For now, you decide not to complicate things too much. You'd already taken Peach's body, so why not continue along that path? Peach hadn't been your first choice for a target to swap with, but you felt oddly close with her now that you'd taken on her physical form. Why not get even more in touch with the princess you'd made a part of you? There was only one question; what to swap next?
You didn't want to give up Peach's body just yet, that was for sure, so what else could you change? Perhaps if you'd started by swapping smaller aspects you'd have more to work with, but by taking her entire body in one go, there was relatively little you could swap without taking back parts of your old body. The idea of putting your old genitals on Peach's body briefly flashes through your mind and elicits a chuckle, but for now you put it out of your head. You wanted to take more of Peach right now, not take back parts of yourself.
The most obvious thing was her clothes. You may be borrowing Peach's body, but you were still dressed in your own male clothes. Perhaps what you were looking for was a more girly attire to match your girlier body. You were also a little curious about how exactly it would apply to Peach. The Princess Peach in Super Smash bros had eight different dresses that players could wear while fighting, but you knew she had plenty of other outfits she'd worn throughout the Mario series, from her sports outfits, to Mario's various powerups, to her basic pink dress that was just a bit simpler than what her Smash Bros incarnation wore. Would you get access to all those clothes, or would your wardrobe only contain the eight outfits she had in this game?
However, as you gazed upon the paused game, seeing your old body in Peach's idle stance, another way of getting into that dress crossed your mind. You looked like Peach right now, but to everyone else, you were still Michael. You were still a teenage boy who just happened to look like a cartoonish woman. What if you actually became Peach? From what you'd seen when browsing the list after targeting the dog, you could swap lives with a target, which you could only assume would make everyone see you as them, and them as you, basically swapping places with them. You weren't entirely sure if it would leave you with your current body as well, but you could easily fix that with another swap if not. You were a little anxious about that option though. Swapping lives with a real person seemed straightforward enough, once you accepted that it was apparently scientifically possible. You'd just live that person's life for as long as you wanted, and if you ever wanted to go back to your own life, you'd just have to see out the person living your life and swap back. With a fictional character though, that grew a little complicated. Would you be put into the game? And if so, could you still get back out into the real world, or would you forever be stuck inside a fictional world. Perhaps you wouldn't be able to go in there in the first place. Maybe you'd become Princess Peach, but in the real world somehow. Perhaps it would make Princess Peach into a real person for you to become, while "Michael" would become a fictional character on the Smash Bros roster. There was no way to know without trying.