Looking your way up to the boy, he was just ginormous. Much bigger than the Pokemon you have been seeing around. Now you can see why the Zigzagoon ran away!
This boy was a bit overdressed. Long brown pants, a cardigan over his body, and boring shoes. Those shoes... you were able to see every detail about them. Even the dirt that has been shifted to the side with every light movement from the giant. A handbag over his body, big enough to be a house for you.
Speaking of the giant himself, he wasn’t old. A boy, maybe around 10 to 12. He had green medium-length hair and a very small frame. Small for his age, and skinny. Although that didn’t really matter to you.
If you were normal size, you know how small this boy would be to you, so it was pretty mind-blowing to see him just so big.
He was an all-powerful god, one who could snuff out your life without even his attention being needed. Those shoes you say could be bland, could also spell your demise.
You were intimidated by this boy, more than you have ever been before. Yet, he was just a small boy! Besides his Pokemon, he wasn’t in charge of anyone!
But he would be of you, every commandment the boy orders to you has to be obeyed, or you get punished by his whim.
“I-Is that a tiny?”
And apparently, this kid has got a terrific eye on him. He came to this grass, hoping to see some Pokemon, but what he saw was a tiny!
Right there in front of him, hidden among the grass! It was the first Tiny that Wally has ever seen, and he was amazed. He heard they were tiny, but that tiny. The boy looked down, his eyes filled with wonder.
You look up at the boy, terrified but knowing you wouldn’t be able to escape him. You swallow your fear before trying to address him. “Hey, I need your help.”
“D-Did you talk?” Wally had good ears, but even he had trouble hearing this. He spent most of his life indoors, sheltered. So he didn’t really piece together how terrifying it was for a tiny to see a human drop down to them.
And Wally did that. Dropping down onto one knee. You see the giant get down on one knee as you screamed.
He moved around and trampled some grass trees under his shifted shoe, his knee making a bigger implant into the dirt than his shoe ever did.
Looking up, he took up more of your sight.
“What did you say? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear up there.” Wally said, unaware of how scary that was.
“R-Right.” You say up to Wally. He seemed nice... at least try it. “Listen, I have no idea how I got this small, or where I am even. My name is (Your Name) and I could really use your help!” You shout this up to Wally as he looked down.
“I thought you tinies were born like that?” Wally said. “At least that’s what I read?”
“W-Wait... tinies?” You say under your breath. This... was common!
“And you don’t know where you are, well I guess you tinies wouldn’t know our big people routes.” He smiled down.
“N-No... no I was big, I was big I swear. Bigger than you even! I shrunk down!” You shout up to him.
He’s never read about that, maybe this tiny was delusional. Wally looked down, thinking. You down below terrified of what you have found out. Did you just join a sub-race of humans, that lived even under Pokemon?
“M-My pants are getting dirty... do you want to climb onto my hand?” Wally moved his palm and placed it down onto the ground. You see the hand flatten a large area in front of you as you were frightened.
Wally noticed as you took a couple of steps back, and chuckled. The loud chuckle reaching you down there. “Sorry, you are the first tiny I’ve ever met. My name is Wally, and I’m a Pokemon Trainer.” He smiled.
He was nice, so once again... you got your courage and did what you think was best. You move over to the side of his hand, feeling the texture. His hand was soft... so obviously he doesn’t do any sports or things like that. Looking up at the gentle giant, you move around and climb up onto his hand.
Wally could feel you scrambling on the side as he chuckled. He’s heard that humans always had fun with tinies, and if you feel this funny on his hand, he would believe it.
Once on his hand, Wally lifted himself up from the dirt. His eyes are on you, and getting a very funny sight of you falling over due to his sudden movement. You land down face-first into his palm, as the giant chuckled once again.
“Sorry, I guess that was a bit too fast. Now I know for next time though.” Wally smiled. “To think, you could be eaten by a Pokemon out here, even one as small as a Zigzagoon.”
It’s not something that you wanted to think about. Instead, you change the subject and start talking up to the giant.
“Wally listen to me! I-I don’t know what’s going on. I am not a tiny, or at least wasn’t! I was shrunken down, and I randomly found myself woken up there. You gotta believe me! You seem like a nice boy Wally, so please help me!”
Wally looked down. Still on about this story? It didn’t seem real, it couldn’t seem real. Was the tiny trying to trick him? The tiny was useless to whatever he wanted to do, so maybe he was trying to trick his way to freedom?
The only question was, did Wally believe the truth, or did he think you fabricated a lie?
Question Time:
Out of these Pokemon, which has Wally used?