(Pokemon Pred. Vore. Disposal. Water play/combat)
With the memory of your tiny form getting smashed upon the few-inch-tall seaside cliff-face fresh on your mind, you gaze out at the seemingly endless expanse of sea before you. It took quite a bit of effort for you to make any headway against the first wave, and more are sure to follow. Many normal sized humans are incapable of traversing the water on their own. What makes you think you'll be able to traverse the route with your size decreased twenty-fold? As much as it pains you to admit it, you have to get out of here. You have to make it back to shore.
That, too, is easier said that done.
You retreat away from the vast oceanic expanse before you, doubling back for the shores, and wait for the next bobbing wave to send you up high enough for you to claw your way up to shore. Yet the shoreline proves just a tad too high for you to ascend. Wave after wave you try and your every effort simply results in you colliding fruitlessly against a rock wall. As you struggle to get to shore, you have ample time to ponder your poor decisions. Opting to flee from town and into the sea, not devising any way to aid your journey across the water , and now here you are throwing your diminutive form helplessly against the shore. Why even head into the water if you're just going to double back in fear at the prospect of a few waves? Surely you could have chosen another route than this?
Another route...wait, that's right ! The Magikarp toy you saw earlier was tethered to shore by a rope. If you could make it to the toy, you might just be able to pull yourself to shore and plan out your next course of action with a little more care. You shimmy your way along the coastline, your progress interrupted by mighty waves every few seconds. Nevertheless, you slowly but surely progress towards the Magikarp toy, and by extension the thread that could be your shot at pulling yourself up from this watery death trap.
As you progress towards the ship, you begin to grow accustomed to the sounds of the waves washing over towards you. Accustomed enough to tell that you heard something else nestled in with the sounds of the moving water. glub. At first you thought you were hearing things, but reflecting on it, it's unmistakable. A bubble floating up to the surface and bursting. As you recover from the impact of the wave, you turn and realize that your suspicions were correct...and that it's too late to act upon them! Lurking just beneath the surface is an enormous Poliwag. Standing at 2 feet tall, this abyssal tadpole is nearly ten times your height....and is about as wide as it is tall. The Poliwag stares up at you with curiosity, its plump red lips parted just a tad from one another. The tadpole Pokemon blinks at you, aware and perhaps a bit embarrassed that it's been spotted by the curious little creature bobbing tantalizingly on the surface above.
Backed against a wall and right above an enormous if adorable potential predator, you quickly assess your situation. While tadpoles often primarily diet on vegetation , many of the larger ones aren't above eating dead insects or even frog eggs. Poliwag, however, is a far more sizable threat than a non-Pokemon frog. Poliwag may not be the fastest Pokemon on land, but they have an impressive reflexes, as reflected by their recorded speed stat, and are actually quite swift underwater. They can outswim a fully grown human ,and could certainly outswim you. By size, speed, combat aptitude, and terrain, this creature has you beat. There is no point in fighting it.
You wave down to the Poliwag and try to use your human intellect and charm to win it to your side. The Poliwag responds by clapping its feet together and grinning in amusement. Bubbles float to the surface as the creature no doubt giggles at the tiny human before it.
And then it lunges for you.
Before you can respond, its enormous lips seize around your lower half, the squishy moist fleshy walls locking tightly around you. The creature flops onto its back and kick off of the little cliff-like dropoff and darts away from shore, mercifully keeping your squirming form facing upright, above the water level, free to see the world blur around you. When the motions finally come to a halt, the Polywag simply lies in place upon its back, gazing up into the sky and clenching its lips firmly every time you try to pry your way free. Is it looking to spare you, possibly make you into a pet, or is it merely toying with you?
Just as you're growing accustomed to your current predicament, the Poliwag suddenly blows out an enormous Bubble, your body engulfed in the mixture of slobber and water produced by the tadpole Pokemon. With a gentle puff, it sends you skyward, your body sliding about within the bubble, unable to break the supernaturally strong film that the bubble's surface is composed of. Of course. Water types can actually KO Pokemon with the Bubbles they generate. It should be no surprise that this one can contain you! You feebly pound against the bottom of the bubble, but achieve little more than amusing the Poliwag, who lies upon its back and observes your struggles with great interest.
As the bubble continues to ascend, you wonder ho long it will last before it breaks open...and what might happen to you once it does. Gazing down fearfully at the waters below, you don't immediately notice the Poliwag pursing its lips together. But you sure do notice what happens next. An enormous spear of water ,actually no more than a simple Water Gun, spews out of its mouth and strikes the bubble, popping it and smashing you high into the air. You're sent tumbling down and landing in the water with a pitiful PLOP. Before you can react, the Poliwag seizes you into its maw once and once more sends you into the air via a bubble. Once more, a powerful Water Gun strikes the bubble, popping it and hitting you high into the sky.
This process repeats itself for some time , a humiliating display that reduces you to nothing more than an amusing toy. A target in an admittedly clever improvised carnival shooting gallery game. It repeats itself, that is, until you strike own on something a bit firmer than the sea surface.
Land! you're on land. You struggle to your feet, your body so sore and winded that you can feel your knees quivering just to keep you up. You stagger forward onto your belly, on the verge of passing out. You barely notice the fact that a shadow is engulfing your tiny form. With a mighty thwap of its tail, the Poliwag, now putting its status as an amphibian to full use, bats you back into the sea. Even on land you won't be able to evade it! Now worn out to the point of fainting, you simply lie belly up in the water and allow the water type to overtake you with its maw, this time seizing your upper half and not bothering to let go.
For a moment it seems that the Poliwag is merely content to suck on you. As if the games haven't ended, and have merely taken a new dimension. You put up the cutest show of resistance as your pretty little legs kick against the air. You thrash and threaten. You whine and cry. But your every resistance is met with one form of suckle or another But as you lie within its warm, smelly maw it dawns on you that right now you're being treated exactly as if you were some hard, fruity piece of candy. And before you know it, you suffer a similar fate.
The Poliwag quickly gulps your body down, sending you plunging into its inner workings. At 3 inches in height, you're bigger than most of its meals, but you're nothing it can't handle. The Poliwag shifts for a bit as it feels the slightest of struggles coming from within, but ultimately shrugs them off. and swims over to a secluded spot to rest.
As it rests, your tiny form makes a visible impression upon the Poliwag's innards. A slight bulge can be seen in the black spiral visible on the Pokemon's belly. The bulge works its way along the course of the spiral, gradually dwindling away as it gets closer to the center, until nothing is visible. And with that, your life is snuffed out within the Poliwag's belly. The Pokemon makes a brief visit sufaceside to deposit the squish mass that is your remains,not wanting to sully the seas with its waste, then hops back in and swims off, continuing on with its life.