Title: A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Subject(s): Hermione Granger
AU: None
Transformation type; Bimbo
Inspiration: None
Description: It was naive, perhaps, to assume that just because Voldemort was gone, the blood purity agenda was as well, many blood purists were still in positions of power, as Hermione Granger discovers when she struggled to get a job after leaving Hogwarts.
When she flipped out on an employer who chose an idiot pureblood over her for a high ranked position, she is surprised when he agrees that her, one of the best minds produced by Hogwarts, cannot get a job because she is a muggleborn was a waste of that mind, however once he lured her to a more private place, she learns that, while she meant that it was a waste of her mind that predjudice couldn't let her use it, he felt it was a waste that such a mind was wasted on a mudblood - and he has a way to fix it.
Before Hermione can stop him, he uses a spell she'd never heard of to rip away her prodigious intelligence and give it away to the pureblood he'd hired. Of course he wasn't cruel, he gave her a few things, in the hours after their encounter she found her curves growing, her hair lengthening and lightening, and the heat between her legs rising. He also placed a compulsion in her mind to only approach witches for help with her predicament.
How will Hermione react to her new circumstances, will she be able to regain her lost intellect or will she be doomed to be a bimbo for the rest of her life. And if she does reach out to her witch friends, will they be able to help, or will she simply end up condeming them to sharing her fate?
Title: A different Weasley potion plot
Subject(s): Ginney Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood
AU: None
Transformation type; BBB
Inspiration: None
Description: Molly Weasley is a wonderful woman; a loving wife, a caring mother, with a big enough heart to take on a motherly role to many of the children who enter her orbit. However she also has very... set views on what a woman should be, a view she has strived to be herself; soft, plump curves, better for her husband to hold and her children to sleep on, a mind focused on the responsibilities of being a wife and a mother, and not on any other silly ambitions, and a sex drive that ensures her husband will have no need to look elsewhere (how else do you think she ended up with so many kids?)
To her dissapointment her own daughter, Ginny, failed to live up to any of these qaulities (except possibly the sex drive, she has no idea about that part of her daughter's life) despite her efforts to guide/feed her to that effect.
If this was the muggle world this would lead to a fued between mother and daughter, likely ending in the girl cutting contact with her parents as soon as she could move out. Unfortunately for Ginny, this was the wizarding world, and Molly Weasely was a very capable witch, one who definately knew a brew that could permenantly turn any woman into the plump, domestic minded, sex goddess she thought they could be. And if she was making the brew, why just help her daughter, Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood were at her house enough that she could dose them both.
How will the 3 recent Hogwarts graduates (Hermione doing 7th year a year late because of the war) react as Molly's potion takes hold, and will any complications to her plan emerge as the trio become the BBBs that she feels they should be?