You looked up and noticed that she was squinting her eyes hard, practically closing them stave off the downpour of sweat from her forehead. Moreover her entire body was practically drenched already, a layer of sweat giving her an almost glowing sheen. If it weren't for the dark blotches of sweat on her ass crack and under her breasts she would have looked like perfection to you. Even so you found yourself entranced by her shining body and bouncing assets. Before you got too caught up in your ogling you walked over to a nearby cabinet and grabbed a tan towel to bring to her. You never understood your wife's affinity for tan colored items, but they were often the cause of much hardship in your life. Regardless, you scaled up the cabinet and jumped from there to the control panel of the treadmill, directly in front of Mckayla's tremendous bust. You attempted to shout up to her but your voice could not reach her ears over her music. to get her attention you reached out with your arm and poked the exposed skin of her stomach below her sports bra.
From Mckayla's perspective she was struggling to deal with her body's sweaty tendencies. She knew that she was in no way tired from the run yet, but her body simply loved to produce as much sweat as possible whenever she exercised. Even worse, forgetting to wear her baseball cap that normally absorbed the sweat in her eyes caused a fair amount of it to drip down her forehead and begin stinging them. She was incredibly uncomfortable, but did not want to cut her run short in the middle, so when she felt something hit her stomach she assumed it had to be you giving her the towel. In one quick motion she yanked your arm that was touching her and began tossing your body around in her hands, getting ready to save her from this nightmare. Unfortunately even her light manipulation of your body triggered your squishy features, smushing your arms, legs, and head down into your torso. Somehow in an instant your wife had unknowingly transformed her husband into a perfectly rectangular object, just like the towel you were about to give her.
This was the absolute worst case scenario for you, you dropped the actual towel to the ground when your wife grabbed you, and felt your body quickly molded into its exact shape. Your wife said, "Thank you so much Tom, you are a lifesaver" and began to use you. Her first stop was obviously her face, wiping off her neck, cheeks, forehead, and finally eyes. You were praying that once your Mckayla could open her eyes again she would realize she was using you to mop up her excessive sweat. But when she looked at you she only said, "Woah I never realized we had towels that were this color, it's pretty cool looking!" Immediately your hopes were dashed, she mistook your thin shirt and shorts, which were giving her the clothlike feel of a towel, for a color-block design. She then moved onto to wiping you across her massive chest. She peeled her sports bra back and used you to swab each breast, and ultimately the crevice that ran between them. You soaked up practically all of her sweat, cursing your body for being so absorbent.
Just then, Mckayla pulled you out of the valley and you thought the process was over, but as she swung you around behind her back you realized it had just begun. "Tom honey, wherever you are in the room turn around, this is gonna get kind of nasty. Sorry" Mckayla said with a giggle but it felt much more ominous to you. She then used one hand to grab onto the back of her practically painted on leggings, and stretched it back. Your eyes could see each beachball-like cheek, and the Grand Canyon (compared to you) that separated them. More so it looked like her entire backside was practically underwater due to the amount of sweat pooled up back there. Before you could even brace yourself you felt your body plunge in. Immediately you felt an intense pressure that you were too familiar with. Each asscheek pressed against each other with what felt like tons of force, looking for anywhere for the massive amounts of flesh to flow because the tight leggings compacted it from the outside. Your body quickly disappeared completely as your wife began vigorously rubbing you around. The sweat and earthy scent of her crack filled your senses as each cheek crashed over you. You realized now that your wife hadn't even stopped running! She was doing this at the same time! You were being utterly destroyed by Mckayla's most impressive asset, and she had no idea she was doing it.
After a minute she seemed satisfied with her work, feeling much less sweaty overall and much better. She tried to tug you out of her ass, but a combination of the pressure between her buns and the smaller amount of sweat created friction on your body. She yanked a bit harder and pulled her little towel out of her ass, but in the process she tore off your shirt and shorts! Leaving them deep in her ass. She looked once again at your towel shaped body but this time only saw tan. Mckayla looked a bit confused and said, "I thought I was using a different towel than this? Weird, I guess not." She then flopped your thoroughly soaked and smelly body over the console and kept running. After another minute or so you found yourself having a tough time reforming. The complete saturation of her sweat on your body was starting to solidify and prevent the process. Luckily for you however, Mckayla began to feel something like a wedgie way down in her ass.
Back to Mckayla's perspective she was feeling so much better. She was now dry and could keep running the rest of her planned time. The towel that she had used had been incredibly absorbant, probably the best one she had ever used. She took a mental note to ask you where you got it from later. But as she focused back on her running she felt an irritation in her crack. Mckayla first tried to ignore it, but simply could not, it was bothering her too much. So she reached a hand back there and fished around, finally feeling some extra fabric that was definitely not her thong. She pulled it out of her ass and inspected the unknown intrusion. It was actually two small pieces of cloth, completely soaked by her sweat, but when she pulled them apart she realized that it was a tiny pair of shorts and a shirt! "What the hell, why was this in my ass?" she wondered. She looked around the room to find you to ask you but couldn't spot you anywhere. In her process though she saw how much cleaner the room looked already thanks to you! But simultaneously she noticed the only thing left was one dry tan towel laying on the ground next to the treadmill. She didn't understand why her husband brought her two towels until she took a second look at the soaked towel she had just used. Right then all of the puzzle pieces fit together and a lightbulb went off in her head.
"Oh shit... Tom, please don't tell me this is you right here" Mckayla said evidently worried as she looked at the towel hanging on the treadmill console. You were honestly taken back and proud of your wife for realizing her mistake. It took memory and connecting the dots for her to make this connection. Knowing this was your only shot at freedom you wiggled as hard as you could, sending a wave of movement through your towel shaped body. Mckayla's jaw dropped and for the first time so far she actually stopped running. She immediately scooped your little body up and ran to the bathroom saying "Oh my god, oh my god I'm so sorry for what I just did to you. That was so gross of me!" she quickly stripped down and filled the tub, getting in with you. You felt your wife's soft hands massaging your towel like form, as well as felt the sweat begin to seep out of your body. Soon enough you were almost fully recovered, and your wife asked, "Can you forgive me?" in an evidently worried tone. Your face was totally reformed by this point so you smiled and said, "Of course babe, accidents happen. You know I can never be mad at you for stuff like that. I'm just glad you noticed me! That was some pretty impressive detective work!" You attempted to make your beautiful wife feel better about confusing you for a towel, and it seemed like it was working. She giggled and responded, "Hehe I guess it was! Thanks! Finding your little clothes in my buttcrack is what really gave it away." You were happy she wasn't beating herself up too much, "But you were the real star. You were like, the best towel I've ever used! It could definitely be a career path for you if you wanted it to be" Mckayla added jokingly. You laughed and said back, "Yeah that or your insole right?" Mckayla thought for a second, and said, "Wow yeah I've never thought of that! If you ever want to we should try it someday!"
You facepalmed and smiled one more time at your wife not only forgetting about her marathon with you as her insole, but even forgetting about the conversation you had about it no more than 30 minutes ago. She's the love of your life but she truly is the world's biggest ditz. After your conversation you two got out of the bathtub and decided how to continue her day off...