikayla’s bras were pinching at the sides and shoulders, and even though she’d started wearing leggings to work, a fellow barista was already dropping hints that she should consider a uniform shirt size up.
Reviewing Mary’s spending, and weighing their grocery bill with the potential cost of upgrading her wardrobe, Brooke decided to test the android’s cooking adaptability.
“Hey Mary can you make us something healthier for dinner tonight, like a salad?”
“Of course Miss Brooke.”
The salad Mary made was a taco salad, with cheese, meat, sour cream, guacamole, and a few shreds of lettuce. Brooke leaned back in her chair contentedly, but decided she needed to be more explicit.
“How about some veggies, Mary?”
The burgers that night were accompanied by broccoli and cauliflower that tasted like it was deep fried in butter, and of course practically swimming in cheese. It wasn’t until Brooke’s tightly-packed stomach pinched in protest that she realized the android had again misinterpreted her intent.
“Can we have chicken tonight instead of more beef?”
Fried chicken, along with perfectly crisp fries, sweet tea, and rich pasta salad.
While Brooke’s taste buds had never been happier, she was starting to get suspicious. She eyed her ‘little’ sister, who was wearing a Bean Machine polo that looked brand new, and hung almost loose over a belly that had definitely grown in the past few weeks.
Brooke decided…