The shoe came crashing down with the force of a meteor, a painful ringing filling your ears as a plume of dirt shrapnel scatters into the air above. A blade of grass catches your fall, curling as if to prevent you from being sent onto your back. You rest there against the grassblade for the moment, like a boxer on the ropes, meekly turning your attention up towards the source of the footfall.
You are greeted by the quite impressive sight of a battle girl looming over you.
Looking upwards, you see a pair of smooth white legs, soaked in a light layer of sweat. The legs are both cushy and toned, a mix of feminine and forceful that suggest you are dealing with a woman in her physical prime. Looking further up, you see that she's clad in a pair of form-fitting orange shorts. Form-fitting indeed...the curvature of her backside is clearly visible under those flexible shorts. Glancing over at the pockets, your mind briefly lingers on the thought of your diminished body fitting neatly inside one of them. Best not to dwell on that thought. Craning your neck further up, you are able to get a skewed view of her back... she appears to be clad in a matching orange sports bra. Her less than vibrant blue ponytail runs down past her sports bra, standing in stark contrast to the bright orange garment. Gauging the overall appearance of the woman, you assume her to be in her twenties.
You consider calling out to her, but before you can act she stomps away from you again. You quickly follow, slipping between grassblades , the woman's booming footfalls making it impossible to lose track of her position. As you follow behind her, the sounds of footfalls begin to change direction, moving counterclockwise. It hits you that your tiny legs are not equipped to match her massive strides. It would appear that she has just as much a mobility advantage over you as she has a power advantage. Having little time to take in the implications of this humbling truth, you adjust your bearings as well. You turn counterclockwise and rush forward through the underbrush, hoping to intercept her curving path.
You feel a sudden, terrifying sensation of weightlessness as your foot settles upon solid air, where ground should have been. You yelp and kick against the ground with your one stable foot, pivoting your body and flailing for something to hold onto before you plunge. Grabbing onto a blade of grass, you turn to see that you are standing over a tall ledge, perhaps three or four feet in height. Looking into the clearing at the base of the ledge, you find yourself at roughly chest level with the battle girl, who seemed entirely unaware of your presence. In contrast, you could not possibly be more aware of her presence. In fact her bosom, clad in its distractingly bright sports bra, is almost impossible not to see.
As you observe the sight with a mix of awe, fear, and perhaps the slightest bit of arousal, the woman suddenly swings her body downward. Her hair lashes through the air with a vicious his, her ponytail just narrowly missing your tiny form, and you quickly retreat a few grassblades back. Peaking out , you see her emerge once more, holding a granola nut bar in hand. You breathe a sigh of relief and stepf orward, watching as the woman moves about the clearing while snacking on the bar.
She appears to be setting up a pair of punching bags as she snacks. One of the punching bags is a good deal shorter than the other, and is suspended off of wooden support. You suspect it to be meant for a small child, though you do not see one just yet. The other punching bag stands from a pillar , and appears to be just the right size for the woman. She slams her fist hard into the standing bag, her mouth curled into an almost hateful grimace as she whallops the inanimate bag with enough force to stop a train. You recoil at the sight.
At last done with her snack, the woman heads for you once more. This time when she ducks, you are ready to avoid the oncoming whiplash from her ponytail. What you are not prepared for is the brilliant flash of light and the sudden arrival of her Pokemon that follows. Looking down, you see a Tyrogue leaping out of the ball and landing right before the battle girl. The Pokemon almost immediately begins to stretch and jab his fists against the air. He turned his attention up to his trainer, a not quite confident grimace on his face. You suspected he was looking up at his trainer for validation.
"Rise and shine scrapper! It looks like you're just as ready for training as I am, huh?" The battle girl boomed, and her Pokemon nodded to the affirmative. Looking down at the Tyrogue from your ledge, you find yourself feeling... humbled. A typical Tyrogue is around 30 inches in height, and as such he would normally not even be half your body height. But at this scale, he likely stands at around ten times your height. Though he is smaller than the battle girl, at this scale he feels like an unstoppable warrior at this scale. An unstoppable warrior that was still very much a child. A child eager to prove himself. Cute, despite his combativeness, but also formidable. Looking on, an intrusive thought hits you. Just as your body is small enough to fit in the battle girl's butt pocket, it's also very much small enough to fit in the back of the Tyrogue's boxing shorts.
The girl's voice speaks up once more. "Alright. Before we actually fight any pokemon, let's do some warm ups, ok? Let's do at least fifty punches. Try to keep up, ok?" she says, looking down to her Pokemon, who nods in response. "That's the spirit! Now come on...let's see if we can destroy these things~!"As the two get into position, you turn your attention down to the bottom of the ledge. Confirming your suspicion, you see that the girl has an open gym bag at the base of the ledge. You could probably hide inside of it...or, perhaps, you could reach out to her for help. In fact, you might even be better off dealing with the Tyrogue...