Chapter #1Moving Day by: bobob1  You sat back on the couch and let out a big sigh of relief. Finally, the next big step in your life was ready to begin. With the help of your younger sister Tracy, you'd just finished bringing your belongings from your old house into your new apartment in the quiet suburban community of Sanderson. Of course, since you were a tiny from birth, you didn't really have a lot of personal belongings. In fact, all of your clothes, toiletries, and various other belongings fit completely inside of a single duffel bag, which was currently resting on the floor beside you.
Your new apartment was spacious and clean, and definitely a place you could see yourself living for the foreseeable future. It was a two-floor house, with the first floor having an entry hallway, living room, kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom, and the second floor having three bedrooms. The kitchen and living room came fully supplied with appliances and furniture. Each of the three bedrooms also had a bed and a dresser. On that note, you wondered how you missed the fact that there were only three bedrooms while reading the apartment description. Based on your split-rent deal, there would be four people total in this apartment. You supposed that someone would take the living room as their bedroom then.
You wondered when your new roommates would finally arrive, as everyone was scheduled to move in in about the same timeframe on this day. Tracy had left twenty minutes ago after saying her goodbyes, and you hoped you wouldn't be by yourself for much longer. Truthfully, you were nervous to meet the three other guys who would be sharing this place with you, but seeing as how they would be tinies like you (as you were still absolutely sure that you'd clicked the Tinies Only button), you believed that you'd be best friends with Morgan Sinclair, Avery Sinclair, and Quinn Wallace. As it was, all you knew about them were their names and ages, as their profiles had been quite barren on the website.
Right as you'd been reduced to nothing more than twiddling your thumbs while waiting on the living room couch, you heard the unmistakable sound of the front door to the apartment opening. Instantly bolting up at the ready, you quickly brushed your hair a bit neater and straightened your shirt. You weren't sure why you felt this compulsion to appear as neat as possible for your fellow tinies, but first impressions were important, after all. However, you were a bit caught off guard by hearing female giggles after the door opened, and could only assume that your new roommates had also enlisted their sisters for help moving in.
A moment later, and all thought fled out of your mind as two titanic giantesses strolled into the room. The first had long, chocolate brown hair, and was a fair bit taller than the second girl, who had the same brown hair dyed with bright streaks of pink. Both girls had deeply tanned, smooth skin, and were unbelievably attractive. Your mind went straight to their rather abundant curves (and you chastised yourself for staring at them even as you kept doing it), and their bodies were shown off brilliantly. The taller girl was wearing tight compression shorts and a trim tank top, and the shorter girl was wearing a quite revealing tank top and barely-there booty shorts. They were like twin angels.
"Oh gosh, this is a comfy living room!" The shorter girl gushed, her voice bouncy and energetic. She spun around in a circle as she entered the room. "Don'tcha think so, Morgan?"
The taller girl rolled her eyes, but was still smiling. "Yeah, Avery, it's nice. Lots of space for my workout gear."
The girls kept talking while looking around the living room, but you could only stare at them slack-jawed, your mind racing at a mile a minute. A tiny, unsettling thought had been creeping up into your mind as soon as you heard female voices in the entryway, but hearing the girls confirm their names for you sealed the deal: somehow, you had both managed to join an apartment deal with people who weren't tinies, and people who were giantesses on top of that!
You were shaken out of your dumbfounded stupor by the sight of Avery approaching the couch backwards, still engaged in conversation with her sister. The sight of the curvy girl towering above you stunned you into motionless inactivity, at least until she started lying down on the couch, never once making eye contact with you. You let out a startled scream and tried to run, only to trip as Avery's butt plopped down onto the half of the couch furthest from you, shaking the couch cushions and toppling you over. To make matters worse, your scream was drowned out by the titanic girl's infectious giggle, and fell on deaf ears.
"What are you doing?" Morgan sighed, and Avery laughed harmoniously again.
"Gettin' comfy! Like, unloading our stuff can wait!" Avery grinned childishly, utterly oblivious to what she was doing to the living room's third, tiny occupant.
Finally, Avery completely laid out on the couch, and with a muffled squelch, her left breast crashed onto you. She was lying on her side, so her sizable boobs had piled right onto your body, squashing your miniscule, one-inch body all the way up to your neck under her copious mounds of flesh. Your weak body flattened into nothing under her tank top covered boobs, and you thrashed your head around in a futile attempt to get free. All you could do was speak, which you hoped was enough.
"Hey! Please! Please, get off! I'm down here!" You shouted as loud as you could. Unfortunately, they way Avery's boobs were pinning you down, you had to angle your voice more into the cushion of the couch than up towards the two girls who could actually do something about the humiliating position you'd found yourself in.
Thankfully, fate cut you a break, and it was enough. Morgan frowned, and began looking around the room. "Uh, you hear that?" She began pacing around the room, trying to pick up the location of your voice.
Avery shook her head. "Nope. Is it someone outside? Are Quinn and that other yet? I hope that they're both super cute!"
Morgan smirked for a second. "You hope everyone is cute. But no, it sounds like..." Her voice trailed off as she spotted your almost unnoticeable head, sticking out from under her twin sister's tits and buried into the couch cushion. Kneeling in front of Avery, Morgan peered closely at you and gasped. "Oh! Oh..."
Avery bit her lip adorably. "What? What is it?"
Morgan flicked her eyes up from you to her sister. "You...uh...sat on a tiny."
Ten minutes later, and everything was cleared up. Or, at least, as well as it could be. You had introduced yourself to the twins after being freed from under Avery's boobs, and they had introduced themselves to you in turn. The three of you couldn't believe how crazy the mix-up in the apartment scheduling was, but Morgan and Avery seemed totally fine with rooming with a tiny. Avery in particular seemed quite intrigued by the prospect. From your initial meeting with them, Morgan seemed like the down-to-earth and sensible twin, while Avery was much more flirty and fun-loving. This whole scenario still put you on edge a tiny bit, as (aside from your mother and sister) you'd had very little direct interaction with giantesses your whole life.
After introductions, Morgan had gone to use the bathroom, leaving you alone with Avery. However, that only lasted a second before the front door opened again. Avery jumped to her feet to greet the newest visitor, and you, back on the couch, turned to watch as a third girl strolled into the room. Presumably, she was Quinn Wallace, and her appearance here practically cemented how dumb you had been to not double-check the apartment website before signing the contract. You'd seen your roommates' names, and as they were fairly gender neutral, you hadn't thought twice about it.
Your pre-planned introduction to Quinn fell to pieces as she walked into the room. Her hair was pitch-black and cut in a bob with bangs, and compared to the twin's, her skin tone was much paler and milky smooth. This was hardly the only difference, as you shamefully noted just how large Quinn's proportions were. Morgan and Avery had been a vision, true, but Quinn was on another level of thickness. Her boobs, butt, and thighs were some of the largest you'd ever seen, and they jiggled a bit as she walked. She was heavier than the twins, but in all the right places as far as you were concerned. She was wearing a comfy black sweater and very tight black leggings.
Unfortunately, right as you regained the ability to form sentences, Quinn walked over towards you while looking at Avery. Avery smiled cheerfully at Quinn, then flicked her eyes down to you. A mischievous glint twinkled in her eye.
"Hi! You must be Quinn!" Avery beamed. "My name is Avery, and can I say that you are totes adorable?"
Quinn huffed out a bit of air. "Thanks. Name's Quinn Wallace." She folded her arms and began to sit down, directly where you were on the couch. You hardly had time to react, and could only look up in surprise. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Avery smiling with a playful expression that made your heart sink. She was totally letting this happen. That girl was going to be a handful, wasn't she? | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |