Lincoln Thought about it. On the one hand, he didn't want to be stuck in his mom's gassy rump. But after her shift, she would take him to get food and walk around, and he hadn't left the house in a week.
"Fine." Lincoln gave in after realizing that the pros outweighed the cons. "Hooray," Rita said, happy about having her son between her cheeks. "Here we go," Rita says as she drops Lincoln down the back of her pants. Lincoln looked around, seeing the familiar sight of his mom's giant butt cheeks. As she walked to her car, Rita started humming and shaking her hips, much to Lincoln's displeasure.
Lincoln braced himself as his mom sat down; it was already bad being in the back of someone's pants, but it was a hundred times worse when they sat down. Rita began driving, and for a long time, Rita and Lincoln sat in silence. Then, all of a sudden, Lincoln started hearing gurgling. "Oh, no, not already," he said, and he got ready for what would come next. "Don't worry, honey," Rita assured her son, "I'm just hungry," and she started eating a sandwich. Lincoln sighed with relief, knowing he would be saved from his mom's booty blasts for a little while longer. "Here we are at the dental clinic," Rita said as she prepared to start working. Lincoln was happy they had gotten this far without him getting farted on.
Just after you said that, your surroundings began to shake, but it was different from when she was wiggling her hips. There was a distant but low rumbling that immediately alarmed you, even though you didn't know exactly what it was.
"Huh? You heard that? "Guess my belly's noisier than I thought," she giggled. You definitely didn't like that sound, and her attitude wasn't helping.
"Please tell me that it's hunger," Lincoln worriedly said, almost pleading, since the only other option would be much, much worse for him. There was a second of silence, but it felt much longer to him. Then, finally, there was another giggle, but it was different. It was a nervous one.
"No, it's not hunger, honey," Rita said apologetically.
'I know mom's always kind of gassy, but dammit! I wish I wouldn't have to suffer it so soon...' You thought, groaning quietly in frustration.
Rita started setting out the tools the doctor would need, and there was silence for a couple of minutes. Then, suddenly, Rita said, "I can't hold it anymore."