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by Cobra
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2155995
Roland, Evan's chief consul and close friend, finds himself shrunk to a few inches tall.

Roland, Evan's chief consul and close friend, finds himself shrunk to a few inches tall.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

If you haven't played through Ni No Kuni 2 yet, you'll probably find spoilers of the story in here. I suggest you stop reading and come back when you are done with the game (If you are planning on playing it, that is.).


Also, be warned. The game features anthro characters and so will this interactive story. Just so you know...


You are Roland, Evan's chief consul and one of his closest friends. One day, while out and about Evermore, Evan's kingdom, Roland finds himself walking around it's streets, solving folks’ problems and checking that the kingdom is in top shape. As Roland is walking around town, a glint from an object catches his attention. Taking a closer look, he finds that the source of the glint is a mysterious blue jewel. Examining the jewel, it looks like there are shadows dancing inside of it, like fog moving around. Entranced by the beauty of the jewel, Roland grabs the jewel. Once he touches it, a sharp pain courses through his body, causing him to blackout. Once that he wakes up, he finds himself only a few inches tall.


1 No scat, watersports, gore or anything related.
2 Vore is fine as long as there's no digestion.
3 Try to keep the chapters long. 250+ words as minimum.
4 Sexual themes are fine, as long as there's a buildup and it makes sense.
5 Death is fine, as long as you respect the previous rules.
6 Please make an attempt at using proper grammar. You can use Microsoft word or Open Office to help you with it.
7 Third person only please!
8 Please, nothing overly violent or cruel.
9 Also, be warned. The game features anthro characters. Just so you know...

This isn't a rule, but please try keeping this gentle and wholesome. No sudden change of characters where they become murderous and sociopathic, please!



King Roland's current chief consul and closest friend, he used to be president of a nation in a faraway world. Finding himself stranded in Evan's world, Roland decides to help Evan become king of his own nation once again. And once that Evan is king, he becomes Evan's Chief Consul and closest advisor, not to mention Evan's most trusted friend. Roland is the main character in this interactive story.

Image of Roland  

King Evan

Current King of Evermore. Previously ousted from Ding Dong Dell by a mousekind uprising led by Mausinger (Evan's father closest advisor), the young king now finds himself commanding his own kingdom built up from the ground up by him and his friends. Now, he is working on getting other nations to sign the interdependence treaty, which will ensure that peace will be long lasting in the world at last.

Image of Evan  


Tani is a member of the sky pirates and she is the Daughter of Batu, the boss of the sky pirates. She saved Evan and Roland from getting executed at the Sky Pirate's base, and later she joined Evan and Roland's party after they saved her from the wyveryn's. She currently resides at the kingdom's mining camp.

Image of Tani  


The sky pirate's boss and father of Tani, Batu is one of the strongest character's that Evan gets to meet. When they first met, Batu wanted to execute both Evan and Roland for trespassing in the Sky Pirate's territory, but when Tani got kidnapped by the Wyveryn's, both Evan and Roland bargain with Batu that they'll rescue Tani in exchange for letting them live. Batu later joins Roland's and Evan's party after they rescue Tani and Roland manages to get his very own kingmaker.

Image of Batu  


Lofty, Evan's kingmaker, is quite small for for kingmaker. Really small. But he more than makes up with the advice that he gives Evan and by how he becomes a friend of the party.

Image of Lofty  


Grimalkin (Feline-like anthros)

1 Floyd - Previous cook in Ding Dong Dell's palace and now he works as a chef in Tasty's Cookshop in Evermore. His goal in life is to become the best chef in the world, and with the help of Evan, he might get there someday. (Image of Floyd)  

2 Persha - Previously she was a Lady-in-waiting in Ding Dong Dell's palace, help Evan about. Now, she is a proud citizen of evermore and works in the bazaar, selling and buying items. She used to be really close to Evan. (Image of Persha)  

Mousekind (Rodent-like anthros)

(Soon to add more)

EDIT1: I'll be adding chapters on a daily basis. I'm opening it now so people get a chance to participate early on.

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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2155995-Ni-No-Kuni-2-A-small-problem