While on the hard, rocky floor of the cave, you heard Mew speak up in her sweet voice, yet you also sensed a bit of excited-ness in there. " Little human, how would you like to live as my pet?".
Pet? Why would you want to be a pet, especially to a creature that tried to manipulate your mind. You voice your complaints to match your line of thought. "Why would I want to be a pet? Can't you just grow me back and send me on my way?"
Mew responded back near instantly, as if she was expecting the question. "I cannot simply send you on your way, because of the risk of you telling other humans of my presence in this forest"
"I won't tell anyone about you, I promise!"
"I cannot take your word for it"
Huh. That was a reasonable response, why should she trust a random no name human to not reveal that she had nearly killed him. You decide to explore other options before submitting to Mew. "What other options do I have?"
Mew suddenly gained a sad look while looking pitifully at you. "Death."
"Death? Isn't that kinda... drastic?"
"For you, it would be a mercy, considering you nearly died without my body heat. And since I cannot send you on your way normal size, these are your only options"
You mulled over your options, but considering your options were 'death' and 'pet', there wasn't much to mull over. Well, that and you could convince her to let you go if she trusts you over the course of time. "Well, I don't want to really die, so... I guess I'll be your pet."
"That is the smart choice, Little human. I promise you will live a comfortable life, at least as comfortable as I can make it."
Mew, then hovered towards you, still towering over you, and lifted you towards her arms with her psychic powers, and held you firmly in her grasp, not unlike someone protecting something else.
You were suddenly teleported by Mew to a pink, dream like space, where Mew (and by extension you) were floating above a cloud like substance.
How does your stay with Mew work out?
A: Peaceful, you ask Mew to leave after showing she can trust you, but Mew has gotten too attached (Yandere Mew ;D)
B: Chaotic, Mew was playing tricks and games with you the entire time, leaving you little time to relax outside of sleeping.
C: Invaded, A legendary other then Mew spotted you while visiting. Mew and said legendary fight over you.