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Rated: E · Interactive · Thriller/Suspense · #2133506
Story about an Alligator.

Story about an Alligator.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
"The Alligator"

My friend Steve and I lived in Florida close to "Naples" we had lived near a canal it was a big canal there was a bridge up above it where people could ride there bikes over or run on if you were into fitness.
Me and my friend however we loved to jump off the bridge and hit the water. The water was 12 feet deep at least so we never got hurt from it and we have been doing it for a long time now and we know how to do it safely. Anyways it was one hot summer day,Around 4:00 pm. my friend Steve climbed up top the railing and was about to jump.
I all of a sudden couldn't explain it and still to this day can't. I had an unbelievable bad feeling in my gut that day and I shouted at Steve "DON'T JUMP GET DOWN NOW!" I never yelled at Steve before I think he was even shocked.
He got down off the railing and apologized. We looked into the canal all of a sudden we see a snout come up for air,right in the spot he would have landed. An alligator was seen in the water waiting!....
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