You jerk awake, grabbing your head as your heart was beating. You at first tried to calm it down, but that wasn’t happening. You had a terrifying nightmare, of people... clad in shadows and doing something to you. You could barely remember what they said, but the last thing was... sedate?
But this was no mere dream, and that became evident when you opened your eyes and try to get a grasp of the situation.
“W-Where am I?” You wonder looking around. No matter how much you try to make sense of it, you couldn’t. You were in some kind of green area. Towering trees all around you, hard for you to even see past it. In fact, the places you could, there were just more of these pure green trees. You were stunned of course, so you stand up and feel the dirt under you.
It was very hilly, and as you move you could feel yourself almost lose your step.
Your first thought was ‘why am I not in my room’ but then quickly go to, where am I!
You see the sky above you, clouds in the blue sky as you couldn’t help but feel nervous.
“W-What am I gonna do?” You say as you decide to just walk in a direction. You got to be able to find someone if you just keep on walking. “Hey! I need help!”
It seems you got some attention, as you heard some moving in the distance. “H-Hey!” You shout running over.
Not only could you see moving, but you also heard the sound of something scraping against the ground. You ignore it at first.
“Hey I really need your help an... and-” You stopped when you reached the other side of the trees. Cause you saw what was making all of that noise.
It was a Pokemon. The red Pillar was iconic, and it was something that made it pretty obvious what it was. The red and white Bug Pokemon, Wurmple! Well, not only that but a giant Wurmple.
It was huge! You would only be an inch to it, maybe even less! That’s when everything was put into perspective.
You were shrunken down! The trees weren’t trees, it was tall grass! You were shrunken down in the wild!
Besides the stress that comes from that, you were still dealing with the fact it wasn’t a dream, and a Pokemon was right in front of you.
Granted, Wurmple’s were quite docile. Despite it looking at you, it just kept crawling forward. You breathe a sigh of relief as you walk up following the Pokemon. It just kept sliding. Its body was bigger than a bus to you.
That was enough for you to want to steer clear from any Pokemon.
Now you were in Hoenn, on Route 103 just above Oldale Town. However, there was no way for you to know that as you just walk forward.
If you can get to the side of the tall grass, you can at least make a plan! Turns out it wasn’t going to be that simple, as you heard some more sounds. You freak out as you jump back at the rustling.
It got louder and louder as you were expecting the worst. You get ready to run, but you were not sure if you could outrun anything!
With that being said, a Pokemon leaped over the grass. You got a good sight of the Pokemon’s underside, which got even worst as you could see it had more detail than you could even imagine.
Judging from the pattern, it was a Zigzagoon! It was just moving around the grass, not worried about the person that was right in front of it.
No... it hasn’t even noticed you! Which made it evident as the Pokemon landed down onto you.
You fell on your back as the Normal Type’s paw almost landed down onto you! You look at the underbelly of the Pokemon, stunned. Wurmple was huge, but compared to Zigzagoon it was nothing. It couple probably eat you if it wanted!
With that being said, you are pretty sure that Wurmple could as well.
The Zigzagoon waited above you, as it started to sniff the air. Looking around from side to side. What was it sniffing?
Don’t tell me it sniffed a human and is looking for you! Crap, that wasn’t good. It smelled more and more, as you just KNOW you were gonna get found out. Could you outrun Zigzagoon? Probably not.
Luckily you got saved as the Pokemon saw a human. Not a tiny, but an actual Human. I dug its paws into the ground as it then jumped away. Getting away from you as it disappeared from sight in a second. It was still probably close, but it hasn’t found you.
You move and run the opposite direction it went, planning on getting away. Until you heard a stomp. You freak out as you tripped up.
*Thud Thud Thud*
What was that booming! It was getting closer and closer every second. You could even feel it as it shifted the ground underneath. You get a shiver, thinking about the worst.
*Thud Thud Thud!* It was pretty much right above you. You want to get away until your eyes go wide.
It must either be a really big Pokemon, or a human! Probably a human considering what would a huge Pokemon doing here. Crap, that’s why the Zigzagoon went away. You could only think what a human would look like.
You should lay low, not get caught! You move and hide near a nestle of grass when suddenly you see a large shoe come down next to you.
You felt it hit your ears as you see it, sinking into the dirt. Was this the sight a bug would have, cause honestly it was pretty terrifying. You move and look up to the human. A trainer no doubt, as to why they were out here among all the Pokemon.
Question is, who was the trainer?