And so with his mother's best advice to try and impress with these bullies by getting bigger, Lewis agreed and heads towards the beach, which is not too far from where he lives. Luckily, it was a hot sunny day, and it was a good time for a youngster to have a day out, while also trying to find some food to make him grow fatter instantly from that potion he drank earlier.
There are several people here, either on the beach, the pier, or in the arcade and restaurant, so there are different varieties for anyone to spend some time for a whole day. Lewis is about to be one of them, when he arrived in a white vest, and navy speedos, and the kid had that grin look to his face, knowing he cannot wait to get bigger, but also see the look on the bullies' faces when his body fattens it faster.
Of course, Lewis is getting a lot hungry from that drink his parents gave to him, but he needed to find these bullies, which he believed to be somewhere around the area. But it wouldn't take long before he spots them from within distance from his point of view.
"Here there are, right on cue!" Lewis smirked with ehusiasm.
There are three boys Lewis had spotted them, but there are older than him, which makes a reason why these bullies wanted to pick a little and vulnerable one like Lewis in the first place. The ring leader is Damien, and he's 11 years of age. The other two, Kyle and Seth are 10 years of age, and they make a good combo with Damien to every student a constant threat, especially to Lewis in most cases.
But things are about to change when the youngster has his sights on them, and he can watch and see where they're heading to, so he can try and catch up to them, but also try and get lots of food to get fed, so he can show off and get bigger right in front of them.
"Hehe... looks like they're heading towards ___________, and I cannot wait to get my revenge on them in no time." Lewis grinned with excited, and quickly gets over there as quickly as possible.