Surprisingly enough, Dialga, or you, didn't have anything planned for today, which meant you were now given plenty of time to do as you pleased. "As if I don't already have as much time as I could need, mhmhm". You chuckle sweetly in her voice, before sitting down on your bed, trying to think of something you'd like to do, all while off-handedly admiring yourself in the full-length mirror. First thing's first, you'd need to make breakfast. You could already feel how hungry you were, your stomach growling in need. It's then you realize that it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend the time afterwards getting to know 'yourself'. After all, if you did end up staying in Dialga, it would be best to understand who she was, how she acted, etc. You definitely didn't wanna get caught controlling someone who seemed to have a lot of power in this world!
You get up from your bed, and head out into the kitchen, which also happened to have the same style of design as your room, most things having a sleek silver, blue, and black pattern on them. You manage to figure out how everything works quickly enough, and grab some rather strange looking orbs, which you assume to be eggs from this world. They crack easy enough, and as you thought, a familiar yolk comes out. You crack about two more, before realizing just how hungry you were. Seems that with a bigger body, a bigger appetite also followed. You crack yet another, before letting them all settle into a heated pan you'd set up earlier, and let them cook. After a few minutes, you see the edges begin to harden, so you flip all the eggs onto the opposite sides, and repeat the process. After a few more minutes, and extra preparation, you've made breakfast, consisting of some nicely fried eggs. You make a glass of milk, or that's what the label says it is, and sit down to eat. Once again, the food doesn't taste the same as your world's, but it's not bad by any means. Your body already has adjusted tastes, you assume, so everything was actually pretty good! Once that's all done, you once again pile dishes on the table, opting to clean everything at once later today. After that, you clean up what you can, and head back to your room.
Once there, you begin looking around your room, your mind immediately going to the possibility that Dialga may keep a diary or journal of some kind, or so you hoped. After looking for some time and turning up empty handed, or... clawed, you eventually get to that PC setup you'd seen from yesterday. You hadn't touched it much, but there was a chance that there could be something worthwhile on there. It made sense, now that you thought about it, considering how futuristic Dialga seemed to prefer things. You sat down in the sleek chair, perfectly made to fit your rather wide hips and rear, and lit up the screen by touching a key, only to be met with a lock screen. Darn. You had no idea how you would possibly know the password, and you didn't think guessing randomly was going to be the best idea. You begin thinking about how you'd find her password, and as you look around, you see a small sticky note attached to the underside of the curved keyboard that you hadn't noticed before. You flip it over, and read: 'T1me G0ddess'. "How appropriate for her, ha ha~!" You can't help but laugh at that. You type this into the prompt, and the screen comes to life, files of all kinds littering the monitors.
You look around, seeing so many files that all looked equally important. You find one that seems to be about notes, and as you read, you get a good sense of how Dialga likes to talk, just from text alone. She seems rather calm, collected, and confident, especially in her looks. She isn't self-centered, so much as she just likes to flaunt what she's got, not that you can blame her, currently experiencing her body first hand. Her business is air-tight, with little to no mistakes. Having the power to control time itself probably helps with that. You read through other files, getting some tips she made on how to more easily control her power. This actually might be quite handy in the future, especially if you remained in her.
After reading what felt like a large chunk of varying important files, you'd finally felt like you knew enough about 'yourself' to understand what you needed to do. If nothing else, you'd be able to fool anyone that didn't know you for sure. You finally stand up from the computer, taking a break, and start thinking about what you could do next. You look outside, and see that there's still plenty of daylight left for a few activities if you so desired.